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The relation between resilience and occupation as nurses in a Danish hospital


Academic year: 2022

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Danish University Colleges

The relation between resilience and occupation as nurses in a Danish hospital

Lee, Kim; Hansen, Kathrine Skovdal; Wulff Jørgensen, Sally Ellen; Jensen, Ann

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Citation for pulished version (APA):

Lee, K., Hansen, K. S., Wulff Jørgensen, S. E., & Jensen, A. (2021). The relation between resilience and occupation as nurses in a Danish hospital. Abstract from 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021 - Czech Republic, Prague, Tjekkiet, Prague, Czech Republic.

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The relation between resilience and occupation as nurses in a Danish Hospital


Dr. Kim Lee

(⚑ Denmark) - The Research unit of User Perspectives, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Mrs. Kathrine Skovdal Hansen

(⚑ Denmark) - Department of Occupational Therapy, University College South, Esbjerg, Denmark.

Mrs. Sally Jørgensen

(⚑ Denmark) - The Research unit of User Perspectives, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Mrs. Ann Jensen

(⚑ Denmark) - Occupational therapist, department of the elderly and disabled, Odense municipality


In the recent years, the concept of resilience has become widespread in various fields ranging from engineering (Hickford et al. 2018) to anthropology (Pike 2019). Despite the wide use of the concept there is still not a clear definition of resilience (Wooyoung, Kim et al. 2019). Some authors criticize that the concept of resilience lacks the notion of power and agency (Béné et al. 2012). Earliere studies (Labrague et al. 2018) have showed that nurse managers experienced moderate levels of stress because of their work tasks and that enhancing social support and promoting job control were important factors for resilience. In this paper we are presenting an occupational focused framework for the use of the concept of social resilience, building on a transactional approach to the concept of occupational adaption (Walder and Molineux 2017) Based on fieldwork conducted among nurses in a Danish hospital ward, we show how resilience is not evenly distributed among the nurses and can be seen as a capital in its own. Furthermore, we discuss how individual agency is playing a central role in the distribution of resilience, as the concept of resilience earlier has been criticized for lacking the notion of agency.



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