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Letηbe a strictly positive submeasure onN. It is shown that the spaceω(η)of all real sequences, considered with the topologyτηof convergence in submeasureη, is (pathwise) connected iffη is core-nonatomic. Moreover, for an arbitrary submeasureη, the connected component of the origin inω(η)is characterized and shown to be an ideal. Some results of similar nature are also established for general topological vector-lattice groups as well as for the topological vector groups of Banach space valued sequences with the topologyτη.

1. Introduction

By atopological vector-lattice group (tvlg) we mean a real vector lattice E equipped with a Hausdorff topology τ such that (E,+;τ ) is a topolo- gical lattice group (with uniformly continuous lattice operations). In other words,(E,+;τ )is required to be a topological group with a base of zero- neighborhoods consisting of solid (hence also balanced) subsets ofE. In par- ticular,Eis then a (locally balanced)topological vector group(tvg). For more information (and references) ontvg’s, see [2] and [4]; for topological vector lattices (tvl) (or locally solid Riesz spaces), see [1].

The topology of a metrizabletvlgEcan always be defined (in the usual manner) by amonotone F G-norm, that is, a functional · : E → [0,∞] such that:x =0 iffx =0;x+yx + y;sxtxwhenever

|s||t|; andxywhenever|x||y|. For atvgE, we denote v(E)= {x∈E:(τ )-lim

t→0 tx=0},

c(E)=the connected component of the origin inE.

Thenv(E)is the largest topological vector subspace ofE,v(E)c(E), and bothv(E)andc(E)are closed vector subspaces ofE(cf. [2, Rem. 2.4], and

This research was partially supported by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, Grant no. N N 201 2740 33.

Received 17 December 2008, in revised form 31 March 31 2009.


the proof of Theorem 2.2 below). IfEis atvlgthen, obviously,v(E)is atvl and an ideal inEand, as we show in this paper, alsoc(E)is an ideal inE.

In general, connectedness type properties of atvgmay differ very much from those of atvs. Let it suffice to mention that a ‘genuine’tvgEmay have a lot of discrete vector subspaces and that the spacesv(E)c(E)Emay be drastically different. Thus, e.g., ifN is the Nevanlinna class over the unit disc inC, thenv(N)is the Smirnov class, andv(N)=c(N)=N (see [8]).

In this paper, our main object of interest are the metrizabletvlg’sω(η)= (ω, τη), whereωis the vector lattice of all real sequences,ηis a strictly positive submeasure on (all subsets of)N, and τη is the topology of convergence in submeasure η. The spaces ω(η) have recently been introduced in [4], but most of the attention was paid to their largest topological vector subspaces, λ0(η)=v(ω(η)).

For a general metrizabletvlgEthat isnestedly complete(see Section 2), we give in Theorem 2.2 a description ofc(E)in terms ofε-chainability, and prove thatc(E)is a closed ideal inE. Next, in Theorem 2.3, we show that various types of connectedness forEare mutually equivalent; this is very close to a result of H. Weber [10, Th. 5.10]. For the special case ofE = ω(η), we give in Theorem 3.3 a description ofc(ω(η)), and in Theorem 3.4 we prove that ω(η) is (pathwise) connected iff η is core-nonatomic (see Section 3).

Furthermore, in Theorem 3.5 we characterize those submeasuresηfor which λ0(η) = c(ω(η)). In Section 4, we give some relevant examples. Finally, in Theorem 5.1, we give an extension of Theorem 3.4 to thetvg’sω(X, η) of vector-valued sequences.

We owe our original inspiration to the paper of J. W. Roberts [8], but the only trace of it that remained can now be seen in Remark 2.4. The final shape of our results has been influenced very much by the work of H. Weber [10], where connectedness type properties were studied for general uniform lattices.

In particular, it prompted us to state some of our original results forω(η)as results concerning general metrizabletvlg’s in Section 2.

We thank Professor Hans Weber for calling our attention to his paper, and for a very nice (and simple) argument showing that the core-nonatomicity ofη is necessary forω(η)to be connected. We used his idea, in somewhat modified forms, in the proofs of Theorems 3.3, 3.4, and 5.1.

2. General results

We recall that, given ε > 0, a subsetAof a metric space (M, ρ) is called ε-chainableif for every pair of points x, yAthere exists anε-chaininA fromxto y, i.e., a finite sequencev0, . . . , vk inAsuch thatx =v0,y= vk, andρ(vi, vi+1) < εfor 0i < k. IfAis connected, then it isε-chainable for


everyε > 0; cf. [10, Lemma 5.6]. (GivenxA, the set of thoseyAthat areε-chainable withxis closed and open.) The converse is easily seen to hold whenAis compact. For basic facts about connected spaces and sets, we refer to [6]. In particular, let us note that a Hausdorff space is pathwise connected iff it is arcwise connected [6, 6.3.12].

In all of this section,Eis a metrizabletvlgwith the topology defined by a monotoneF G-norm·(actually,Ecould be any metrizable topological lat- tice group). We shall say thatEisnestedly completeif, whenever([xn, yn])n∈N

is a decreasing sequence of order intervals inEwithynxn →0, there is a (unique) pointzsuch thatz ∈[xn, yn] for alln. Evidently,zis then the limit of either of the sequences(xn)and(yn), as well as the sup of thexn’s, and the inf of theyn’s.

Clearly, if E isσ-Dedekind complete or (topologically) intervally norm complete, then it is nestedly complete. It is important to note that the nested completeness is strictly weaker than what is known in the literature as the (σ-)interpolation property (see [11, Ch. 20, §146]). E.g.,C[0,1] is nestedly complete but does not have the interpolation property. We refer the reader to [3] for more information on the nested completeness.

A crucial result for what follows is Proposition 2.1 below or, more specific- ally, the straightforward construction presented in its proof. It is used in a more or less direct way to derive all the other results of the paper. In particular, it is a basic ingredient of the proof of Theorem 2.3 which is a somewhat refined version of a result due to H. Weber [10, Th. 5.10] (although we chose not to state it in the full generality of that paper). Formally, the refinement is minor, being just a replacement of the assumption of the interpolation property ofE by its nested completeness. However, it makes our Theorem 2.3 applicable, e.g., to all intervally completetvlg’sEwhich was not the case for the original result.

Proposition 2.1. Let w, xE, w < x, be such that for any ε > 0 there is anε-chain in E from wto x. Then for any pair of pointsy, zwith wy < zxand anyε >0there is a strictly increasingε-chain fromyto z.

Moreover, ifEis nestedly complete, then for any pairy, zas above there exists a strictly increasing continuous functionϕ: [0,1]→Ewithϕ(0)=y andϕ(1)=z.

Proof. Fixε > 0. We first show, following [10, Lemma 5.7], that there is an increasingε-chainv0, . . . , vk fromw tox. By assumption, there is an ε-chainw0, . . . , wk fromwtox. Letvi =(wiw)xandvi =sup0jivj (0i k). Then, by Birkhoff’s inequalities (see [1]),|vi+1vi||vi+1vi||wi+1wi|, and thevi’s are as required. Let nowwy < z xand


ui =(vi+yw)z. Thenu0, . . . , ukis an increasingε-chain fromytoz, and we can make it strictly increasing by deleting every term that is equal to an earlier term.

We now prove the second assertion. Fix a sequencen)of positive numbers withεn → 0. Applying inductively the first part, we find for eachnN a strictly increasingεn-chainCn = {vn,0, vn,1, . . . , vn,kn}from y to z so that CnCn+1. The latter inclusion means that for each 0 i < kn there is a segmentvn+1,p, vn+1,p+1, . . . , vn+1,q(p < q)of theεn+1-chainCn+1that joins vn,i andvn,i+1. Next, for eachnchoose a sequenceTn = {0= tn,0< tn,1 <

· · · < tn,kn = 1}in [0,1] so that fori andp < q as above,tn,i = tn+1,p <

· · ·< tn+1,q = tn,i+1. Clearly, this can be done so that the unionT of all the Tn’s is dense in [0,1]. For eachndenoteδn:=min{tn,i+1tn,i : 0i < kn}. Define a functionψ :TEbyψ(tn,i)=vn,i fornNand 0i kn. Clearly,ψ is strictly increasing. Moreover, ift, tT and|t −t|< δn, then ψ(t)−ψ(t) < 2εn. (Assume thatt < t and observe that there isi such that eithertn,i t < t tn,i+1ortn,i−1t < tn,i < t tn,i+1.)

Finally, extendψ to a functionϕ : [0,1] →Eas follows: Lets ∈[0,1].

For everyn, lettnbe the largest point inTnthat iss, andtnbe the smallest point inTnthat iss. Then the sequences(tn)and(tn)inT are, respectively, increasing and decreasing, andtntn→0. Hence alsoψ(tn)−ψ(tn) →0.

Making use of the nested completeness, we now let ϕ(s) = supnψ(tn) = limnψ(tn). Thenϕis as required.

Theorem2.2. c(E)is a closed vector sublattice of E. Moreover, ifEis nestedly complete, thenc(E)consists of all elementsxEsuch that for each ε >0there is an increasingε-chain inEfrom0to|x|, andc(E)is an ideal inE.

In consequence, ifEis nestedly complete, so isc(E).

Proof. Since the closure of a connected set is again connected,c(E)is closed. The rest of the first assertion follows from the continuity of the maps (x, y)x+y,xtx(tR) andx → |x|.

Ifxc(E), then also|x| ∈c(E). Sincec(E)is connected, for eachε >0 there is anε-chain from 0 to|x|which, by Proposition 2.1, can be chosen to be increasing.

Now, assume thatEis nestedly complete. Ifxsatisfies the required condi- tion,yEand|y||x|then, by Proposition 2.1 again, there are continuous curves joining 0 withy+, and 0 withy. It follows thatyc(E), in particular, xc(E).


Theorem2.3. IfEis nestedly complete, then the following are equivalent.

(a) Wheneverw, xEandw < x, then for eachε >0there is a strictly increasingε-chainv0, v1, . . . , vkfromwtox.

(b) Whenevery, zEandy < z, then there exists a strictly increasing and continuous functionϕ: [0,1]→Ewithϕ(0)=yandϕ(1)=z. (c) Every order interval inEis pathwise connected.

(d) Every solid subset ofEis pathwise connected.

(e) Eis connected.

In consequence, ifEis connected, then all the balls inEare pathwise con- nected.

Proof. By Proposition 2.1, (a) implies (b), and (e) implies (a). The im- plications (b) implies (c), (c) implies (d), and (d) implies (e) are easy (or trivial).

Remark2.4. For the case whereEis norm complete, it is worth pointing out an alternative and somewhat simpler argument (inspired by [8]) proving that if (a) holds, then every order interval inEis connected. It is enough to show that for anyz∈[w, x]⊂Ethere is a continuumKsuch thatw, zK⊂[w, x].

Assume, as we may, thatw < z, and let the sequencen)and theεn-chains Cnbe as in the proof of Proposition 2.1 fory =w. Let



Cn and Dn =

kn1 i=0

[vn,i, vn,i+1] (nN).

Note that every order interval [vn,i, vn,i+1] is of diameter < εn. Moreover, CnDnandDn+1Dnfor everyn. It follows thatK

nDn, whenceK is totally bounded. SinceK is also closed, it is compact, and it is easily seen to beε-chainable for eachε >0. HenceKis a continuum, andw, zK ⊂ [w, z]⊂[w, x].

3. The special case ofω(η)

LetP(N)denote the family of all subsets ofN. A functionη:P(N)→[0,∞] is called asubmeasureonNifη(∅)=0,η(A)η(B)wheneverAB, and η(AB)η(A)+η(B)(A, BP(N)). It is said to be (strongly)nonatomic if for everyε > 0 there is a finite cover (or partition)A1, . . . , Ak ofN such thatη(Aifor eachi. Note that thenη(A)=0 for all finite setsAN.

A submeasureηonNis said to becore-nonatomicif for everyε >0 there is a finite cover (or partition)A0, A1, . . . , AkofNsuch thatA0is a finite set and


η(Ai) εfori = 1, . . . , k. (See [4] for more details; also see Example 4.1 below.)

In all of this section,ηis a strictly positive submeasure onN(that is, one withη(A) >0 wheneverA= ∅), andω(η)=(ω, τη)is thetvlgassociated toηthat was already defined in the Introduction. A convenient monotoneF G- norm defining the topologyτηis given by

xη:=inf{ε >0 :η(s(x, ε))ε} for x =(x(j ))ω, where

s(x, ε)= {j :|x(j )|> ε} 0);

s(x)= s(x,0)is the support ofx. Letτpdenote the topology of coordinate- wise convergence inω. Since(ω, τp)is complete andτηis stronger thanτp, ω(η)is nestedly complete. Hence, in particular, all the results of the preceding section are applicable toω(η).

We recall that ifηislower semicontinuous, that is,η(An)η(A)whenever AnA, thenω(η)is complete (see [4, Fact 7.3]); in general,ω(η)need not even be intervally complete, see Example 4.3. Clearly,


xω: lim


is an ideal inω. For the following description ofλ0(η), see [4, Fact 7.4].

Proposition3.1. Ifxω, thenxλ0(η)iffη(s(x, r))→0asr → ∞. It is also worth noting thatω(η)=λ0(η)iffτη=τpiffηisorder continuous, i.e.,η(An)→0 wheneverAn ↓ ∅(cf. [4], Th. 7.16(a) and its proof).

In order to state our results in a concise form, we associate withηanother submeasureηonNby defining, for everyAN,η(A)as the infimum of all thoseε >0 for which there is a finite cover (or partition)B1, . . . , BkofAsuch thatη(Bifor eachi. Equivalently,η(A)=inf max{η(B1), . . . , η(Bk)}, where the infimum is taken over all finite covers (or partitions) of A. We collect some simple observations concerning η in the proposition below, where we also use a strictly positive submeasureη·onNdefined byη·(A)= supn∈Aη({n}).

Proposition3.2.The following hold.

(a) η·ηηandη·(A)=η(A)for all finite setsAN.

(b) η(AB)=max{η(A), η(B)}for allA, BN; likewise forη·. (c) )=η.

(d) Ifηis order continuous, thenη=η·.

(e) ηis core-nonatomic iffηis order continuous, and in that caseη=η·.


For a setAN, we leteAdenote the characteristic function ofA, viewed as a sequence of zeros and ones. The main result of this section is the following characterization ofc(ω(η)), very much like that ofλ0(η)given in Proposi- tion 3.1.

Theorem3.3. The connected componentc(ω(η))of the origin in thetvlg ω(η)consists of all xω such that η(s(x, r)) → 0as r → ∞; that is, c(ω(η))=λ0).

Proof. In view of Theorem 2.2,c(ω(η))is a closed ideal inω(η). Letxc(ω(η)). Then also|x| ∈c(ω(η)), and we may assume thatx0.

Fix anyε >0. By Theorem 2.2, there is an increasingε-chainv0, v1, . . . , vk

from 0 tox. Letui =vivi−1fori=1, . . . , k. Then, for eachi,ui 0 and uiη < εso that writingBi = s(ui, ε)one also hasη(Bi) < ε; moreover, x=u1+ · · · +uk. IfjN(B1∪ · · · ∪Bk), then 0x(j )=u1(j )+ · · · + uk(j )kε. It follows thatη(s(x, kε)) < ε.

To prove the converse direction, we may again assume thatx >0. Fix any ε >0, and letr >0 be such thatη(s(x, r)) < ε. DenoteB0=Ns(x, r)and choose a partitionB1, . . . , Bkofs(x, r)so thatη(Bi) < εfor each 1ik. Denotezi =xeBi for 0 i k. Thenziη η(s(zi)) < εfor 1 i k, while z0lλ0(η). Hence, choosing mN large enough one has m1z0η < ε. Setzi = m1z0 fori = k +1, . . . , k+m = n. Then the elementsv0 = 0, vi = z1+ · · · +zi fori = 1, . . . , n, form an increasing ε-chain from 0 tox. By Theorem 2.2,xc(ω(η)).

Our next two results are easy consequences of the theorem above.

Theorem3.4. Thetvlgω(η)is connected (and hence has all the other properties listed in Theorem2.3)if and only ifηis core-nonatomic.

Proof. Ifηis core-nonatomic, thenηis order continuous so that the con- dition in Theorem 3.3 is satisfied for everyxω. Conversely, ifc(ω(η))=ω then, in particular,x =(j )j∈Nc(ω(η)). Hence, by Theorem 3.3,η({n, n+ 1, . . .}) → 0 asn → ∞. Thusη is order continuous or, equivalently, ηis core-nonatomic.

Theorem3.5. λ0(η)=c(ω(η))iffηsatisfies the following condition.

(∗) Whenever(An)is a sequence of subsets ofNwithAn↓ ∅andη(An)→ 0, then alsoη(An)→0.

Proof. Assume thatλ0(η)=c(ω(η)), and let a sequence(An)be as spe- cified above. Definex =(x(j ))ωbyx(j )=nforjAnAn+1(nN).

Then, by Theorem 3.3,xc(ω(η)). Hence, by the assumption, xλ0(η) and, by Proposition 3.1,η(An)=η(s(x, n−1))→0.


Conversely, letηsatisfy condition(∗). Ifxc(ω(η))andAn = s(x, n) for eachnNthen, by Theorem 3.3, the sequence(An)is as required in(∗), henceη(An)→0. It follows thatxλ0(η).

Remarks3.6. (a) It is fairly obvious that a submeasureηis core-nonatomic and satisfies condition(∗)iff it is order continuous iffλ0(η)=c(ω(η))=ω. (b) For a core-nonatomic submeasureη, it is easy to see that solid sets are pathwise connected also in the spaceω(η)of complex sequences.

(c) It is worth pointing out that for no strictly positive submeasureηonNis the associated Fréchet-Nikodym metric space(P(N), η)connected. (Simply note that the family of sets containing 1 is closed-open.)

4. Examples

Example4.1. A very large class of core-nonatomic strictly positive submeas- ures onNcan be obtained as follows: Take any sequenceF= (Fn)of finite nonempty sets with unionNsuch that|{n:|Fn| =k}|2λk for someλ0 and allkN, and put




|Fn| , dF(A)=lim sup



|Fn| for AN. Then dF is a nonatomic submeasure (see [5, Th. 2.1]), and d¯F is a core- nonatomic submeasure (cf. [4, Fact 4.3])). Moreover,d¯F is strictly positive and lower semicontinuous, but it is not order continuous. In consequence, the tvlgω(d¯F)is complete andλ0(d¯F) = c(ω(d¯F)) = ω (by Theorem 3.4). In the ‘classical’ case, i.e., whenFn = {1, . . . , n}, we denote the corresponding submeasures simply byd¯andd.

Examples4.2. (a) Let a functionf:N→(0,∞)be such that lim supnf (n)

> 0. Then the submeasureσf onN defined by σf(A) = supf (A)satisfies (∗) (in fact, f) = σf) but is not core-nonatomic. Therefore, λ0f) = c(ω(σf))=ω.

(b) Letη0(A) = 1 whenA = ∅,η0(∅) = 0. Also, letN0 denote the set of even integers inN, andN1 = NN0. Then the submeasureη given by η(A)=η0(AN0)+ ¯d(AN1)is not core-nonatomic and does not satisfy (∗). Therefore,λ0(η)=c(ω(η))=ω.

Note that bothσf andηare lower semicontinuous.

Example4.3. Here we give a class of core-nonatomic submeasuresηfor which the spaceλ0(η)(and, a fortiori,ω(η)) is not even intervally complete.

Letμbe any nonatomic submeasure onN withμ(N) = 1, and letνbe a submeasure onNdefined byν(A)= supn∈Aan, wherean > 0 and

nan <


∞. Thenη =max{μ, ν}is a core-nonatomic strictly positive submeasure on Nand, obviously, it is not order continuous. Therefore,λ0(η)=c(ω(η))=ω. Now, consider the sequence(en)of standard unit vectors inω. Sinceenη η(s(en)) = η({n}) = an, the series

nen is Cauchy inω(η) = (ω,·η). Suppose it converges inω(η). Then it also converges coordinate-wise so that its sum has to beeN (the constant 1 sequence). Therefore, lettingzn = eN

inei, we haveznη → 0. However, for any 0 < ε < 1, η(s(zn, ε)) μ(s(zn, ε))=1 so thatznη =1 for everyn; a contradiction. We have thus shown that the order interval [0, eN]⊂λ0(η)is not complete.

Let us additionally observe that ifμ = dF, where F = (Fn)is as in Ex- ample 4.1, and thean’s above are chosen so thatan d¯F({n})for each n, thenη d¯F. Moreover, if (An)is any sequence inP(N)withAn ↓ ∅, then η(An)→0 iffd¯F(An)→0 (cf. [4, Fact 3.5]). Therefore,λ0(η)=λ0(d¯F)= c(ω(η))=c(ω(d¯F))=ω.

5. An extension to vector sequences

Let X = (X,·)be a nonzero Banach space, and let ω(X, η) denote the tvg ω(X) of all X-valued sequences with the topologyτη of convergence in submeasureη. The same formula as in the scalar case (with an obvious modification) gives anF G-norm·ηdefiningτη. Clearly, ifx=(xj)ω(X), then(xj)η= (xj)η.

Theorem5.1.Letηbe a lower semicontinuous strictly positive submeasure onN. Then the following are equivalent.

(a) ηis core-nonatomic.

(b) Every open ball inω(X, η)is pathwise connected.

(c) ω(X, η)is connected.

Proof. Sinceηis lower semicontinuous, the closed ballsB(0, r)(r > 0) inω(X, η)are easily seen to be closed in the topologyτpof coordinate-wise convergence. Moreover,(ω(X), τp)is complete andτp τη. Hence ω(η)is complete (cf. [4, Fact 7.3]).

(a) implies (b). We start with an observation. Consider an open ballK(y, r) inω(X, η). Take anyzK(y, r)and fix anyε >0. By (a), there is a partition A0, A1, . . . , Ak ofNwith A0 finite andη(Ai) < εfor 1 i k. Then the ε-chainv0, v1, . . . , vkfromytoz, constructed as in the proof of Theorem 3.3, is such thaty−viη y−zη for eachi. (In the construction, one may assumey=0.)

Now, let K(w, r)be an open ball inω(X, η). Fix anyxK(w, r) and a sequence n)n0 of positive numbers such that w− xη +

nεn =: r < r. Using the observation made above and proceeding as in the proof of


Proposition 2.1, one constructsεn-chainsCn= {vn,0, vn,1, . . . , vn,kn}fromwto xso thatCnCn+1and, additionally,w−vηw−xη+(ε0+· · ·+εn−1) for eachvCn.

Next, define the setsTnandT, the constantsδn, and the functionψas in the proof just mentioned. Then, as easily seen,ψ(t)−ψ(t)η <2n+1+εn+2+

· · ·)whenevert, tT and|t −t|< δn. Thusψ is uniformly continuous on T, and its range is contained in the closed ballB(w, r). To finish, extendψ by continuity to all of [0,1]. In consequence,K(w, r)is pathwise connected.

That (b) implies (c) is obvious. To verify that (c) implies (a), take any sequence x = (x(j )) with x(j ) → ∞. By (c), given ε > 0, there is anε-chain v0, . . . , vk from 0 tox. Define ui, Bi and A0 as in the proof of Theorem 3.3. Thenx= u1+ · · · +uk,η(Bi) < ε, andx(j )u1(j ) +

· · · + uk(j ) for each jA0. It follows that A0 is finite, and by disjointizing theBi’s we conclude that (a) is satisfied.

Remark 5.2. The implication (a) implies (b) remains valid when X = (X,·)is anF-space (see [7]), and so does (c) implies (a) provided thatXad- mits an equivalentF-norm, say·, which is unbounded, i.e., supx∈Xx =

∞. We do not know however if (and how) one could prove that (c) implies (a) without that assumption (which is the case, e.g., for theF-spaceL0of all measurable functions on [0,1], with the topology of convergence in Lebesgue measure, see [9, 9.2.2]).


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E-mail:drewlech@amu.edu.pl E-mail:nawrocki@amu.edu.pl



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