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Aalborg Universitet Forskning og formidling 2020 Årsplakat for Aalborg Universitet Melchiorsen, Poul Meier; Høj, Anne Lyhne; Stegger Gemzøe, Anna; Lykkegaard Jensen, Anja


Academic year: 2022

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Aalborg Universitet

Forskning og formidling 2020 Årsplakat for Aalborg Universitet

Melchiorsen, Poul Meier; Høj, Anne Lyhne; Stegger Gemzøe, Anna; Lykkegaard Jensen, Anja

DOI (link to publication from Publisher):


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Link to publication from Aalborg University

Citation for published version (APA):

Melchiorsen, P. M., Høj, A. L., Stegger Gemzøe, A., & Lykkegaard Jensen, A. (2020). Forskning og formidling 2020: Årsplakat for Aalborg Universitet. https://doi.org/10.5278/392337459

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ReseaRch & communication 2020

2020 a year to remember – for many things!

AAU ranks as the world’s best university in terms of SDG 4 – Quality Education. “Green research” from AAU has higher impact than any other Danish university.

And once again, AAU produces more BFI-points based on research grants than anyone else in the country. As the figures reflect, internal and external collaboration is high on the agenda.

AAU ranks as the world’s best university in terms of SDG 4:

Quality Education

Source: THE Impact Rankings 2020

AAU publications rank as No. 25 in the world in terms of SDG 7:

Affordable and Clean Energy

Source: SciVal

AAU publications rank as No. 85 in the world in terms of SDG 9: Indus- try, Innovation and Infrastructure

Source: SciVal

In 2019, 59% of AAU’s publications are

part of an international collaboration Source: SciVal Source: Pure

Makroøkonomiske modeller og dan- skernes adfærd Fortællinger om og konstruktioner af børn i socialt myn- dighedsarbejde

Kultur er noget vi giver til hinanden

Mikael Randrup Byrialsen (Social Sciences)

Line Søberg Bjerre (Social Sciences)

Mogens Sparre (Social Sciences)



2016 All AAU departments had Covid-19 press coverage

in 2020

inteRnational collaboRation

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10M ORCID iDs worldwide!

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Source: Scopus

Source: Pure Green research from AAU has more impact than

other Danish universities.

Source: ufm.dk Source: Pure

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of China

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Independent Research

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Foundation European

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Danish National Research Foundation

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

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Number of Publications

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 37,1


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