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A subsetofRdwith finite positive Lebesgue measure is called aspectral setif there exists a subsetRsuch thatE:=


form an orthogonal basis ofL2(). The set is called aspectrumof the set. The Spectral Set Conjecture states thatis a spectral set if and only iftilesRdby translation. In this paper we prove the Spectral Set Conjecture for a class of setsR. Specifically we show that a spectral set possessing a spectrum that is a strongly periodic set must tileRby translates of a strongly periodic set depending only on the spectrum, and vice versa.

1. Introduction

Let be a (Lebesgue) measurable subset ofRwith finite positive measure.

For tR let +t := {x + t : x} denote the translate of by t. We say that tilesRby translation if there exists a subset TRso that R\

t∈T (+t) is a set of measure zero and (+t)+t

is a set of measure zero whenevert, tT are distinct. In the affirmative caseT is called atiling setfor, and(,T)is called atiling pair. Similarly, we say that tiles the non-negative half lineR+=[0,∞)if there exists a subsetTR such thatR+\

t∈T (+t)is a set of measure zero and(+t)+t is a set of measure zero whenevert, tT are distinct. Sets that tile the real line by translation have been studied recently, e.g., [9], [8], [7].

ForλRwe introduce the functions

eλ(x):=ei2πλx, xR.

We say thatis aspectral setif there exists a subsetRso that the functions E := {eλ :λ}form an orthogonal basis forL2(), the Hilbert space of complex valued square integrable functions onwith the inner product

f, g:=

f (x)g(x) dx.

Received August 25, 1998.


If the functions inEform an orthogonal basis forL2(), then we call(, ) aspectral pairandaspectrumfor. Spectral sets have recently been studied in various contexts, e.g., [3], [4], [5], [10], [8], [6].

One of the main open questions concerning spectral sets is the following conjecture, first proposed by Fuglede [3]:

Spectral Set Conjecture. Let be a measurable subset of Rd with finite positive Lebesgue measure. Thenis a spectral set if and only iftiles Rdby translation.

In this paper we study the one dimensional case of the Spectral Set Conjec- ture. A special class of sets we study consists of tiles that tile the non-negative half lineR+by translation. We prove:

Theorem1.1. Letbe a subset ofRwith finite positive Lebesgue measure.

Suppose thattilesR+by translation. ThentilesRby translation and is a spectral set.

LetN:= {1,2,3, . . .}be the set of natural numbers andZ+:= {0,1,2, . . .}

be the set of non-negative integers. For anynNletZ+n := {0,1, . . . , n−1}. For anyA,BZwe write

A+B:= {a+b:aA, bB}

for the Minkowski sum ofAandB. We will writeABif each element in A+Bhas auniquedecomposition of the forma+bwithaAandbB. Definition1.2. We callAZ+adirect summand of Z+n if there exists a BZ+such thatAB = Z+n. We call a subsetT ofRastrongly periodic set if there exist annN and a direct summandAZ+ of Z+n such that T =α(AnZ)for some non-zeroαR.

In [8] it was shown that certain tiles that tileRby translation are spectral sets that possess the so-calleduniversal spectra, in the sense that the spectra depend only on the tiling sets, not the tiles. Our main theorem below strengthens this notion by providing a large new class of tiles that possess universal spectra. It shows that a tile that tilesRby the translates of a strongly periodic set must have a universal spectrum that is also a strongly periodic set. More importantly, the theorem also gives rise to the notion ofuniversal tiling set, which can be viewed as the dual of universal spectrum. We show that a spectral set that possesses a spectrum that is a strongly periodic set must have a universal tiling set depending only on the spectrum.

Theorem1.3. Letbe a subset of Rwith finite positive measure. Suppose that there exists a strongly periodic setRsuch that(, )is a spectral


pair. Then there exists a strongly periodic setTRdepending only on such thattilesRby translates ofT. Conversely, suppose that there exists a strongly periodic setTRsuch thattilesRby translates ofT. Then there exists a strongly periodic setRdepending only onT such that(, )is a spectral pair.

The strongly periodic setsandT in Theorem 1.3 aredualsof each other, and for each given one the other is constructed explicitly in §4. In fact we prove a stronger version of Theorem 1.3 there. For the rest of the paper, in §2 we state a result on the structure of strongly periodic sets, first shown in [2].

In §3 we classify tiles that tileR+by translation. The classification is used to prove Theorem 1.1.

2. Structure of Strongly Periodic Sets

In this section we classify subsetsA,BofZ+satisfyingAB =Z+n for some nN. The classification is based on a theorem of de Bruijn [2] establishing the structure of subsets ofZ+that tileZ+by translation. To formulate the result we first introduce some notation regarding divisibility. Forr, sZwe user |s to mean thatr dividess; forrZandAZ we user | Ato mean thatr divides everyaA.

Proposition2.1 (de Bruijn). LetA, BZ+such thatAB= Z+and A=Z+,B=Z+. Then there exists an integerr >1such thatr |Aorr |B. Furthermore, ifr|BandB =rBthen there exists anAZ+such that

A=Z+rrA, and AB=Z+.

Proof. A proof can be found in de Bruijn [2]. For the sake of self-contain- ment we give a short proof here.

Without loss of generality we assume 1∈A. Letrbe the smallest non-zero member ofB. For eachmNletAmAandBmBbe the minimal subsets so that


It follows immediately from the minimality and the uniqueness inABthat Am=AZ+mr, Bm=BZ+mr.

Observe thatZ+(m+1)r\Z+mr =Z+r +mr. So

Am+1\AmZ+r +mr, Bm+1\BmZ+r +mr.


We show by induction onmthat there are subsetsCmandDmofZ+such that Am=Z+r +rCm, Bm=rDm.

Let C1 := {0} andD1 := {0}. Then A1 = Z+r +rC1 and B1 = rD1 as required. Suppose that Cm, DmZ+ have been constructed so thatAm = Z+r +rCm and Bm = rDm. IfZ+(m+1)rAm +Bm, then Am+1 = Am and Bm+1 = Bm, and so it suffices to set Cm+1 := Cm and Dm+1 := Dm to complete the proof.

Now suppose thatZ+(m+1)rAm+Bm. LetjZ+r. Ifj+mrAm+Bm= Z+r +r(Cm+Dm)thenmCm+Dmand thereforeZ+r +mrAm+Bm, contradictingZ+(m+1)rAm+Bm. Hence,

(Z+r +mr)(Am+Bm)= ∅.

It follows thatmrAm+1ormrBm+1.

IfmrBm+1, thenAm+1= AmandBm+1 =Bm∪ {rm}. Hence we may setCm+1:=CmandDm+1:=Dm∪ {m}.

Assume that mrAm+1. Let jZ+r . We have shown above thatj + mr /Am+Bm, so j +mr = a+b foraAm+1\Am, bBm+1 or aAm,bBm+1\Bm. IfbBm+1\Bmthen(m+1)rbZ+r . Thus mr+ r = ((m+ 1)rb)+b constitute two different decompositions of the same element inAB, a contradiction. This yieldsaAm+1\Am. If b = 0 thenBm = rDm andBm+1\BmZr++mr implies thatbr. So j+mr = a+bmr+r > j +mr, again a contradiction. Sob= 0 and thereforej+mr=aAm+1. It follows that

Am+1=Am(Z+r +mr).

The inductions steps are now complete by setting Cm+1 := Cm∪ {m} and Dm+1:=Dm.

Finally, the proposition follows by lettingA:=


m=1Dm. Proposition 2.1 immediately leads to the following classification of strongly periodic sets.

Corollary2.2. Let A, BZ+such that AB = Z+n andA = Zn+, B =Z+n. Then there exists anr >1such thatr |nand eitherr |Aorr |B. Furthermore, ifr|BandB =rBthen there exists anAZ+so that

A=Z+rrA, and AB=Z+n


Proof. Suppose that 1∈A. Applying Proposition 2.1 toA(BnZ+)= Z+yields anr >1 and a setAso thatA=Z+rrAandr |(BnZ+). Since


0∈B and 0∈Z+it follows thatr |nandr |B. Finally,Z+rr(A+B) = AB =Z+n impliesAB=Z+nr.

Corollary2.3. LetA,BZ+such thatA⊕B=Z+n. Assume that1∈A. Then there exists a unique finite sequenced0 = 1, d1, . . . , dk−1, dk = ninN withrj :=dj/dj−1Nandrj >1for1≤jksuch that

A=d0Z+r1d2Z+r3⊕ · · ·, (2.1)



4⊕ · · ·. (2.2)

Proof. Since 1∈A, the proof of Proposition 2.1 yieldsA=Z+r1⊕r1Aand B =r1Bwherer1=min{b:bB, b=0}, andAB=Z+n


. The proof is completed by applying Corollary 2.2 iteratively toAB=Z+n


. Note that the uniqueness follows from the fact thatr1 = d1/d0 = min{b: bB, b =0}, r2=d2/d1= {a :aA, a =0}, etc.

Corollary2.4. Suppose thatA, BZ+such thatAB =Z+, and that Bis finite. ThenBis a direct summand ofZ+n for somenN.

Proof. By the same argument for Corollary 2.3Bmust have the form (2.1) or (2.2), depending on whether 1∈B. SoBmust be a direct summand ofZn+ for somenN.

Call a polynomial a 0−1polynomialif each of its coefficients is either 0 or 1. We associate each finiteAZ+with the following 0−1 polynomial




called thecharacteristic polynomial of A. Clearly every 0−1 polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of the set of exponents corresponding to its non-zero coefficients. IfA,B,CZ+are finite, thenAB =Cif and only ifA(x)B(x) = C(x). We call a 0−1 polynomial c-irreducibleif A(x) = A1(x)A2(x)for any 0−1 polynomialsA1(x)≡1,A2(x)≡1. The following result was first stated in [1] (simple examples, however, show that Lemma 1 in [1] is false).

Theorem2.5.Letn >1. Then every factorization ofxx−n11into c-irreducible 0−1polynomials has the form


x−1 =Fp1(x)Fp2(xp1)Fp3(xp1p2) . . . Fpk(xp1p2...pk−1),


whereFm(x) := xx−m11, allpj are primes (not necessarily distinct) andn = p1p2. . . pk.

Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollary 2.3, by observing that Zp+1p2···pk =Zp+1p1Z+p2p1. . . pk−1Zpk.

Note that each term in the factorization is c-irreducible, because it contains a prime number of terms.

3. Tiling the Non-Negative Real Line

LetRbe a tile with finite and positive Lebesgue measure that tilesR+by translates ofT. In this case we will writeT = R+. In this section we derive the structure of tilesRthat tileR+by translation.

Theorem3.1. LetRwith finite positive Lebesgue measure. Suppose thattilesR+by translation. Then there exists an affine mapϕ(x)=ax+b such that


for some finite subsetBZ+with0∈B. Furthermore,Bis a direct summand ofZ+n for somenN. HencetilesRby translation.

Proof. In this proof, all set relations involving the tilewill be interpreted as up to measure zero sets.

Let TR such thatT = R+. We first examine the special case T = {0,1, t2, t3, . . .}wheretj >1 for allj ≥2. In this special case we prove that =[0,1]+B for someBZ+and 0∈B. LetTn =T ∩[0, n−1]

andn =∩[0, n]. We claim thatTnZ+andn=[0,1]+Bnfor some BnZ+, by induction onn.

Sincetj >1, we must have [0,1]⊆. So the claim is clearly true forn=1.

Assume that the claim is true for alln < k. We show that the claim is also true forn = k. We divide the proof into two cases:k−1k andk−1 = k. Suppose thatk−1k. Then(k−1, k] = ∅. Ifk = [0,1]+Bk for anyBkZ+, then (k−1, k](k−1, k]. Hence there exists atT such that(+t)(k−1, k]= ∅. Note thattTk−1, sotZ+. It follows that ∅(k−1−t, kt](k−1−t, kt],

contradicting the inductive hypothesis. Sok=[0,1]+Bkfor someBkZ+. The assumption thatk−1k now implies that Bk = Bk−1∪ {k−1}, so Tk = Tk−1. This proves the claim forn = k in the first case. Suppose that k−1 = k. Then k = [0,1] +Bk with Bk = Bk−1. Therefore Tk =


Tk−1∪ {k−1}. This completes the induction steps and proves the claim. So we have shown thatB,TZ+, and clearly 0∈B.

It remains to show thatBis a direct summand ofZ+n for somenN. Observe thatBT =Z+. ThereforeBis a direct summand ofZ+n for somenNby Corollary 2.4.

In general, suppose thattilesR+by translates ofT where the elements inT aret0< t1< t2<· · ·. Letϕ(x)= t1−t10(xt0)andtj =ϕ(tj). Then

ϕ()⊕ {0,1, t2, t3, . . .} =R+. Henceϕ()=[0,1]+Bfor someBZ+with 0∈B. 4. Proofs of Main Theorems

To prove our main theorems we first introduce some notation. For any finite setAZ we denote fA(ξ) := A


where A(z) is the characteristic (Laurent) polynomial ofA. We will useZA to denote the set of zeros offA. For a subsetRwith positive and finite measure we will useZto denote the set of zeros ofχ(ξ).

Observe that for any finiteAZ, ξZA impliesξ +mZA for all mZ. SoZA = ZX for some finiteXR. If in additionAis a direct summand ofZ+n for somenN, thennZAZ.

Lemma4.1. LetAZ+be a direct summand of Z+n for somenN. Then there exists a direct summandAof Z+n with the same cardinality such that (4.1) AAnZA ∪ {0}, AAnZA∪ {0}.

Proof. We procced by induction onn. Forn=1,2 it is easy to check that the lemma holds. Assume that the lemma holds for alln < k, wherek ≥ 3.

We show that it holds forn=k.

Case 1.1∈A. ThenA=rA1for somer >1,r |kand direct summand A1ofZ+k

r. By the hypothesis there exists a direct summandA1ofZ+k

r such that (4.1) holds forA1,A1andn=k/r. NowfA(ξ)=fA1(rξ)yieldsZA= 1rZA1. Set A = A1. ClearlyA is a direct summand of Z+k because it is a direct summand ofZ+k

r, and we have

AA=r(A1A1)r· k

rZA1 ∪ {0} =kZA∪ {0}, and


rZA1∪ {0} =kZA∪ {0}.


Case 2.1 ∈ A. Then A = Z+rrA1 for some r > 1, r | k and direct summandA1ofZ+k

r. By the hypothesis there exists a direct summandA1ofZ+k


such that (4.1) holds forA1,A1andn = k/r. SetA = A1krZ+r .Ais a direct summand ofZ+k becauseAB1=Z+k whereA1B1=Zkr. We have

fA(ξ)=fZ+r(ξ)fA1(rξ), fA(ξ)=fA1(ξ)fZ+r


rξ .

It follows fromZZ+r = 1rZ\Zthat (4.2) ZA= 1

r(ZZA1)\Z, ZA =ZA1r k


rZ\Z .

Letm=a+ krj andm=a+ krjbe two distinct elements inA, where a, aA1andj, jZ+r. Ifa=athen

mm = k




Ifa =athenaakrZA1. Henceaa+ krlkrZA1for alllZ. Since mmkZ, we have

mmkrZA1\kZkZA. HenceAAkZA∪ {0}.

Now letm =j+ra,m= j+rabe two distinct elements inA, where a, aA1 andj, jZ+r. If j = j thena = a, and by the hypothesis aakrZA1. Somm=r(aa)kZA1. Ifj =jthenjjrZ, so

mm=jj+r(aa)Z\rZ= r k



ZA. HenceAAZA.

We have now completed the induction steps and proven the lemma.

We will call two direct summandA andA satisfying (4.1) a conjugate pair, andA aconjugateofA. The proof of Lemma 4.1 leads to an explicit construction of conjugate pairs. LetAZ+be a direct summand ofZ+n. Then by Corollary 2.3 there exists a unique sequence r0, r1, . . . , r2k+1 in N with 2k+1

j=0 rj =n,rj >1 for 0< j <2k+1 andr0, r2k+1≥1, such that (4.3) A=k



2j+1, where dm:=m




Define the mapϑnon the set of direct summand ofZ+n by (4.4) ϑn(A)=k


n d2j+1



Thenϑn(A)is exactly the conjugate setAconstructed inductively in the proof of Lemma 4.1.

Lemma4.2. Suppose thatAZ+is a direct summand of Z+n. ThenAand ϑn(A)form a conjugate pair, andϑnn(A))=A. Furthermore, ifA, BZ+ such thatAB =Z+n, thenϑn(A)ϑn(B)=Z+n

Proof. The proof of Lemma 4.1 already implies thatA, ϑn(A)form an conjugate pair. It is easy to see that ϑnn(A)) = A by directly applying (4.3) and (4.4). Now, suppose thatAis given by (4.3) andBZ+satisfies AB =Z+n. Then there are several cases:r0=1 orr0>1, andr2k+1=1 or r2k+1>1. Ifr0=1,r2k+1>1 then

(4.5) B =



d2j−1Z+r2j, where r2k+2:=1.


(4.6) ϑn(B)=



n d2jZ+r


It is now straightforward to check from (4.4) and (4.6) thatϑn(A)ϑn(B)= Z+n. Other cases can be checked similarly.

Definition4.3. Let,TRbe strongly periodic sets. We say thatT is adualofif there exist a non-zeroαRandA, BZ+withAB=Zn+ for somenNsuch that

=α(AnZ), T = 1

ϑn(B)nZ .

By Lemma 4.2 ifT is a dual ofthenis a dual ofT.

Lemma4.4. LetRsatisfyµ() = nN. Suppose that= LZ whereLis a finite subset ofRsuch thatZ∪ {0}. Then(, )is a spectral pair if and only if|L| =n.

Proof. See [10], Theorem 1, or [8], Theorem 2.1.


We shall establish the following result, which is a stronger version of our main theorem.

Theorem4.5. Suppose thatRhas positive and finite Lebesgue meas- ure. Let,TRbe strongly periodic sets such thatT is a dual of. Then (, )is a spectral pair if and only iftilesRby translates ofT.

Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that = 1n(AnZ) andT =ϑn(B)nZfor somenNandA, BZ+withAB=Z+n. (⇐) The set=⊕ϑn(B)tilesRby translates ofnZ, so it is a fundamental domain of the latticenZ. Hence

Z =ZZϑn(B)⊇ 1 nZ\ {0}.

Sinceϑn(A)ϑn(B)=Z+n we have

Zϑn(A)Zϑn(B)=ZZ+n = 1 nZ\Z.

Furthermore,Zϑn(A)Zϑn(B)= ∅becausefϑn(A)(ξ)fϑn(B)(ξ)has no multiple roots. Hence

ZZϑn(A)Z\ {0}.

Now, for any distinctλ, λwe haveλλ= n1k+jfor somekAA, jZ. Ifk=0 thenknZϑn(A)by (4.1), which implies thatλλ= kn+jZϑn(A)Z. Otherwiseλλ= jZ\ {0} ⊆Z. By Lemma 4.4(, ) is a spectral pair.

(⇒) Suppose that (, )is a spectral pair. For any x ∈ [0,1)let Dx := (Z+x). It follows from [10], Theorem 2, that

(4.7) |Dx| = |A|, DxDxnZA∪ {0}

for almost allx∈[0,1). We show that(Dxx)+ϑn(B)is a complete residue system (modn) for every Dx satisfying (4.7). Note thatϑn(B)ϑn(B)nZB∪ {0}, and observe thatkmmodnfor anyknZA andmnZB. Thus for anyk1, k2Dxx andm1, m2ϑn(B)we must havek1k2m2m1modnunlessk1=k2andm1=m2. Hencek1+m1k2+m2modn. Since|Dxx| · |ϑn(B)| =nit follows that(Dxx)+ϑn(B)=(Dxx)ϑn(B)containsndistinct residue classesmodn, and hence is a complete residue systemmodn. Therefore

Dx+T =DxT =x+Z

for almost allx∈[0,1). This implies thattilesRby translates ofT.


Theorem 1.1 is a simple consequence of Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 4.5.

Acknowledgement.The first author would like to thank Palle E. T. Jor- gensen for many useful conversations about spectral pairs.


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