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We generalize the Poletsky disc envelope formula for the function sup{uPSH(X, ω);uϕ} on any complex manifoldXto the case where the real(1,1)-currentω=ω1ω2is the difference of two positive closed(1,1)-currents andϕis the difference of anω1-upper semicontinuous function and a plurisubharmonic function.

1. Introduction

Many of the extremal plurisubharmonic functions studied in pluripotential theory are given as suprema of classes of plurisubharmonic functions satisfying some bound which is given by a functionϕ. Some of these extremal functions can be expressed as envelopes of disc functionals. The purpose of this paper is to generalize a disc envelope formula for extremalω-plurisubharmonic functions of the form sup{uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}proved in [7]. Our main result is the following:

Theorem1.1. LetXbe a complex manifold,ω =ω1ω2be the difference of two closed positive(1,1)-currents onX,ϕ= ϕ1ϕ2be the difference of anω1-upper semicontinuous functionϕ1inL1loc(X)and a plurisubharmonic functionϕ2, and assume that{uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}is non-empty. Then the functionsup{uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}isω-plurisubharmonic and for everyxX\sing(ω),

sup{u(x);uPSH(X, ω), uϕ}




ϕf dσ;fAX, f (0)=x


If{uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}is empty, then the right hand side is−∞for everyxX. HereAXdenotes the set of all closed analytic discs inX,σ is

Received 31 May 2011.


the arc length measure on the unit circleTnormalized to1, andRfω is the Riesz potential in the unit discDof the pull-backfωof the currentωby the analytic discf.

Observe that the supremum on the left hand side defines a function onX, but the infimum on the right hand side defines a function ofxonly onX\sing(ω).

The reason is that forfAXwithf (0)= x ∈sing(ω)both termsRfω(0) and

Tϕf dσ may take the value+∞or the value−∞and in these cases it is impossible to define their difference in a sensible way. The infimum is extended toXby taking limes superior as explained in Section 5.

The theorem generalizes a few well-known results. Our main theorem in [7] is the special caseϕ2=0 andω2=0.

The case ϕ2 = 0 and ω = 0 is Poletsky’s theorem, originally proved by Poletsky [8] and Bu and Schachermayer [1] for domains X in Cn, and generalized to arbitrary manifolds by Lárusson and Sigurdsson [5], [6] and Rosay [9]. The caseϕ1= 0 andω =0 is a result of Edigarian [3]. The case ϕ2=0 andω=0 with a weak notion of upper semi-continuity was also treated by Edigarian [2]. The case whenϕ1 = ϕ2 = 0,ω1 = 0 andω2 = ddcv, for a plurisubharmonic functionvonX, was proved by Lárusson and Sigurdsson in [5], [6].

We combine the last case to the case whenω=0 in the following corollary, which unifies the Poisson functional and the Riesz functional from [5].

Corollary1.2.Assumev is a plurisubharmonic function on a complex manifoldXand letϕ=ϕ1ϕ2be the difference of an upper semicontinuous functionϕ1and a plurisubharmonic functionϕ2. Then

sup{u(x);uPSH(X), uϕ,L(u)L(v)}

=inf 1


log|·|(vf )+


ϕf dσ;fAX, f (0)=x


WhereL is the Levi form. This follows simply from the fact that ifω =

ddcv, thenPSH(X, ω)= {uPSH(X);L(u)L(v)}and the Riesz potentialRfω(0)is given by the first integral on the right hand side. Further- more, sinceω1=0 the functionϕ1isω1-usc if and only ifϕ1is usc.

The plan of the paper is the following. In Section 2 we introduce the ne- cessary notions and results onω-upper semicontinuous functions,ω-plurisub- harmonic functions, and analytic discs. In Section 3 we prove Theorem 1.1 in the special case whenω=0. In Section 4 we treat the case when the currents ω1 and ω2 have global potentials. Section 5 contains an improved version of the Reduction Theorem used in [7] which we use to reduce the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the general case to the special case of global potentials.


This project was done under the supervision of my advisor Ragnar Sig- urdsson, and I would like to thank him for his invaluable help writing this paper and for all the interesting discussions relating to its topic.

2. Theω-plurisubharmonic setting

First a few words about notation. We assume X is a complex manifold of dimensionn. ThenAX will be theclosed analytic discsinX, i.e. the family of all holomorphic mappings from a neighbourhood of the closed unit disc,D, intoX. The boundary of the unit discDwill be denoted byTandσwill be the arc length measure onTnormalized to 1. Furthermore,Dr = {zC; |z|< r} will be the disc centered at zero with radiusr.

We start by seeing that ifωis a closed, positive(1,1)-current on a manifold X, i.e. acting on(n−1, n−1)-forms, then locally we have a potential forω, that is for every pointx there is a neighbourhoodU ofx and a psh function ψ :UR∪ {−∞}such thatddcψ =ω. This allows us to work with things locally in a similar fashion as the classical case,ω= 0. We will furthermore see that when there is a global potential, that is, whenψcan be defined on all ofX, then most of the questions aboutω-plurisubharmonic functions turn into questions involving plurisubharmonic functions.

Here we letdanddcdenote the real differential operatorsd = + and dc=i(∂∂). Hence, inCwe haveddcu=u dV wheredV is the standard volume form.

Proposition2.1.LetXbe a complex manifold with the second de Rham cohomologyH2(X)=0, and the Dolbeault cohomologyH(0,1)(X)=0. Then every closed positive(1,1)-currentωhas a global plurisubharmonic potential ψ :XR∪ {−∞}, such thatddcψ =ω.

Proof. Sinceωis a positive current it is real, and from the factH2(X)=0 it follows that there is a real currentηsuch that=ω. Now writeη=η1,0+ η0,1, where η1,01,0(X,C) andη0,10,1(X,C). Note that η0,1 = η1,0 sinceηis real. We see, by counting degrees, that∂η0,1=ω0,2=0. Then since H(0,1)(X)=0, there is a distributionμonXsuch that∂μ=η0,1. Hence


If we setψ =μ)/2i, then

ω ==d(∂μ+∂μ)=(∂+∂)(∂μ+∂μ)=∂∂(μμ)=ddcψ.

Finally,ψ is a plurisubharmonic function sinceωis positive.


If we apply this locally to a coordinate system biholomorphic to a polydisc and use the Poincaré lemma we get the following.

Corollary2.2.For a closed, positive(1,1)-currentω there is locally a plurisubharmonic potentialψ such thatddcψ =ω.

Note that the difference of two potentials forωis a pluriharmonic function, thusC. So thesingular setsing(ω)ofωis well defined as the union of all ψ1({−∞})for all local potentialsψ ofω.

In our previous article [7] on disc formulas forω-plurisubharmonic func- tions we assumed thatωwas a positive current. Here we can use more general currents and in the following we assumeω = ω1ω2, whereω1andω2are closed, positive(1,1)-currents. We have plurisubharmonic local potentialsψ1

andψ2forω1andω2, respectively, and we write the potential forωas ψ (x)=


ψ1(x)ψ2(x) ifx /∈sing(ω1)∩sing(ω2) lim sup


ψ1(y)ψ2(y) ifx ∈sing(ω1)∩sing(ω2) and the singular set ofωis defined as sing(ω)=sing(ω1)∪sing(ω2).

The reason for the restriction toω = ω1ω2, which is the difference of two positive, closed(1,1)-currents, is the following. Our methods rely on the existence of local potentials which are well defined psh functions, not only distributions, for we need to apply Riesz representation theorem to this potential composed with an analytic disc. Withω = ω1ω2 we can work with the local potentials ofω1andω2separately, and they are are given by psh functions.

Definition2.3. A functionu:X→[−∞,+∞] is calledω-upper semi- continuous(ω-usc) if for everya∈sing(ω), lim supX\sing(ω)zau(z)=u(a) and for each local potentialψ ofω, defined on an open subsetU ofX,u+ψ is upper semicontinuous onU \sing(ω)and locally bounded above around each point of sing(ω).

Equivalently, we could say that lim supsing(ω)zau(z) = u(a) for every a∈sing(ω)andu+ψ extends as

lim sup


(u+ψ )(z), for a∈sing(ω)

to an upper semicontinuous function on U with values inR∪ {−∞}. This extension will be denoted (u+ ψ ). Note that (u+ψ ) is not the upper semicontinuous regularization(u+ψ )of the functionu+ψ, but just a way to define the sum on sing(ω)where possibly one of the terms is equal to+∞

and the other might be−∞.


Definition 2.4. An ω-usc functionu : X → [−∞,+∞] is called ω- plurisubharmonic(ω-psh) if(u+ψ )is psh onUfor every local potentialψ ofωdefined on an open subsetU ofX. We letPSH(X, ω)denote the set of allω-psh functions onX.

Similarly we could say thatuisω-psh if it isω-usc andddcuω.

As noted after Definition 2.1 in [7] the conditions on the values of u at sing(ω)are to ensure thatuis Borel measurable and thatuis uniquely determ- ined from its values outside of sing(ω).

Ifωandωare cohomologous then the classesPSH(X, ω)andPSH(X, ω)are essentially translations of each other.

Proposition2.5.Assume bothωandωare the difference of two positive, closed(1,1)-currents. If the currentωωhas a global potentialχ =χ1χ2 : X → [−∞,+∞], where χ1 andχ2 are psh functions, then for every uPSH(X, ω) the functionudefined byu(x) = u(x)χ (x)forx /∈ sing(ω)∪sing(ω)extends to an unique function inPSH(X, ω)and the map PSH(X, ω)PSH(X, ω),uuis bijective.

Proof. Letψ = ψ1ψ2 be a local potential ofω. The functionsψ1 = ψ1+χ1andψ2=ψ2+χ2are well defined as the sums of psh functions. Then ψ =ψ1ψ2, extended over sing(ω)as before, is a local potential ofωsince ω=ω+ddcχ.

TakeuPSH(X, ω)and define a functionuonXby



(u+ψ)(x)ψ (x) forxX\sing(ω) lim sup


(u+ψ)(y)ψ (y) forx∈sing(ω)

This definition is independent ofψsince any other local potential ofωdiffers from ψ by a continuous pluriharmonic function which cancels out in the definition ofu, due to the definition ofψ.

Thenu+ψ = (u+ψ)onX\sing(ω)where the sum is well defined, since neitherunorψ are+∞there. The right hand side is usc sou+ψ is usc onX\sing(ω). But(u+ψ)is usc onXso the extension(u+ψ )also satisfies(u+ψ )=(u+ψ)and is therefore psh sinceuPSH(X, ω).

This shows thatuPSH(X, ω).

This map fromPSH(X, ω)toPSH(X, ω)is injective becauseu=uχ almost everywhere and the extension over sing(ω)∪sing(ω)is unique.

By changing the roles of ω and ω we get an injection in the opposite direction which mapsvPSH(X, ω)to a functionvPSH(X, ω)defined asv =v+χoutside of sing(ω)∪sing(ω). These maps are clearly the inverses of each other because if we apply the composition of them to the function


uPSH(X, ω)we get anω-upper semicontinuous function which satisfies (uχ )+χ =uoutside of sing(ω)∪sing(ω). Since this function is equal toualmost everywhere they are the same, which shows that the composition is the identity map.

Proposition2.6.Ifϕ:X → [−∞,+∞]is anω-usc function we define Fω,ϕ = {uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}. IfFω,ϕ = ∅thensupFω,ϕPSH(X, ω), and consequentlysupFω,ϕFω,ϕ.

Proof. Assumeψis a local potential ofωdefined onUX. ForuFω,ϕ, the function(u+ψ )is a psh function onUsuch that(u+ψ )+ψ ). The supremum of the family{(u+ψ );uFω,ψ} ⊂ PSH(U )therefore defines a psh functionFψ(x)= (sup{(u+ψ )(x);uFω,ϕ}) onU, with Fψ+ψ ). We want to emphazise the difference between † and∗. The extension of the functionu+ψ over sing(ω), where the sum is possibly not defined, is denoted by(u+ψ )but∗is used to denote the upper semicontinuous regularization of a function.

Since the difference of two local potentials is a continuous function, the function(sup{(u+ψ );uFω,ϕ})ψ is independent ofψ. This means

that S=Fψψ, on U \sing(ω),

extended over sing(ω)using lim sup, is a well-defined function onX.

ClearlySisω-psh since(S+ψ )=Fψ which is psh, andSsatisfies supFω,ϕ+ψFψ =S+ψϕ+ψ, on U \sing(ω).

This implies

(1) supFω,ϕSϕ,

on U \sing(ω). The later inequality holds also on sing(ω)because of the definition ofSat sing(ω)and theω-upper semicontinuity ofϕ.

Furthermore, ifuFω,ϕanda∈sing(ω), then u(a)=lim sup


u(x)≤lim sup


[supFω,ϕ(x)]≤lim sup



Taking supremum overuthen shows that the first inequality in (1) holds also on sing(ω). Hence, supFω,ϕS and SFω,ϕ, that is supFω,ϕ = SPSH(X, ω).

Proposition2.7.Ifu, vPSH(X, ω)thenmax{u, v} ∈PSH(X, ω).

Proof. For any local potentialψwe know that max{u, v} +ψ =max{u+ ψ, v+ψ}is usc outside of sing(ω)and locally bounded above around each point


of sing(ω). Therefore, the extension(max{u, v} +ψ )is equal to max{(u+ ψ ), (v+ψ )}which is psh, hence max{u, v}isω-psh.

It is important for us to be able to define the pullback ofωby a holomorphic disc because it is needed to includeωin the disc functional for the case ofω-psh functions in Chapters 4 and 5.

Assumef (0) /∈sing(ω)and letψbe a local potential ofω. We definefω, the pullback ofωbyf, locally byddcf ). Since the difference of two local potentials is pluriharmonic, this definition is independent of the choice ofψ, and it gives a definition offωon all ofD. Note thatψf is not identically

±∞sincef (0) /∈sing(ω).

Ifω=ω1ω2, then we could as well define the positive currentsfω1and fω2, usingψ1andψ2respectively, and then definefω = fω1fω2. This gives the same result sinceψf =ψ1fψ2f almost everywhere.

Proposition2.8.The following are equivalent for a functionuonX.

(i) uis inPSH(X, ω).

(ii) uisω-usc andfuSH(D, fω)for allfAXsuch thatf (D)⊂ sing(ω).

The proof is the same as the proof of Proposition 2.3 in [7], whereω2=0.

3. Proof in the caseω=0

We start by proving the main theorem in the case whenω1=ω2=0. Note that ifω1=0 thenω1-upper semicontinuity is equivalent to upper semicontinuity.

In the following we assumeϕ1is an uscL1locfunction andϕ2is a psh function on a complex manifoldX. We define the functionϕ :X→[−∞,+∞] by



ϕ1(x)ϕ2(x) ifϕ2(x)= −∞

lim sup

ϕ−12 (−∞)yx

ϕ1(y)ϕ2(y) ifϕ2(x)= −∞.

DefineAXas the set of all closed analytic discs inX, that is holomorphic functions from a neighbourhood of the closed unit disc inCintoX. ThePoisson disc functionalHϕ : AX → [−∞,+∞] of ϕis defined asHϕ(f ) =

Tϕf dσforfAX, and theenvelopeEHϕ :X→[−∞,+∞] ofHϕis defined as

EHϕ(x)=inf{Hϕ(f );fAX, f (0)=x}.

The definition of the functionϕ should be viewed alongside Lemma 3.3, which states roughly that it suffices to look at discs not lying entirely in ϕ1({−∞}).


Note thatϕis aL1locfunction and that the Poisson functional satisfiesHϕ = Hϕ1Hϕ2, whenHϕ1(f )= −∞orHϕ2(f )= −∞.

We start by showing that Theorem 1.1 holds true on an open subsetXofCn using convolution.

Letρ :CnRbe a non-negativeC radial function with support in the unit ballBinCnsuch that

Bρ dλ = 1, whereλis the Lebesgue measure in Cn. For an open setXCnwe letXδ = {xX;d(x, Xc) > δ}and ifχ is in L1loc(X)we define the convolutionχδ(x)=

Bχ (xδy)ρ(y) dλ(y)which is aCfunction onXδ. It is well known that ifχPSH(X)thenχδχ and χδ χ asδ0.

Lemma3.1.AssumeXCnis open andϕ=ϕ1ϕ2as above. IffAXδ, then there existsgAX such thatf (0) = g(0)andHϕ(g)Hϕδ(f ), and consequently,EHϕ|XδEHϕδ.

Proof. Sinceϕ1is usc andϕ2is psh the function(t, y)ϕ(f (t )δy) is integrable onT×B. By using the change of variablesytywheretT and thatρis radial we see that

Hϕδ(f )=



ϕ(f (t )δy)ρ(y) dλ(y) dσ (t )




ϕ(f (t )δty)ρ(y) dλ(y) dσ (t )



ϕ(f (t )δty) dσ (t )

ρ(y) dλ(y).

From measure theory we know that for every measurable function we can find a point where the function is less than or equal to its integral with respect to a probability measure. Applying this to the functiony

Tϕ(f (t )δty) dσ (t ) and the measureρ dλwe can findy0Bsuch that

Hϕδ(f )


ϕ(f (t )δty0) dσ (t )=Hϕ(g),

ifgAXis defined byg(t )=f (t )δty0. It is clear thatg(0)=f (0).

By taking the infimum overf, we see thatEHϕ|XδEHϕδ.

Note thatEHϕ|Xδ is the restriction of the functionEHϕ toXδ, but not the envelope of the functionalHϕ restricted toAXδ. There is a subtle difference between these two, and in general they are different. The functionEHϕδ how- ever, is only defined onXδsince the disc functionalHϕδ is defined onAXδ.


Lemma3.2.Ifϕ=ϕ1ϕ2as above, then for everyfAXthere is a limit limδ0Hϕδ(f )Hϕ(f )and it follows that for everyxX,


Proof. LetfAX, β > Hϕ(f ), andδ0 be such thatf (D)Xδ0, and assumeϕ2f = −∞. Sinceϕ2is plurisubharmonic we know thatϕ2,δϕ2

onXδfor allδ < δ0, so

Hϕδ(f )=Hϕ1,δ(f )Hϕ2,δ(f )



B(f (t ),δ)

ϕ1dσ (t )Hϕ2(f ).

The upper semicontinuity ofϕ1implies that the integrand on the right side is bounded above on Tand also that it decreases to ϕ1(f (t ))whenδ → 0. It follows from monotone convergence that the integral tends to

Tϕ1f dσ = Hϕ1(f ) when δ → 0, that is the right side tends to Hϕ(f ) < β. We can therefore findδ1δ0such that



B(f (t ),δ)

ϕ1f dσHϕ2(f ) < β, for every δ < δ1. However, ifϕ2f = −∞, then by monotone convergence

Hϕδ(f )=



ϕ(f (t )δy)ρ(y) dλ(y) dσ (t )



B(f (t ),δ)

ϕ dσ (t )=



B(f (t ),δ)\ϕ2−1(−∞)

1ϕ2) dσ (t )



lim sup

yf (t )

1(y)ϕ2(y)) dσ (t )=Hϕ(f ).

This along with the fact thatEHϕ(x)EHϕδ(x)by Lemma 3.1 shows that limδ0EHϕδ =EHϕ.

Lemma 3.3. If ϕ = ϕ1ϕ2 as before, fAX, f (D)ϕ21(−∞), andε > 0, then there is a disc gAX such that g(D)ϕ21(−∞)and Hϕ(g) < Hϕ(f )+ε.

Proof. By Lemma 3.2 we can findδ >0 such thatHϕδ(f )Hϕ(f )+ε.

LetB˜ = {yB; {ϕ(f (t )δty);tD} ⊂ϕ21(−∞)}, thenB\ ˜B is a zero set and as before there isy0∈ ˜Bsuch that


ϕ(f (t )δty0) dσ (t )


˜ B

ϕ(f (t )δty)ρ(y) dλ(y) dσ (t )=Hϕδ(f ).


We definegAXbyg(t )=f (t )δty0. ThenHϕ(g)Hϕ(f )+ε.

Lemma3.4.Letϕbe usc on a complex manifoldXandFO(Dr×Y, X), where r > 1 and Y is a complex manifold, then yHϕ(F (·, y))is usc.

Furthermore, ifϕis psh then this function is also psh.

Proof. Fix a point x0Y and a compact neigbourhood V of x0. The functionϕF is usc and therefore bounded above onT×V so by Fatou’s lemma

lim sup


Hϕ(F (·, x))


lim sup


ϕ(F (t, x)) dσ (t )



ϕ(F (t, x0)) dσ (t )

=Hϕ(F (·, x0)), which shows that the function is usc.

Assumeϕis psh and lethAY. Then


Hϕ(F (·, h(s))) dσ (s)=



ϕ(F (t, h(s))) dσ (t ) dσ (s)




ϕ(F (t, h(s))) dσ (s) dσ (t )


ϕ(F (t, h(0))) dσ (t )

=Hϕ(F (·, h(0))),

because for fixedt, the functionsϕ(F (t, h(s)))is subharmonic.

Proof of Theorem1.1for an open subsetX ofCn andω = 0. We start by showing that the envelope is usc.

Sinceϕδis continuous we have by Poletsky’s result [8] thatEHϕδ is psh, in particular it is usc and does not take the value+∞.

Now, assumexXand letδ >0 be so small thatxXδ. By the fact that EHϕδ <+∞andEHϕ|XδEHϕδ we see thatEHϕ is finite.

For everyβ > EHϕ(x), we letδ > 0 be such thatEHϕδ(x) < β. Since EHϕδ is upper semicontinuous there is a neighbourhoodVXδ ofxwhere EHϕδ < β. By Lemma 3.1 we see thatEHϕ < βonV, which shows thatEHϕ is upper semicontinuous.

Now we only have to show thatEHϕ satisfies the sub-average property.

Fix a pointxX, an analytic dischAX,h(0)=xand findδ0such that h(D)Xδ0. Note that the functionEHϕδ is psh by Poletsky’s result [8] since


ϕδis continuous. Then Lemma 3.1 and the plurisubharmonicity ofEHϕδ gives that for everyδ < δ0,



EHϕδh dσ.

When δ → 0 Lebesgue’s theorem along with Lemma 3.2 implies that EHϕ(x)

TEHϕh dσ.

SinceEHϕ(x)Hϕ(x)=ϕ(x), whereHϕ(x)is the functionalHϕ evalu- ated at the constant disctx, we see thatEHϕ ≤supFϕ.

Also, ifuFϕ andfAX, then u(f (0))


uf dσ


ϕf dσ =Hϕ(f ).

Taking supremum overuFϕand infimum overfAXwe get the opposite inequality, supFϕEHϕ, and therefore an equality.

For the case whenXis a manifold we need the following theorem of Lárus- son and Sigurdsson (Theorem 1.2 in [6]).

Theorem3.5.A disc functionalH on a complex manifoldXhas a plur- isubharmonic envelope if it satisfies the following three conditions.

(i) The envelopeEH is plurisubharmonic for every holomorphic sub- mersionfrom a domain of holomorphy in affine space intoX, where the pull-backH is defined asH (f )=H (f )for a closed disc f in the domain of.

(ii) There is an open cover ofXby subsetsUwith a pluripolar subsetZU such that for everyhAUwithh(D)Z, the functionwH (h(w)) is dominated by an integrable function onT.

(iii) IfhAX,wT, andε >0, thenwhas a neighbourhoodU inCsuch that for every sufficiently small closed arcJ inTcontainingwthere is a holomorphic mapF : Dr ×UX,r >1, such thatF (0,·)= h|U


(2) 1

σ (J )


H (F (·, t )) dσ (t )EH (h(w))+ε,

where the integral on the left hand side is the lower integral, i.e. the supremum of the integrals of all integrable Borel functions dominated by the integrand.

Proof of Theorem1.1for a general complex manifoldXandω=0.

We have to show thatHϕsatisfies the three condition in Theorem 3.5. Condition


(i) follows from the case above whenXCn and condition (ii) if we take U =XandZ=ϕ1({+∞}). ThenHϕ(h(w))=ϕ(h(w))which is integrable sinceh(0) /Z.

To verify condition (iii), lethAX,wTandβ > EHϕ(h(w)). Then there is a discfAX,f (0)=h(w)such thatHϕ(f ) < β. Now look at the graph{(t, f (t ))}off inC×Xand letπ denote the projection fromC×X toX. As in the proof of Lemma 2.3 in [5] there is, by restricting the graph to a discDr,r >1, a bijectionfrom a neighbourhood of the graph ontoDn+1 such that(t, f (t )) = (t,0). In order to clarify the notation we write 0 for the zero vector inCn.

If we define ϕ˜ = ϕπ1, then Hϕ(f ) = Hϕ˜((·,0)), where (·,0) represents the analytic disct(t,0, . . . ,0). The functionϕ˜is defined on an open subset ofCn+1which enables us to smooth it using convolution as in the first part of this section.

By Lemma 3.2, there isδ ∈ ]0,1[ such thatHϕ˜δ((·,0)) < β. Sinceϕ˜δ is continuous, the functionxHϕ˜δ((·,0)+x)is continuous. Then there is a neighbourhoodU˜ of 0 inDn1δ, such thatHϕ˜δ((·,0)+x) < βforx ∈ ˜U. Let JTbe a closed arc such thath(J )˜ ⊂ ˜U, whereh(t )˜ =(0, h(t )).

With the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 3.1, we findy0B ⊂ Cn+1such that

β > 1 σ (J )


Hϕ˜δ((·,0)+ ˜h(t )) dσ (t )

= 1 σ (J )




ϕ((s,0)+h(t )δsy) dσ (s) dσ (t )

ρ(y) dλ(y)

≥ 1 σ (J )




ϕ((s,0)+ ˜h(t )δsy0) dσ (s) dσ (t ).

We define the functionFO(Dr×U, X)by

F (s, t )=π1((s,0)+(0, h(t ))δsy0) and the setU =h1(π(1(U ))).˜

Thenϕ((s,˜ 0)+ ˜h(t )δsy0)=ϕ(F (s, t ), and we conclude that β > 1

σ (J )



ϕ(F (s, t )) dσ (s) dσ (t )= 1 σ (J )


Hϕ(F (·, t )) dσ (t ).


4. Proof in the case of a global potential

We now look at the case whenω=ω1ω2has a global potential, and show how Theorem 1.1 then follows from the results in Section 3. We first assume ϕ2=0, that is the weightϕ =ϕ1is anω1-usc function.

The Poisson disc functional from Section 3 is obviously not appropriate here since it fails to take into account the currentω. The remedy is to look at the pullback ofωby an analytic disc. Iffis an analytic disc we define a closed (1,1)-currentfωonDin exactly the same way as in [7].

Assumef (0) /∈ sing(ω) and letψ be a local potential ofω. We define fω locally by ddcf ). Because the difference of two local potentials is pluriharmonic then this is independent of the choice of ψ, so it gives a definition offω on all ofD. Note thatψf is not identically±∞since f (0) /∈sing(ω).

We could as well define the positive currentsfω1andfω2, usingψ1and ψ2respectively, and then define fω = fω1fω2. This gives the same result sinceψf =ψ1fψ2f almost everywhere.

It is also possible to look atfωas a real measure onD, and as before, we letRfωbe its Riesz potential,

(3) Rfω(z)=


GD(z,·) d(fω),

whereGDis the Green function for the unit disc,GD(z, w) = 1 log||1zzww||. Sincef is a closed analytic disc not lying in sing(ω)it follows thatfωis a Radon measure in a neighbourhood of the unit disc, therefore with finite mass onDand not identically±∞.

It is important to note that if we have a local potential ψ defined in a neighbourhood off (D), then the Riesz representation formula, Theorem 3.3.6 in [4], at the point 0 gives

(4) ψ (f (0))=Rfω(0)+


ψf dσ.

Next we define the disc functional. We letϕ be anω1-usc function onX and fix a pointxX\sing(ω). LetfAX,f (0) = x and letuFω,ϕ, whereFω,ϕ = {uPSH(X, ω);uϕ}. By Proposition 2.8,uf isfω- subharmonic onD, and since the Riesz potentialRfωis a global potential for fωonDwe have, by the subaverage property ofuf+Rfω, that

u(f (0))+Rfω(0)


uf dσ +




Since,Rfω =0 onTanduϕ, we conclude that u(x)≤ −Rfω(0)+


ϕf dσ.

The right hand side is independent ofuso we can define the functional Hω,ϕ :AX→[−∞,+∞] by

Hω,ϕ(f )= −Rfω(0)+


ϕf dσ.

By taking the supremum on the left hand side over alluPSH(X, ω), uϕ, and the infimum on the right hand side over allfAX,f (0)=xwe get the inequality

(5) supFω,ϕEHω,ϕ, on X\sing(ω).

We wish to show that this is an equality. By applyingHω,ϕto the constant discs inX\sing(ω)we see that the right hand side is not greater thanϕ. If we show thatEHω,ϕisω-psh then it is inFω,ϕand we have an equality above.

Lemma 4.1. If fAX and ψ = ψ1ψ2 is a potential for ω in a neighbourhood off (D)then

Hω,ϕ(f )+ψ (f (0))=Hϕ+ψ(f ).

Proof. By the linearity ofRfωand Riesz representation (4) offψ1and fψ2we get

Hω,ϕ(f )+ψ (f (0))= −Rfω(0)+


ϕf dσ+ψ (f (0))

= −Rfω(0)+


ϕf dσ +Rfω(0)+


1ψ2)f dσ



+ψ1ψ2)f dσ =Hϕ+ψ(f ).

Proof of Theorem 1.1 in the case when ω1 andω2 have global potentials andϕ2=0. By Lemma 4.1 forxX\sing(ω),

EHω,ϕ(x)+ψ (x)=inf{Hω,ϕ(f )+ψ (x);fAX, f (0)=x} =EHϕ+ψ(x).


Sinceϕ +ψ = + ψ1)ψ2 is the difference of an usc function and a plurisubharmonic function, the result from Section 3 gives thatEHϕ+ψis psh and equivalentlyEHω,ψisω-psh.

5. Reduction to global potentials and end of proof

The purpose of this section is to generalize the reduction theorem presented in [7] and simplify the proof of it. Then we apply it to the result in Section 4 to finish the proof of Theorem 1.1.

The proof of the Reduction Theorem here does not directly rely on the construction of a Stein manifold inC4×X, instead we use Lemma 5.1 below to define a local potential around the graphs of the appropriate discs inC2×X.

It should be pointed out that Theorem 5.3 does not work specifically with the Poisson functional but a general disc functionalH. We will however apply the results here to the Poisson functional from Section 4, so it is of no harm to think of it in the role ofH.

IfH is a disc functional defined for discsfAX, withf (D)⊂sing(ω), then we define the envelopeEH ofH onX\sing(ω)by

EH (x)=inf{H (f );fAX, f (0)=x}. We then extendEH to a function onXby

(6) EH (x)= lim sup


EH (y), for x∈sing(ω), in accordance with Definition 2.3 ofω-usc functions.

If:YXis a holomorphic function andH a disc functional onAX, then we can define the pullbackH ofH by H (f ) = H (f ), for fAY. Every discfAY gives a push-forwardfAXand it is easy to see that

(7) EHEH,

whereEH =EHis the pullback ofEH. We have an equality in (7) if every discfAXhas a liftingf˜∈AY,f =◦ ˜f.

If:YXis a submersion the currentsω1andω2are well-defined onY. The core in showing theω-plurisubharmonicity ofEH is the following lemma. It produces a local potential of the currents ω1 and ω2 in a neighbourhood of the graphs of the discs from condition (iii) in Theorem 5.3 below.

Lemma5.1.Let Xbe a complex manifold andω˜ a positive closed(1,1)- current on C2×X. Assume hO(Dr, X), r > 1 and for j = 1, . . . , m


assumeJjTare disjoint arcs andUjDr are pairwise disjoint open discs containingJj. Furthermore, assume there are functionsFjO(Ds×Uj, X), s >1, forj =1, . . . , m, such thatFj(0, w)=h(w),wUj.

IfK0 = {(w,0, h(w));wD}andKj = {(w, z, Fj(z, w));zD, wJj}then there is an open neighbourhood of K = m

j=0Kj where ω˜ has a global potentialψ.

Proof. For convenience we let U0 = Dr and F0(z, w) = h(z), also 0 will denote the zero vector inCn. The graphs of theFj’s are biholomorphic to polydiscs, hence Stein. By slightly shrinking theUj’s ands we can, just as in the proof of Theorem 1.2 in [6], use Siu’s Theorem [10] and the proof of Lemma 2.3 in [5] to define biholomorphismsjfrom the polydiscUj×Dsn+1 onto a neighbourhood of theKj such that

(8) j(w, z,0)=(w, z, Fj(z, w)), wUj, zDs, forj =1, . . . , mand

(9) 0(w,0,0)=(w,0, h(w)), wU0.

Furthermore, we may assume that the mapsj are continuous on the closure ofUj ×Dns+1forj =0, . . . , m.

Forj =1, . . . , mletUjandUjbe open discs concentric toUj such that Jj ⊂⊂Uj⊂⊂Uj⊂⊂Uj,

andBja neighbourhood ofj(Uj× {(0,0)})defined by Bj =j(Uj×Dδn+1

j )

forδj >0 small enough so that

Bj0(U0×Dsn+1), and

BjKk = ∅, whenk=jandk≥1.

This is possible since j(Uj × {(0,0)})0(U0×Dns+1) and j(Uj × {(0,0)})Kk = ∅ifk =j andk ≥1.

The compact sets0(U0\Uj×{(0,0)})andj(Uj×Ds×{0})are disjoint by (9) and (8), and likewise0(Uj× {(0,0)}) ⊂⊂Bj. So there is aεj > 0 such that


j )j(Uj×Ds×Dεn

j)= ∅


and 0(Uj×Dnεj+1)Bj.

Let ε0 = min{ε1, . . . , εm} and define V0 = 0(U0×Dnε0+1)and Vj = j(Uj×Ds ×Dnε


Furthermore, since the graphs of theFj’s,j(Uj ×Ds × {0}), are disjoint forj ≥1 we may assumeVjVk = ∅, and similarly thatBjBk = ∅when j =kandj, k ≥1.

What this technical construction has achieved is to ensure the intersection V0Vjis contained inBj, while still letting all the setsVj andBj be biholo- morphic to polydiscs. Then bothV = m

j=1Vj andB=m

j=1Bjare disjoint unions of polydiscs.

By Proposition 2.1 there are local potentialsψj of ω˜ on each of the sets j(Uj ×Dsn+1),j =1, . . . , m.

Defineη= dcψ0onV0BandηonVBbyη =dcψj onVjBj, this is well defined because theVjBj’s are pairwise disjoint andVjBjj(Uj×Dns+1). Sincedη= ˜ω− ˜ω=0 onBthere is a distributionμ onBsatisfying=ηη.

Let χ1, χ2 be a partition of unity subordinate to the covering {V0, V} of V0V. Then


ηd(χ1μ) onV0

η+d(χ2μ) onV is well defined onV0V with= ˜ω.

If we repeat the topological construction above forV0, . . . , Vm instead of j(Uj×Dsn+1)we can define setsV0, . . . , Vm andB1, . . . , Bm biholomorphic to polydiscs such thatVjVj,BjBjand


and both theBj’s and theVj’s are pairwise disjoint. DefineV=m j=1Vj. Letψ be a real distribution defined onV0satisfyingdcψ = η1μ and letψbe a real distribution defined onV satisfyingdcψ =η2μ.

Thendcψ)=ηηd(χ1μ+χ2μ)=0. Therefore, on each of the connected setsBjwe haveψψ =cj, for some constantcj. Consequently the distributionψis well defined onV0Vby

ψ =

ψ onV0 ψ+cj onVj

sinceV0VBand theVj’s are disjoint. It is clear thatddcψ = = ˜ω and sinceω˜ is positive we may assumeψ is a plurisubharmonic function.



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