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Søren Kierkegaard-litteratur 1971-1980: En bibliografi - tredje del


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of Subjectivity«. The Southern Journal of Philosophy XIX 1981, pp. 73-84. [Phil. Ind. 1981, nr. 2, P- 131.]

694. Politis, Hélène, »Kierkegaard ou la pure ceremonie du mouve­

ment fictif«. Critique (Paris) XXX 1974, pp. 161-73.

695. Pomerleau, Wayne Paul, Perspectives on Faith and Rea­

son. Studies in the Religious Phi­

losophies of Kant, Hegel, and Kierkegaard. Ph. D.-thesis, Northwestern University 1977.

266 pp. [DAI XXXVIII A, p.


696. Pomerleau, Wayne P., »The Accession and Dismissal of an Upstart Handmaid«. The Monist LX 1977, pp. 213-27.

Om H egel og SK.

697. Poole, Roger, »Kierkegaard on Irony«. New Blackfriars XLVIII 1967, pp. 245-49.

698. Poswick, Ferdinand, »La place du monachisme pour Kier­

kegaard dans les rapports catho­

liques-protestants«. Collectanea Cistercïensia XXXII 1970, pp.


699. Prather, Kieran, »Kierke­

gaard’s Symbolic Use of ’Don Giovanni’«. The Journal of Aesthetic Education XII 1978, pp. 51-63.

700. Presler, Gerd, Kierkegaard und Bischof Mynster. Auseinan­

dersetzung zweier Theologien.

Theol. Diss., Universität Münster

1970. 424 + 55 pp.

D ateringen »1969« pa titelbladet ma vaere fejlagtig.

701. Prini, Pietro, Storia dell’esis­

tenzialismo. 2. udg. Studium, Rom 1972. Pp. 13-42 (d: kapitlet

»Kierkegaard e la filosofia come giornale intimo«).

701a. Pulmer, Karin, Die demen­

tierte Alternative. Gesellschaft und Geschichte in der ästhetischen Konstruktion von Kierkegaards

»Entweder-Oder«. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M./Bern 1982. 241 pp. (Europäische Hochschulschrif­

ten, Reihe I, 527.)

Diss., Osnabrück 1981.


702. Quinn, Wylie Savanas, III, Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein.

The »Religious« as a »Form of Life«. Ph. D.-thesis, Duke Uni­

versity 1976. 222 pp. [DAI XXXVII A, p. 7804.]


703. Raalten, F. van, Filosofie in hoofdzinnen, II. Het Wereldven­

ster, Baarn 1976. Pp. 64-94 (o:

kapitlet »Een existentie-analyse - Kierkegaard«).

Bd. I (1974; 3. udg., 1979) har intet om SK.

704. Raalten, F. van, De ontwik­

keling van het Ik. Essay over Freud. Het Wereldvenster, Baarn 1978. Pp. 218-39 (o: kapitlet

»Angst en existentie«, om angst-


begrebet has Freud og SK).

Forf. har i 1981 udgivet bogen A n gst (144 pp.), som han omtaler som en mo- dernisering af SK’s angstbegreb.

705. Rauch, Leo, »Kierkegaard ve-Don Giovanni«. Bikoret-u- Parshanut (Israel) VI 1974, pp.

11-16. [MLA 1975,11:12303.]

705a. Read, Lawrence M., Hegel and Kierkegaard. A Study in An­

tithetical Concepts of the Incar­

nation. Ph. D.-thesis, Columbia University 1977. [Taylor (nr.

934), p. 288.]

706. Reed, Walter L., Meditations on the Hero. A Study of the Ro­

mantic Hero in Nineteenth-Cen­

tury Fiction. Yale University Press, New Haven/London 1974.

Pp. 34-84 (o: kapitlet »Kierke­

gaard: The Hero and the Poet«).

Cf. reg.

Ph. D .-thesis, Y ale U niversity 1969 (med undertitlen: N a rra tive Form in C arlyle y K ierkegaard, and M elville).

[D A I X X X I A , p. 1288.]

707. Rehder, Helmut, »Thomas Mann - and Kierkegaard? Some Reflections on Irony and a Let­

ter«. I: John M. Weinstock (red.), Saga og sprak. Studies in Lang­

uage and Literature. Jenkins Pub­

lishing Co., Austin 1972. Pp. 291- 300.

708. Reichenbach, Bruce, »Camus and Kierkegaard. A Contrast in Existential Authenticity«. Chri­

stian Scholar’s Review V 1976, pp. 223-40. [Rel. Ind. 1975-76, p. 639.]

709. Reinhardt, Kurt Frank, The Existentialist Revolt. The Main Themes and Phases of Existential­

ism: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre, Mar­

cel. New enlarged ed. Frederick Ungar, New York 1972. 281 pp.

[Rep. 1975, nr. 4708.]

1. udg., 1952 (Bruce Publishing Co., M il­

waukee; viii, 254 pp.).

710. Replogle, Justin, Auden’s Poetry. University of Washington Press, Seattle/London 1969. Pp.

50-64, 75-79. Cf. reg.

711. Ricoeur, Paul, »At filosofere efter Kierkegaard«. I hans: Filo­

sofiens kilder. Udvalg og indled­

ning ved Peter Kemp. Vinten, København. Pp. 29-48.

Oprindelig offentliggjort i R evu e de Théologie et de Philosophic 3. Sér. X III 1963, pp. 303-16. Oversat af Grete Karl Sørensen. - Engelsk oversættelse m edta­

get i nr. 839a. - Tysk oversættelse med­

taget i nr. 939.

712. Riconda, Giuseppe, »L’eredità di Kierkegaard e la teologia dia­

lettica nel suo significato specula­

tivo«. Filosofia (Torino) XXV 1974, pp. 215-32.

713. Riconda, Giuseppe, L’eredità di Kierkegaard e la teologia dia­

lettica nel suo significato specula­

tivo. Edizioni di »Filosofia«, To­

rino 1975. Pp. 215-32. (Saggi fi­

losofici, 33.)

Separattryk med uændret paginering af nr. 712.

714. Ries, Wiebrecht, Transzen- denz als Terror. Eine religions-


philosophische Studie über Franz Kafka. Verlag Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg 1977. Pp. 23-65 (o:

kapitlet »Kafka und Kierke­

gaard«). Cf. reg.

715. Rifbjerg, John Bille, »Demo­

krati en nødløsning«. Demokra­

ten 11.3.1973.

Samtale med N iels Thulstrup om SK.

716. Riley, Helene M. Kastinger, [Anm. af en række SK-udgivel- ser.] Scandinavian Studies L 1978, pp. 229-37.

Om nr. 274, 333, 349 og 633.

717. Rinaldi, Francesco, »Delia presenza schellinghiana nella cri- tica di Kierkegaard a Hegel«.

S tudi Urbinati di Storia, Filosofia e Letter atur a XLIII 1969, pp.


718. Ringleben, Joachim, Hegels Theorie der Sünde. Die subjekti- vitäts-logische Konstruktion eines theologischen Begriffs. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1977.

300 pp. (Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann, 31.)

H eri: »Exkurs I: Kierkegaards ’D er Be­

griff. A ngst’ - Erste A ntikritik«, pp.

106-15, og »Exkurs III: Kierkegaards

’D ie Krankheit zum Tode’ - Z w eite A ntikritik«, pp. 245-60. C f. reg.

719. Robert, André de, »Ironie, humour et foi«. Études Théologi­

ques et Religieuses LUI 1978, pp.


720. Roberts, Gemma, »Un modo de la existencia religiosa en [Una­

muno’s] ’Paz en la guerra’. Una coincidencia con Kierkegaard«.

Journal of Spanish Studies: Twen­

tieth Century VII 1979, pp. 329- 36. [MLA 1980,11:9442.]

721. Roberts, Robert, »Faith and Modern Humanity. Two Appro­

aches«. Christian Century LXXXXV 1978, pp. 329-33.

[Rel. Ind. 1977-78, p. 565.]

722. Roberts, Robert, »Kierke­

gaard on Becoming an Indivi­

dual«. Scottish Journal of Theo­

logy XXXI 1978, pp. 133-52.

723. Roberts, Robert C., »Think­

ing Subjectively«. International Journal for Philosophy of Reli­

gion XI 1980, pp. 71-92.

723a. Rodemann, Wilhelm, Ha- mann und Kierkegaard. Univer­

sity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1980. 152 pp. [Rep. 1982, nr. 1101.]

Fotografisk optryk af 1922-udg.(JH im m , 5326).

724. Rodriguez Rosado, Juan José, La aventura de existir. EUNSA, Pamplona 1976. Pp. 38-43. (Co­

lección Cultural de Bolsillo.) 725. Rogalski, Aleksander, »Soren

Kierkegaard - Regine Olsen«. I hans: Tryptyk milosny. Panst- wowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1977. Pp. 19-193. (Cf.

indledningen pp. 6-11.)

726. Rohatyn, Dennis Anthony,

»A Note on Kierkegaard and Ari­

stotle«. The Classical World LXV 1971-72, pp. 130-31.

727. Rohatyn, Dennis A., »Kierke­

gaard: North American Disserta-


tions 1934-1973 in the Fields of Philosophy, Religion and General Literature«. Kierkeguardiana IX 1974, pp. 390-93.

728. Rohatyn, Dennis A., »Kierke­

gaard and His Critics«. I hans:

Two Dogmas of Philosophy and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Philosophy. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Rutherford/

Madison/Teaneck 1977. Pp. 103- 36. Cf. reg.

729. Rohatyn, Dennis A., »Kierke­

gaard sobre el argumento onto­

logico«. Pensamiento XXXIII 1977, pp. 205-11.

730. Rohde, H. P., »Attisk natte­

vagt«. Kierkegaardiana V ili 1971, pp. 26-29.

Revideret version af kronik i Berlingske A fte n a v is 23.5.1970. - M edtaget i nr.

733 (pp. 81-88).

731. Rohde, H. P., »Mottoets skjulte budskab «/»Ørkenens søn­

ner«. Berlingske Aftenavis 1.1. og 5.3.1971.

Om SK’s forhold til Chateaubriand med udgangspunkt i m ottoet til »Enten- Eller«, 2. del. - M edtaget i nr. 733 (pp.


732. Rohde, H. P., »Semilasso i Danmark - eller da Kierkegaard gik til angreb på H. C. Ander­

sen«. Berlingske Aftenavis 4.6.


Om »den dybere mening« med titlen på Kierkegaards første bog, - som sættes i relation til titlen på rejsebogsforfatteren fyrst Piickler-Muskaus B riefe eines V er- storbenen og de derpå følgende udgivel­

ser »aus den Papieren des Verstorbe-

nen«. — M edtaget i nr. 733 (»D en endnu levende«, pp. 39-51). - Let forkortet version i Aarhuus S tiftstid en d e 2.9.1971.

733. Rohde, H. P., Gaadefulde stadier paa Kierkegaards vej.

Rosenkilde & Bagger, København 1974.126 pp.

Indhold: 11 essays, alle tidligere trykt (cf. oplysningerne pp. 121-22). - Anm.:

N iels E. Grunnet, Præsteforeningens B lad L X V 1975, p. 735; V iggo M orten­

sen, In form ation 7.11.1974; H enrik N ei- iendam, W eekend avisen 20.12.1974; Flem­

ming Chr. N ielsen, JyIlands-Posten 3.11.

1974; N . H . Søe, K ristelig t D agblad 5.11.1974; N iels Thulstrup, K ierkegaar­

diana X 1977, pp. 301-03.

734. Rohde, H. P., »A Scent of Poetry. Kierkegaard and Cha­

teaubriand«. Kierkegaard-S tudiet (Osaka) VIII 1978, pp. 104-08.

Japansk tekst pp. 61-67.

735. Rohde, Peter P., »Vær pjat og du skal se - eller hvorfor man læ­

ser Søren Kierkegaard«. I hans:

Både - og. Thaning & Appel, Kø­

benhavn 1972. Pp. 67-72.

O prindelig offentliggjort i P olitiken 5.5.1963 (AaJ, 560).

736. Rohden, Valério, »A existen- cia autentica segundo Kierke­

gaard«. Revista brasiliera de filo- sofia (Sao Paulo) XVIII 1968, pp. 298-304.

737. Rohrmoser, Günter, Emanzi­

pation und Freiheit. Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, München 1970.

Pp. 159-96 (o: kapitlet »Die Me­

taphysik und das Problem der Subjektivität. Kierkegaard«).

U d vid et version af artikel i N eue Z e it­

sch rift fü r system atische Theologie und


Religionsphilosopkie V i l i 1966, pp. 289- 310 (AaJ, 564). - M edtaget i nr. 785.

738. Romano, Bruno, Il senso esis­

tenziale del diritto nella prospet­

tiva di Kierkegaard. A. Giuffré, Milano 1973. xviii, 321 pp.

(Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto di Filosofia del Diritto dell’Univer­

sità di Roma, 3. ser., 9.)

739. Roos, Carl, »Kierkegaard og Goethe«. I hans: Essays om tysk Litteratur. I udvalg ved Hakon Stangerup. Gyldendal, Køben­

havn 1967. Pp. 83-103.

O prindelig offentliggjort i hans: G erm a­

nica, 1938, pp. 125-50 (JHim m, 3467).

740. Rops, Daniel, »Kierkegaard, un Pascal protestante«. La fiera letteraria 8.8.1965.

741. Rosen, Steven J., Samuel Beckett and thè Pessimistic Tradi- tion. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick 1976. ix, 252 pp.

Se reg. p. 247.

742. Roubiczek, Paul, »Søren Kier­

kegaard«. The Times (London) 27.4.1968, p. 10.

743. Rudolph, Arthur W., »The Concepì of Man in Hegel and Kierkegaard«. ITA Humanidades (Sao Paulo, Brasilien) VIII 1972, pp. 55-71. [MLA 1974,11:13185.]

744. Russell, Bruce, »What is the Ethical in ’Fear and Trembling’?«

Inquiry XVIII 1975, pp. 337-43.

Kritik af James Bogens artikel smst. V 1962, pp. 305-17 (AaJ, 41).

745. Ryssel, Fritz Heinrich, Grosse Kranke: Soren Kierkegaard/Vin- cent van Gogh/Reinhold Schnei­

der. Gerd Mohn, Giitersloh 1974.

Pp. 11-44.

746. Ryø-Pedersen, Svend, »Val­

gets ’frihed’ hos Kierkegaard«.

Tidehverv XLVI 1972, pp. 106- 09.


747. Said, Edward W., »Molesta­

tion and Authority in Narrative Fiction«. I: J. Hillis Miller (red.), Aspects of Narrative. Selected Papers from the English Institute.

Columbia University Press, New York/London 1971. Pp. 47-68.

H eri pp. 50-54 om »Synspunktet for min Forfatter-Virksom hed«.

747a. Said, Edward W., »Repetiti­

on«. I: Angus Fletcher (red.), The Literature of Fact. Columbia Uni­

versity Press, New York 1976.

Pp. 135-58.*

748. Sales, Michel, »Dix ans de publications kierkegaardiennes en langue française (1960-1971)«.

Archives de Philosophie XXXV 1972, pp. 649-72.

749. Salladay, Susan, A Study of the Nature and Function of Re­

ligious Language in Relation to Kierkegaard's Theories of Subjec­

tive Truth and Indirect Commu­

nication. Ph. D.-thesis, Boston College 1974. 204 pp. [DAI XXXV A, pp. 1166-67.]

750. Sandberg, Hans-Joachim,

»Der Kierkegaard-Komplex in Thomas Manns Roman ’Doktor Faustus’. Zur Adaption einer be-


ziehungsreichen Thematik«. Text

& Kontext VI 1978, pp. 257-74.

751. Sandberg, Hans-Joachim,

»Kierkegaard und Leverkühn.

Zum Problem der Verzweiflung in Thomas Manns Roman ’Dok­

tor Faustus’«. Nerthus IV 1979, pp. 93-107.

752. Sandok, Theresa H., Kierke­

gaard on Irony and Humor. Ph.

D.-thesis, University of Notre Dame 1975. 251 pp. [DAI XXXVIA, p. 1586.]

753. Santurri, Edmund N., »Kier­

kegaard’s ’Fear and Trembling’ in Logical Perspective«. Journal of Religious Ethics V 1977, pp. 225- 47.

Diskuterer bl.a. bidrag a f Gene Outka (nr. 650) og George D . Chryssides (nr.


754. Sartre, Heidegger, Jaspers y otros, Kierkegaard vivo. Coloquio organizado por la Unesco en París, del 21 al 23 de abril de 1964. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1968. [3. opl., 1980.] 243 pp.

Spansk oversættelse ved Andrés-Pedro Sánchez Pascual a f K ierkegaard v i v ant, París 1966 (A aJ, 338).

755. Saxe, Poul, Politik og ideer i kirkens historie. (Privattryk,) Vi­

rum 1975. Pp. 101-03.

756. Schacht, Richard, »Kierke­

gaard on ’Truth is Subjectivity’

and ’The Leap of Faith’«. Cana­

dian Journal of Philosophy II 1972-73, pp. 297-313.

757. Schacht, Richard, Hegel and After. Studies in Continental Phi-

losophy Between Kant and Sartre.

University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 1975. Pp. 119-34 (o:

kapitlet »Kierkegaard on ’Truth is Subjectivity’ and ’The Leap of Faith’« [optryk af nr. 756]) og 135-74 (o: kapitlet »Kierke­

gaard’s Phenomenology of Spiri­

tual Development«).

C f. kapitel I, »From H egel to N ietzsche:

A Selective O verview «, pp. 5-6.

758. Schäfer, Klaus, »Hermeneu­

tische Ontologie bei Sören Kier­

kegaard«. Tübinger Theologische Quartalsschrift CXLVII 1967, pp. 453-74.

M edtaget i nr. 785.

759. Schär, Hans Rudolf, Christ­

liche Sokratik. Kierkegaard über den Gebrauch der Reflexion in der Christenheit. Peter Lang, Bern/Frankfurt a.M./Las Vegas 1977. vi, 214 pp. (Basler und Berner Studien zur historischen und systematischen Theologie, 34.)

D iss., Bern 1977.

760. Schauder, Karlheinz, »Exi­

stenz zwischen Glauben und Kri­

tik. Die Geschichte eines inneren Lebens. Zur Neuausgabe der Tagebücher Sören Kierkegaards«.

Reformatio XXV 1976, pp. 171- 75.

Om nr. 1056.

761. Schjorring, Jens Holger, Theologische Gewissensethik und politische Wirklichkeit. Das Bei­

spiel Eduard Geismars und Ema­

nuel Hirschs. Vandenhoeck & Ru­


precht, Göttingen 1979. 354 pp.

(Arbeiten zur kirchlichen Zeit­

geschichte, Reihe B, 7.)

Disputats, forsvaret pa Aarhus U niver- sitet 16.3.1979. Spec. henvises til pp. 30- 32, 98-104 og 159-64. C f. reg. p. 346.

762. Schleifer, Ronald, »Irony, Identity and Repetition. On Kier­

kegaards 5The Concept of Iro- ny’«. Sub-Stance, nr. 25, 1980, pp. 44-54.

763. Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdie­

trich, Bruchstücke zur Dialektik der Philosophie. Studien zur He­

gel-Kritik und zum Problem von Theorie und Praxis. A. Henn- Verlag, Ratingen/Kastelaun/Düs- seldorf 1974. Pp. 15-36 (o: kapit- let »Marx - Kierkegaard - Schel­

ling. Zum Problem von Theorie und Praxis«), spec. pp. 23-28.

764. Schmitz, Victor A., Dänische Dichter in ihrer Begegnung mit deutscher Klassik und Romantik.

Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a.M. 1974. Pp. 114-18 (om SK’s forhold til Goethe) og 143-53 (om

»die Überwindung der Romantik durch Sören Kierkegaard [...]«).

Cf. reg. (Studien zur Philosophie und Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 23.)

765. Scholtens, W. R., Denken over God bij Kierkegaard, voor­

waarden en methode. Een interne kritiek op existentialistische en dialectisch-theologische interpre­

taties. Nijmegen 1970. 185 pp.

[Utrykt dissertation.]*

766. Scholtens, W. R., »Gebed bij Kierkegaard«. Speling (Tilburg) XXII 1970, pp. 181-90.

767. Scholtens, W. R., »Het tragi­

komische bij Søren Kierkegaard«.

Speling (Tilburg) XXIII 1971, pp. 57-71.

768. Scholtens, W. R., »Søren Kierkegaard, teksten over doel en methode van gebed«. Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXVII 1971, pp. 259-66.

769. Scholtens, W. R., »Gebeden van Kierkegaard«. Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) X X V II1971, pp. 409-20.

770. Scholtens, W. R., De onbe­

kende Kierkegaard. Zijn werken - Zijn gebeden. Ten Have, Baarn

1972. 188 pp.

771. Scholtens, W. R., »Søren Kierkegaard, over bidden en dan­

ken«. Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXVIII 1972, pp. 485-94.

772. Scholtens, W. R., »Kierke­

gaard en de gewone man«. Jeugd en Cultuur (Borgerhout-Antwer­

pen) XVIII 1972-73, pp. 11-16.

773. Scholtens, W. R., »Kierke­

gaard en Sokrates, de plaats van de ironie in het geestelijk leven«.

Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXX 1974, pp. 203- 07.

774. Scholtens, W. R., »Schrift- meditatie bij Søren Kierkegaard«.

Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXXI 1975, pp. 233- 41.


775. Scholtens, W. R., »Kierke­

gaard, oekumene en medemense­

lijkheid«. Kosmos en Oekumene (’s Hertogenbosch) IX 1975, pp.


776. Scholtens, W. R., »Gods voorzienigheid bij Kierkegaard«.

Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXXII 1976, pp. 486- 93.

777. Scholtens, W. R., »Politiek en evangelische raden bij Soren Kierkegaard«. Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXXIII 1977, pp. 298-309.

778. Scholtens, W. R., Alle gek­

heid op een stokje. Kierkegaard als psycholoog. Ten Have, Baarn

1979. 138 pp.

779. Scholtens, W. R., »Soren Kierkegaard, angst en emancipa­

tie«. Kultuurleven (Louvain) XLVII 1980, pp. 721-37.

780. Scholtens, W. R., »Kierke­

gaard, Jezus en de brave burge­

rij«. Tijdschrift voor geestelijk leven (Louvain) XXXVII 1981, pp. 5-17.

780a. Scholtens, W. R., »De mysti­

eke geëngageerdheid van Soren Kierkegaard«. Speling (Tilburg) X X X III1981, pp. 37-42.

781. Scholz, Frithard, »Zeuge der Wahrheit - ein anderer Kierke­

gaard«. I: Alfred Schindler (udg.), Monotheismus als politis­

ches Problem? Erik Peterson und die Kritik der politischen Theolo­

gie. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd

Mohn, Gütersloh 1978. Pp. 120- 48. (Studien zur evangelischen Ethik, 14.)

782. Schow, H. Wayne, »Kierke- gaardian Perspectives in Martin A. Hansen’s ’The Liar’«. Critique.

Studies in Modern Fiction XV: 3 1974, pp. 53-65.

783. Schräder, George Alfred,

»Norman Mailer and the Despair of Défiance«. The Yale Review LI 1961-62, pp. 267-80.

784. Schräder, George, »Kant and Kierkegaard on Duty and Incli­

nation«. The Journal of Philo- sophy LXV 1968, pp. 688-701.

785. Schrey, Heinz-Horst (udg.), Soren Kierkegaard. Wissenschaft­

liche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1971. xii, 462 pp. (Wege der For­

schung, 179.)

Indhold: Forord pp. v ii-x ii; Emil Brunner, »Das Grundproblem der P h ilo­

sophie bei K ant und Kierkegaard«, pp.

1-18 (1924); Theodor Haecker, »Sören Kierkegaard«, pp. 19-51 (1925, 1958);

Rom ano Guardini, »Der Ausgangspunkt der D enkbew egung Sören Kierkegaards«, pp. 52-80 (1927, 1963); W ilfried Joest,

»H egel und Kierkegaard. Bemerkungen zu einer prinzipiellen Untersuchung«, pp. 81-89 (1950); H ein z-H orst Schrey,

»D ie Ü berwindung des N ihilism us bei Kierkegaard und N ietzsche«, pp. 90-109 (1950) ; Fritz Buri, »Kierkegaard und die heutige Existenzphilosophie«, pp. 110-19 (19 5 1 ) ; Knud Hansen, »Der andere Kierkegaard. Zu Søren Kierkegaards Christentumsverständnis«, pp. 120-40 (1951/52; forkortet overs. af ’H eretica’- bidrag fra 1951); Anna Paulsen, »N och einmal der andere Kierkegaard«, pp.


141-54 (1951/52); W alter Rest, »Die kontroverstheologische R elevanz Sören Kierkegaards«, pp. 155-72 (1952/53);

W ilhelm A nz, »Philosophie und Glaube bei S. Kierkegaard. Über die Bedeutung der Existenzdialektik für die Theologie«, pp. 173-239 (1954); D ietrich Ritschl,

»Kierkegaards Kritik an H egels Logik.

Zu Sören Kierkegaards 100. Todestag am 11. N ovem ber 1955«, pp. 240-72 (1955); Hermann Diem , »Kierkegaards H interlassenschaft an die Theologie«, pp.

273-96 (1965, dateret 1956); Walter Schulz, »Sören Kierkegaard. Existenz und System«, pp. 297-323 (1957, 1967);

M ichael Theunissen, »Das Kierkegaard­

bild in der neueren Forschung und D eu ­ tung (1945-1957)«, pp. 324-84 (1958);

G ötz Harbsmeier, »Kierkegaard und Grundtvig«, pp. 385-99 (1965, 1966);

Günter Rohrmoser, »Kierkegaard und das Problem der Subjektivität«, pp. 400- 27 (1966, 1970); Klaus Schäfer, »H er­

meneutische O ntologie bei Sören Kierke­

gaard?« pp. 428-50 (1967); K. E. Log- strup, »Kritik und Verrat an Kierke­

gaard«, pp. 451-62 (1968).

786. Schufreider, Gregory J., »The Logic of the Absurd (in Kierke­

gaards ’Concluding Unscientific Postscript’)«. Philo sophy Re­

search Archives V, nr. 1287, 1979.

21 pp. [Phil. Ind. 1979, p. 465 og 548.]

787. Schulz, Walter, Philosophie in der veränderten Welt. Neske, Pfullingen 1972. 902 pp.

Heri to SK-kapitler: »Kierkegaard: Der Gegenzug gegen H egels V erweltlichung der Philosophie«, pp. 276-84 (baseret pa A aJ, 595), og »Kierkegaard: D ie Leib­

gebundenheit des Geistes als Q uelle der Angst«, pp. 388-98 ( = AaJ, 596; med- taget i nr. 939).

788. Schulz, Walter, Johann Gott­

lieb Fichte/Sören Kierkegaard.

Neske, Pfullingen 1977. Pp. 33- 69. [Rép. 1978, nr. 4732.]

O ptryk af afhandlingen »Sören Kierke­

gaard. E xistenz und System«, 1957, se- parattrykt 1967 (AaJ, 595), samt med­

taget i nr. 785.

789. Schulz, Walter, Le Dien de la métaphysique moderne. Traduc- tion, présentation et notes par Jacques Colette. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Pa­

ris 1978. 155 pp.*

Oversættelse af bogen D er G o tt der neu­

zeitlichen M eta p h ysik , 1957, samt a f­

handlingen »Sören Kierkegaard. Existenz und System«, 1957, separattrykt 1967 (AaJ, 595).

790. Schultzky, Gerolf, Die Wahr­

nehmung des Menschen bei Søren Kierkegaard. Zur Wahrheitspro­

blematik der theologischen An­

thropologie. Vandenhoeck & Ru­

precht, Göttingen 1977. 245 pp.

(Studien zur Theologie und Gei­

stesgeschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 28.)

Theol. D iss., M ainz 1975. - Anm .: W.

v. Kloeden, K ierkegaardiana X I 1980, pp. 287-90.

791. Sciacca, Michele Federico,

»Nota Kierkegaardiana«. I hans:

Dall3Attualismo allo Spiritualismo critico. [I.] Carlo Marzorati Edi­

tore, Milano 1961. Pp. 403-12.

O prindelig offentliggjort 1937 (JHim m, 6732).

792. Sciacca, Michele Federico,

»Kierkegaard hegeliano anti-hege­

liano«. I hans: Dallo Spiritualis-


mo critico allo Spiritualismo cri­

stiano, IL Carlo Marzorati Edi­

tore, Milano 1965. Pp. 304-07.

[Annetta, p. 176.]

O prindelig offentliggjort i La fiera le t­

teraria 17.9.1950.

793. Sciacca, Michele Federico,

»Kierkegaard e il ’malessere’ della Cristianità«. I hans: L’Estetismo, Kierkegaard, Pirandello. Marzo­

rati Editore, Milano 1974. Pp.

159-309. (Opere complete di Mi­

chele F. Sciacca, 39.)

794. Scimeca, Ross Victor, The Ontological Status of the Irratio­

nal in Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.

A Study of its Origins and Im­

portance. Ph. D.-thesis, Univer­

sity of Southern California 1978.

[DAI XXXIX A, p. 5557.]

795. Scopetéa, Sophia, [På græsk:

Søren Kierkegaard. Gentagelsen.]

Papazisi, Athen 1977. xxv, 501 PP*

Bibliografi pp. 475-81. - Anm .: Leo Hjortsø, K ierkegaardiana X I 1980, pp.


796. Scopetéa, Sophia, »Søren Kierkegaard i Grækenland. Nogle spredte iagttagelser søgt opteg­

net«. Kierkegaardiana X 1977, pp. 262-73.

797. Scrag, Oswald O., »Existen­

tialist Ethics and Axiology«. The Southern Journal of Philosophy 1:2 1963, pp. 39-47.

Bl.a. om SK.

798. Scrimgeour, James R., »’The Great Example of Horror &

Agony’. A Comparison of Søren

Kierkegaard’s Demoniacally Des­

pairing Individual with William Blake’s Spectre of Urthona«.

Scandinavian Studies XL VII 1975, pp. 36-41.

799. Seator, Lynette, »Alfonso Sastre’s ’Homenaje a Kierke­

gaard’: ’La sangre de Dios’«.

Romance Notes XV 1973-74, pp.


800. Sechi, V., »The Poet«. Kier­

kegaardiana X 1977, pp. 166-81.

801. Sechi, Vanina, »Le lettere di Kierkegaard a Regine Olsen«.

Comunità, nr. 179, 1978, pp. 353- 78 (hvortil breve pp. 379-405).

[MLA 1979,11:11039.]

802. Sefler, George F., »Kierke­

gaard’s Religious Truth: The Three Dimensions of Subjectivi­

ty«. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion II 1971, pp. 43-52.

803. Serra, Antonio, »Istanze pe­

dagogiche nel pensiero di Soeren Kierkegaard«. Rivista Rosmani- ana di Filosofia e di Cultura LXXI 1977, pp. 133-49.

804. Seymour, Betty Jean, The Dyer’s Hand: Kierkegaardian Perspectives on Person, Word, and Art Re-discovered in W. H.

Auden. Ph. D.-thesis, Duke Uni­

versity 1975. 155 pp. [DAI XXXVI A, p. 4583.]

805. Shearson, William Arrindell, The Notion of Encounter in Ex­

istentialist Metaphysics. An In­

quiry into the Nature and Struc-


ture of Existential Knowledge in Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Buber.

Ph. D.-thesis, University of To­

ronto 1970. [DAI XXXII A, pp.


806. Shearson, William A., »The Common Assumptions of Existen­

tialist Philosophy«. International Philosophical Quarterly XV 1975,

pp. 131-47.

Bl.a. om SK.

807. Shein, L. J., »El concepto Kierkegaardiano de temor en re­

lación con el yo«. Folia Humaní­

stica 1977, pp. 297-306. [Rép.

1978, nr. 1389.]

808. Sherry, Patrick, »Learning How to be Religious: The Work of Paul Holmer«. Theology LX X V II1974, pp. 81-90.

Bl.a. om Holmers SK-arbejder.

809. Sherwood, Vance Robert, Jr., Kierkegaard's Attack on the Church. Images of Ministry to the Church. D. Div.-thesis, Van­

derbilt University Divinity School 1972. 182 pp. [DAI XXXIII A, p. 1828.]

810. Shmueli, Adi, Kierkegaard and Consciousness. Translated by Naomi Handelman. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1971.

xvi, 202 pp.

Oprindelig affattet på fransk (doktor­

afhandling, U niversité de Tours), ikke tidligere offentliggjort. Forord af Paul L. H olm er pp. x i-x v . - Anm .: J. H ey - w ood Thomas, K ierkegaardiana IX 1974, pp. 367-71.

811. Sibillo, Franca Romano, »Il

rapporto al padre: Kierkegaard«.

Ricerche Metodologiche 1969, pp. 14-24.

812. Sigad, Ran, The Concept of Authenticity in Existentialist Phi­

losophy (in Heidegger and Sar­

tre). Ph. D.-thesis, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1970. 332 PP-

Pa hebraisk. K opi i D et kgl. Bibliotek.

Om SK pp. 82-123.

813. Sigad, Ran, [Pa hebraisk:

Studier i eksistentialismen.] The Bialik Institute, Jerusalem 1975.

282 pp. [Bibl. Phil. 1975, nr.


Med et stort kapitel om SK.

814. Silver, Jeffrey Howard, Kierkegaard's Psychology of Health and Alienation. Ph. D.- thesis, Graduate Theological Union 1978. 147 pp. [DAI XXXIX A, pp. 3650-51.]

815. Simon, Richard Keller, Co- rriedy, Suffering, and Human Existence. The Search for a Co­

mic Strategy of Survival from Soren Kierkegaard to Kenneth Burke. Ph. D.-thesis, Stanford University 1977. 275 pp. [DAI XXXVIII A, p. 3471.]

816. Simons, Peter M., »Kierke­

gaard’s Theory of Action«. The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology VII 1976, pp.





817. Simonsen, Harold P., »[Ole]

Rolvaag and Kierkegaard«. Scan­

dinavian Studies IL 1977, pp.



818. Sinari, Ramakant, Reason in Existentialism. Popular Praka- shan, Bombay 1966. Pp. 7-37 (o:

kapitlet »Soren Kierkegaard and the Revolt against Reason«). Cf.


819. Sjursen, Harold P., »Method and Perspective when Reading Kierkegaard«. Kierkegaardiana V I II1971, pp. 199-211.

820. Sjursen, Harold P., Kierke­

gaard: The Individual and the Public. A Study in the Problem of Essential Communication. Ph.

D.-thesis, New School for Social Research 1974. 283 pp. [DAI XXXV A, pp. 6764-65.]

821. Sjursen, Harold, »Excess of Sorrow Laughs«. I: Ann Boaden (red.), The Masks of Comedy.

Papers Delivered at the Humani­

ties Festival, 1978, Augustana College. Augustana College Li­

brary, Rock Island, 111., 1980.

Pp. 83-102.*

822. Skinner, J. E., »Philosophical Megalomania«. Theology and Life IX 1966, pp. 146-59. [Stack, p.


823. Skjoldager, Emanuel, »Kier­

kegaard og Gilleleje«. Kristeligt Dagblad 13.12.1974.

Om sommeropholdet i G illeleje i 1835 og dets evt. eftervirkninger.

824. Skjoldager, Emanuel, »Søren Kierkegaard - prædikanten«.

Kirke og Kultur LXXXI 1976, pp. 376-80.

825. Skjoldager, Emanuel, Hvor­

for blev Søren Kierkegaard ikke Grundtvigianer [?]. C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, København 1977. 121 pp. (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabets populære skrifter, XVI.)

Anm .: Per Lønning, K ierkegaardiana X I 1980, pp. 277-78; Flemming Chr.

N ielsen, JyIlands-Posten 27.2.1978.

826. Skjoldager, Emanuel, At trange til Gud. Indførelse i Søren Kierkegaards opbyggelige taler 1843-1844. C. A. Reitzels Bog­

handel, København 1980. 147 pp.

Anm.: John Busk-Jepsen, Fønix V 1981, p p . 2 2 3 - 2 4 .

826a. Skjoldager, Emanuel, »Skif­

tede Søren Kierkegaard stand­

punkt?« Kirke og Kultur LXXXVI1981, pp. 498-505.

Også i Berlingske T idende 28.7.1981.

827. Skjøt-Pedersen, Hilbert,

»Troen og fortvivlelsen hos Søren Kierkegaard «. Pr aste foreningens Blad LXVII 1977, pp. 793-99.

Cf. Poul A. Knudsen, smst. L X V III 1 9 7 8 , p p . 8 2 - 8 3 .

827a. Skjøt-Pedersen, H., »Fra ungdomsoprører til kirkestormer«.

Kristeligt Dagblad 8.8.1981.

828. Sliogeris, A[rvydas], »Büties problema G. Hegelio ir S. Kjerke- goro filosofijoje«. Problemos 1977, nr. 1(19), pp. 23-34.

829. Sliogeris, A., »Ironijos prin­

cipas S. Kjerkegoro filosofijoje«.

Problemos 1978, nr. 1(21), pp.


830. Sliogeris, A., »Estetines büties koncepcija S. Kjerkegoro filosofi­

joje«. Problemos 1978, nr. 2(22), pp. 75-86.


831. Slote, Michael A., »Existen- tialism and the Fear of Dying«.

American Philosophical Quarterly XII 1975, pp. 17-28.

Om »human anxiety about death [...], based an the work o f Pascal, Kierke- gaard, Heidegger, and Sartre«. - O p- trykt i: John D onn elly (red.), Language, M etaphysics, an d D eath. Fordham U ni- versity Press, N ew York 1978. Pp. 69- 87. [Phil. Ind. 1980, p. 360.]

832. Sløk, Johannes, »Kierkegaard as Existentialist«. I: Raymond E.

Olson & Anthony M. Paul (red.), Contemporary Philosophy in Scandinavia. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore/London 1972.

Pp. 457-63.

833. Sløk, Johannes, Shakespeare og Kierkegaard. Berlingske For­

lag, København 1972. 205 pp.

Anm.: Emil Frederiksen, Berlingske T i­

dende 8.5.1972; Peter Kemp, P olitiken 5.8.1972; Henrik N eiiendam , W eeken d­

avisen 27.4.1972; Flemming Chr. N ie l­

sen, Jyllan ds-P osten 3.5.1972; Steffen Steffensen, K ierkegaar diana IX 1974, pp. 354-57.

834. Sløk, Johannes, »Die griechi- sche Philosophie als Bezugsrah- men fiir Constantin Constantius und Johannes de Silentio«. I: O.

S. Due, H. Friis Johansen & B.

Dalsgaard Larsen (red.), Classica et Mediaevalia. Francisco Blatt septuagenario dedicata. Gylden­

dal, København 1973. Pp. 636-58.

Medtaget i nr. 939.

835. Sløk, Johannes, Kierkegaard, humanismens tanker. Hans Reit- zel, København 1978. 239 pp.

Anm .: Klaus Kvorning Hansen, Philo- sophia (Aarhus) IX : 1-2 1980, pp. 140- 42; V iggo Mortensen, In form ation 16.1.

1978; Paul Müller, D ansk teologisk T ids­

sk rift X L II 1979, pp. 66-74; N . H . Søe, K ierkegaardiana X I 1980, pp. 250-54.

836. Sløk, Johannes, »Le concept de paradoxe chez Kierkegaard«.

Les Études Philosophiques 1979, pp. 173-84.

837. Sløk, Johs., »Eksistensfiloso­

fien«. I: Jørgen K. Bukdahl m.fl., Filosofien'efter Hegel. Gyldendal, København 1980. Pp. 58-94.

Om SK pp. 58-76.

838. Sløk, Johannes, Da Kierke­

gaard tav. Fra forfatterskab til kirkestorm. Hans Reitzel, Køben­

havn 1980. 137 pp.

Anm .: V iggo Mortensen, In form ation 11.8.1980.

838a. Sløk, Johannes, »At gøre sig til et menneske«. Bogklubben (Gyldendals Bogklubs medlems­

blad) nr. 188, maj 1982, pp. 18- 22.

Om »Enten-Eller« i forbindelse med ud­

givelsen som bogklubbog.

839. Smith, Joel Robert, The Dia- lectic of Selfhood in the Works of Søren Kierkegaard. Ph. D.-thesis, Vanderbilt University 1977. 198 pp. [DAI XXXVIII A, pp. 1456- 57.]

839a. Smith, Joseph H. (red.), Kierkegaard3s Truth: The Disclo- sure of the Seif. Yale University Press, New Haven/London 1981.

xviii, 438 pp. (Psychiatry and the Humanities, 5.)

Indhold: »Introduction«, pp. x i-x v ii;


Paul L. H olm er, »Post-Kierkegaard:

Remarks about Being a Person«, pp. 3- 22; Paul B. Armstrong, »Reading Kier­

kegaard - D isorientation and Reorienta­

tion«, pp. 23-50; James C ollins, »Kierke­

gaard’s Imagery o f the Self«, pp. 51-84;

H arold A. Durfee, »M etaphilosophy in the Shadow o f Kierkegaard«, pp. 85-117;

W illiam Kerrigan, »Superego in Kierke­

gaard, Existence in Freud«, pp. 119-65;

Bruce H . Kirmmse, »Psychology and So­

ciety: The Social Falsification o f the Self in ’The Sickness unto D eath ’«, pp. 167- 92; Louis H . M ackey, »A Ram in the A fternoon: Kierkegaard’s Discourse o f the Other«, pp. 193-234; V incent A.

McCarthy, »’Psychological Fragments’:

Kierkegaard’s Religious Psychology«, pp.

235-65; W. W. Meissner, »Subjectivity in Psychoanalysis«, pp. 267-311; Paul R i- cceur, »Two Encounters w ith Kierke­

gaard: Kierkegaard and E vil/D oin g P hi­

losophy after Kierkegaard«, pp. 313-42 (oprindelig offentliggjort pa fransk 1963 [AaJ, 542-43]); Mark C. Taylor, »Aes­

thetic Therapy: H egel and Kierkegaard«, pp. 343-80; Michael Theunissen, »Kierke­

gaard’s N egativistic M ethod«, pp. 381- 423.

840. Smith, Kenneth Ray, Dialec­

tical Conceptions of the Spirit:

Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietz­

sche. Ph. D.-thesis, Yale Univer­

sity 1972. 239 pp. [DAI XXXIII A, p. 3720.]

841. Sobosan, Jeffrey G., »Reflec­

tions on Kierkegaard and the Dy­

namics of Love«. The American Ecclesiastical Review CLXVII 1973, pp. 226-35.

842. Sobosan, Jeffrey G., »One Hand Clapping ... A Study of the Paradoxical in [Shakespeare’s]

’Lear’ and Kierkegaard«. Laval

T hêologique et Philosophique XXX 1974, pp. 47-53.

843. Sobosan, Jeffrey G., »Kierke­

gaard and Jung on the Self«.

Journal of Psychology and The­

ology III 1975, pp. 31-35.*

844. Sobosan, Jeffrey G., »Irony and the Unexpected«. Cross Cur­

rents XXVI 1977, pp. 429-34.

845. Sokel, Walter H., »Kleists

’Marquise von O.’, Kierkegaards

’Abraham’ und Musils ’Tonka’:

Drei Stufen des Absurden in sei­

ner Beziehung zum Glauben«. I:

Karl Dinklage, Elisabeth Albert- sen & Karl Corino (red.), Robert Musil. Studien zu seinem Werk.

Rowohlt, Hamburg 1970. Pp. 57- 70.

Oprindelig offentliggjort engelsk 1967 (AaJ, 633).

846. Solomon, Robert C., From Rationalism to Existentialism.

The Existentialists and Their Nineteenth-Century Backgrounds.

Harper & Row, New York 1972.

Pp. 69-104 (o: kapitlet »Søren Kierkegaard: Faith and the Sub­

jective Individual«). Cf. reg. p.


847. Solomon, Robert C., »Kierke­

gaard and ’Subjective Truth’«.

Philosophy Today XXI 1977, pp.


848. Solomon, Robert C., »The Secret of Hegel (Kierkegaard’s Complaint): A Study in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion«. Philoso­

phical Forum IX 1977-78, pp.



849. Solomon, Robert C., History and Human Nature. A Philoso- phical Review of European Hi­

story and Culture 1750-1850. The Harvester Press, Brighton 1980.

Pp. 339-56 (o: kapitlet »The Sin­

gular Universal: Søren Kierke­

gaard« [noter pp. 398-402]).

850. Sontag, Frederick, A Kierke­

gaard Handbook. John Knox Press, Atlanta 1979. 176 pp.

H eri som indledningskapitel Peter P.

Rohdes pjece fra 1963 (AaJ, 558),

»slightly revised«. Som afslutningskapi­

tel aftrykkes forf.’s introduktion til A u th o rity and R evelation (N ew York, 1966).

851. Sorainen, Kalle, »Kierkegaar- din kuvakielestä«. Kirjallisuuden- tutkijain Seuran VuosikirjalAn­

nuaire des Historiens de la Litté­

rature XXII 1967, pp. 85-106.

Resumé, »Du langage imagé de Kierke­

gaard«, pp. 106-07.

852. Sorainen, Kalle, »Einige Be­

obachtungen im Bezug auf die lateinischen Übersetzungen Søren Kierkegaards aus dem griechi­

schen Neuen Testament«. Kierke- gaardiana IX 1974, pp. 56-74.

853. Sorainen, Kalle, »Sören Kier­

kegaard und J. V. Snellman«.

Kierke gaardiana XI 1980, pp.


854. Souriau, Étienne, La couronne d’herbes. Esquisse d’une morale sur des bases purement esthé­

tiques. Union Générale d’Éditions, Paris 1975. 438 pp.

Forf. polemiserer mod SK.

855. Spanos, William V., »Heideg­

ger, Kierkegaard, and thè Herme- neutic Circle. Towards a Post- modern Theory of Interpretation as Dis-closure«. I: William V.

Spanos (red.), Martin Heidegger and thè Question of Literature.

Toward a Postmodern Literary Hermeneutics. Indiana University Press, Bloomington/London 1976.

Pp. 115-48.

Ogsa offentliggjort i B oundary 2 IV 1975-76, pp. 455-88.

856. Spera, Salvatore, »11 mito di Faust. Aspirazioni letterarie, ri­

flessioni filosofiche, preoccupazio­

ni religiose del Giovane Kierke­

gaard«. Archivio di Filosofia 1974, nr. 1: La filosofia della storia della filosofia, pp. 309-39.

Med » N ota conclusiva« a f Enrico C a­

stelli, p. 340.

857. Spera, Salvatore, »L’influsso di Schelling nella formazione del Giovane Kierkegaard«. Archivio di Filosofia 1976, nr. 1: Schelling, pp. 73-108.

858. Spera, Salvatore, Il pensiero del Giovane Kierkegaard. Inda­

gini critiche sulla filosofia della religione e studi sugli aspetti ine­

diti del pensiero kierkegaardiano.

Cedam, Padova 1977. 217 pp.

(Studi filosofici e religiosi, 11.)

Anm.: Alessandro Cortese, K ierkegaar- diana X I 1980, pp. 257-63.

859. Spera, Salvatore, »Aspetti del demoniaco in una prospettiva di filosofia della religione«. Aquinas XXI 1978, pp. 382-99, spec. pp.

14 Kierkegaardiana XII


395-99 (o: afsnittet »La specula­

zione kierkegaardiana«).

860. Spera, Salvatore, »Kierke­

gaard e la crisi europea del 1848«.

Archivio di Filosofia 1978, nr.

2-3: Religione e politica, pp. 385- 407.

860a. Spera, Salvatore, Kierke­

gaard politico. Istituto di Studi Filosofici, Rom 1978.125 pp.

861. Spero, Moshe, »Religious Anxiety and the Experience of God«. Judaism XXVI 1977, pp.


862. Sponheim, Paul R., Kierke­

gaard on Christ and Christian Coherence. Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1975. xviii, 332 pp.

Fotografisi^ optryk af bog fra 1968 (AaJ, 641).

863. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard’s Ironic Stage of Existence«.

Laval Théologique et Philoso­

phique XXV 1969, pp. 192-207.

864. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard and Nihilism«. Philosophy Today XIV 1970, pp. 274-92.

865. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard and Romantic Aestheti­

cism«. Philosophy Today XIV 1970, pp. 57-74.

866. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard’s Concept of Possibility«.

The Journal of Thought V 1970, pp. 80-92.

867. Stack, George J., »Aristóteles y las categorías existenciales de Kierkegaard«. Folia Humanística

IX 1971, pp. 1029-41.

868. Stack, George J., »Dialéctica de la elección en Kierkegaard«.

Folia Humanística IX 1971, pp.


869. Stack, George J., »Ética de la subjetividad en Kierkegaard«.

Folia Humanística IX 1971, pp.


870. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard’s Analysis of Choice: The Aristotelian Model«. The Per- sonalist L I I 1971, pp. 643-61.

871. Stack, George J., »On the Notion of Dialectics«. Philosophy Today XV 1971, pp. 276-90.

872. Stack, George J., »Aristóteles y Kierkegaard: Concepto de posi­

bilidad humana«. Folia Humaní­

stica X 1972, pp. 15-33,137-49.

873. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard and Potentiality, Existence, and Possibility«. Agora (Potsdam, N. Y.) 11:1 1972, pp. 50-64.

874. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard: The Self as Ethical Possi­

bility«. The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 111:3 1972, pp. 35- 61.

875. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard: The Self and Ethical Exis­

tence«. Ethics LXXXIII 1972-73, pp. 108-25.

876. Stack, George J., »The Basis of Kierkegaard’s Concept of Exis­

tential Possibility«. The New Scholasticism XLVI 1972, pp.


C f. hertil James King, »Further B e-


marks on Kierkegaard and Possibility«, smst. X L V II 1973, pp. 375-80.

877. Stack, George J., »The Language of Possibility and Ex­

istential Possibility«. The Modern Schoolman L, jan. 1973, pp. 159- 82.

Om analyser af »human possibility« hos SK og Heidegger.

878. Stack, George J., »Aristotle and Kierkegaard’s Existential Ethics«. Journal of the History of Philosophy XII 1974, pp. 1-19.

879. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard and Subjective Concern«.

The Journal of Thought IX 1974, pp. 95-104. [Phil. Ind. 1974, p.



880. Stack, George J., »La com­

prensión de la fe en Kierkegaard.

(Kierkegaard’s Understanding of Faith)«. Folia Humanística XII 1974, pp. 219-33.

881. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard and Acosmism«. The Journal of Thought X 1975, pp. 185-93.

882. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard y la conciencia estética«.

Folia Humanística XIII 1975, pp.


883. Stack, George J., »La perso­

na subjetiva y el mundo en Kier­

kegaard«. Folia Humanística XIII 1975, pp. 701-09. [Rép.

1976, nr. 9137.]

884. Stack, George J., »The Mean­

ing of ’Subjectivity is Truth’«.

Midwestern Journal of Philo­

sophy XXVI 1975, pp. 26-40.

[Phil. Ind. 1975, p. 346.]

885. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard: Repetición existencial«.

Folia Humanística XIV 1976, pp.

523-36. [Rép. 1977, nr. 8118.]

886. Stack, George J., »Kierke­

gaard’s Existential Categories«.

The Personalist LVII 1976, pp.


887. Stack, George J., On Kierke­

gaard: Philosophical Fragments.

F. Lokkes Forlag, Nyborg/Huma- nities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1976. 127 pp.

Anm .: A lastair M cKinnon, K ierkegaar- diana X I 1980, pp. 280-81.

888. Stack, George J., Kierke­

gaard's Existential Ethics. The University of Alabama Press, University 1977. xvi, 237 pp.

(Studies in the Humanities, 16.)

Med bibliografi pp. 203-31.

889. Stack, George J., »La verdad como subjetividad. Interpreta­

ción«. Folia Humanística XV 1977, pp. 607-18. [Rép. 1978, nr. 1385.]

890. Stack, George J., »Repetition in Kierkegaard and Freud«. The Personalist LVIII 1977, pp. 249- 60.

891. Stack, George J., »Repetición constructiva versus repetición ne­

gativa«. Folia Humanística XVI 1978, pp. 123-37. [Rép. 1979, nr. 8759.]

892. Stack, George J., »Possibility, Freedom, and Value«. Diálogos.

Revista del Departamento de Fi­

losofía, Universidad de Puerto Rico XIV 1979, pp. 7-32.


893. Stack, George J., »The In- ward Journey: Kierkegaards Journals and Papers«. Philosophy Today XXIII 1979, pp. 170-96.

894. Standley, Nancy V., »Kierke­

gaard and Man’s Vocation«. The Vocational Guidance Quarter ly XX 1971-72, pp. 19-22.

895. Stangerup, Henrik, »Søren Kierkegaard«. I: Per Stig Møller (red.), Forfatternes forfatterhisto­

rie. Gyldendal, København 1980.

Pp. 89-97.

896. Steffensen, Steffen, »Kierke­

gaard und Goethe«. Ner thus III 1972, pp. 19-55.

897. Steffensen, Steffen, »Kierke­

gaard, Nietzsche og nihilismen«.

I: Bent Hahn, Knud Hansen &

Svend Holm-Nielsen (red.), Hu­

manitet og eksistens. En artikel­

samling tilegnet Børge Diderich- sen. Gyldendal, København 1976.

Pp. 9-15. (På tysk i: Ausblick XXVI 1975, pp. 38-40.)

898. Steiger, Lothar, »Det er jo meine Zuthat (SV IV 210). Kier­

kegaards Erfahrung über Hegel oder Etwas über des Johannes Climacus Philosophische Bissen«.

Evangelische Theologie XXXVIII 1978, pp. 372-86.

Forelæsning holdt på U niversität H e i­

delberg 4.5.1977.

899. Steilen, Josef, Der Begriff

»Paradox«. Eine Begriffsanalyse im Anschluss am Soren Kierke­

gaard. Trier 1974. xix, 250, 45 pp.

Theol. Diss., Trier 1974. - Anm .: F.-E.

W ilde, K ierk e gaar diana X 1977, pp. 332- 42.

900. Steilen, Josef, »’Paradox’ als theologischer Grundbegriff bei Sören Kierkegaard«. Trierer theo­

logische Zeitschrift LXXXIV 1975, pp. 193-99.

901. Stein, Waltraut J., »The Thought of Soren Kierkegaard«.

Religious Humanism IV 1970, pp.


902. Steiner, George, »Speaking Essentially with God«. The Times Literary Supplement 25.1.1980, pp. 81-82.

Anm. af nr. 998, 1047 og 1058.

903. Stella, Fernando, »Kierke­

gaard: Un uomo in presenza di Dio«. Raccolta di Studi e Ri- cerche (Bari) 1978, II pp. 331- 41.

904. Stemmier, Wolfgang, Max F risch y Heinrich Böll und Sören Kierkegaard. Philosophische Fa­

kultät der Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität, München 1972. iv, 267 pp.


905. Stendahl, Brita K., Søren Kierkegaard. Twayne, Boston 1976. 235 pp. (Twayne’s World Authors Series, 392.)

Anm .: Evert Sprinchorn, Scandinavian Studies LI 1979, pp. 76-78; Mark C.

Taylor, K ierke gaar diana X I 1980, pp.


906. Stengren, George L., »Con­

natural Knowledge in Aquinas and Kierkegaardian Subjectivity«.


Kierkegaardiana X 1977, pp.


907. Struve, Wolfgang, »Kierke­

gaard und das existentielle Den­

ken«. Scheidewege III 1973, pp.


908. Stucki, Pierre-André, »La répétition«. Les Études Philoso­

phiques 1979, pp. 195-205.

909. Stybe, Svend Erik, »’Jednost- kowosc’ i ’jednostka’ (O dunskich poprzednikach Kierkegaarda) «.

Studia filozoficzne (Warszawa) 1973, nr. 5, pp. 209-16.

910. Stybe, Svend Erik, »Trends in Danish Philosophy«. Journal of the British Society for Phenome­

nology IV 1973, pp. 153-70, spec, pp. 158-59.

911. Stybe, Svend Erik, »Filosofi«.

I: Poul Johs. Jensen (red.), Kø­

benhavns Universitet 1479-1979, X: Det filosofiske Fakultet, 3. del.

G. E. C. Gad, København 1980.

Spec. pp. 58-61.

911a. Stybe, Svend Erik, Dansk idéhistorie, II: Grundbog. Hans Reitzel, København 1981. Pp. 33- 38. Cf. reg.

912. Suber, Peter Dain, Kierke­

gaard's Concept of Irony Espe­

cially in Relation to Freedom, Personality and Dialectic. Ph. D.- thesis, Northwestern University 1978. 244 pp. [DAI XXXIX A, p. 4984.]

913. Sullivan, Frank Russell, Jr., Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard.

Ph. D.-thesis, Boston University

Graduate School 1973. 185 pp.

[DAI XXXIV A, p. 1976.]

914. Sullivan, F. Russell, Jr., Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard. Uni- versity Press of America, Wash­

ington 1978. [Phil. Ind. 1980, p.


915. Svendsen, Paulus, »Schiller - Welhaven - Kierkegaard«. Ner- thus III 1972, pp. 7-17.

916. Søe, N. H., »Neuere däni­

sche Kierkegaard-Forschung«.

T heologische Literaturzeitung LXXXXVI 1971, sp. 1-18.

917. Søe, N. H., »Om begrebet

’Barmhjertighed’ hos Søren Kier­

kegaard«. I: Peter Kemp (red.), Festskrift til Søren Holm på 70- årsdagen den 4. marts 1971. Nyt Nordisk Forlag, København 1971.

Pp. 43-52.

918. [Sørensen, Hans, u. pseud.]

Frater Polysemus, Forord til Sø­

ren Kierkegaards Billedbog. Al­

vorlig Læsning i Travle Tider.

Fundet og befordret til trykken af Petrus Solniensis. Munksgaard, København 1971. 29 pp.

Anm .: T[orben] B [rostrøm ], In form a­

tion 8.10.1971; Peter Kemp, P olitiken 4.10.1971; H . P. Rohde, W eekendavisen 14.1.1972.

919. Sørensen, Villy, »Digter og filosof«. I hans: Digtere og dæ­

moner. Fortolkninger og vurde­

ringer. 2. udg. Gyldendal, Køben­

havn 1973. Pp. 10-36.

1. udg., 1959. - Om H . C. Andersen og SK.



920. Tamai, Osamu, »Kierke­

gaard’s Concept of ’Stage’«. The Bulletin of the Faculty of Litera­

ture of Tokai University, nr. 15, 1971. [Scand. XIII 1974, p. 81.]

920a. Tammany, Jane Frances El- lert, Henrik Ibsen's Theatre Aesthetics and Dramatic Art as a Reflection of Kierkegaardian Consciousness. Its Significance for Modern Dramatic Interpretation and the American Theatre. Ph.

D.-thesis, The University of Wis­

consin 1979. 424 pp. [DAI XL A, pp. 2995-96.]

921. Taylor, Carole Anne, »Kier­

kegaard and the Ironic Voices of Emily Dickinson«. Journal of English and Germanic Philology LXXVII 1978, pp. 569-81.

922. Taylor, Douglas Randolph, The Aesthetic Methodology of Søren Kierkegaard's Pseudony­

mous Works. Ph. D.-thesis, The Florida State University 1977.

328 pp. [DAI XXXVIII A, p.


923. Taylor, Lewis Jerome, Jr., The Becoming of the Self in the Writings of Walker Percy. A Kierkegaardian Analysis. Ph. D.- thesis, Duke University 1972. 349 pp. [DAI XXXIII A, p. 1224.]

924. Taylor, Lewis J., Jr., »Walker Percy’s Knights of the Hidden Inwardness«. Anglican Theologi­

cal Review LVI 1974, pp. 125-51.

Om SK -påvirkning hos Percy.

925. Taylor, Mark C., »Kierke­

gaard as a Theologian of Hope«.

Union Seminary Quarterly Re­

view XXVIII 1972-73, pp. 225- 33.

926. Taylor, Mark C., »Time’s Struggle with Space: Kierke­

gaard’s Understanding of Tempo­

rality«. The Harvard Theological Review LXVI 1973, pp. 311-29.

Smst. pp. 509-10 et resume af forf.’s Ph.

D .-thesis, Tim e and Self. A S tu d y of Søren K ierkegaard's Pseudonym ous A uthorship (cf. nr. 928).

927. Taylor, Mark C., »Kierke­

gaard on the Structure of Self­

hood«. Kierkegaardiana IX 1974, pp. 84-103.

928. Taylor, Mark C., Kierke­

gaard's Pseudonymous Author­

ship. A Study of Time and the Self. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1975. xiv, 391 pp.

Anm .: Carl Raschke, K ierkegaardiana X 1977, pp. 328-32. - C f. nr. 60a.

929. Taylor, Mark C., »Language, Truth and Indirect Communica­

tion«. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie XXXVII 1975, pp. 74-88.

930. Taylor, Mark C., »Psycho­

analytic Dimensions of Kierke­

gaard’s View of Selfhood«. Philo­

sophy Today XIX 1975, pp. 198- 212.

931. Taylor, Mark C., »Journeys to Moriah. Hegel vs. Kierke­

gaard«. The Harvard Theological Review LXX 1977, pp. 305-26.

932. Taylor, Mark C., »Love and Forms of Spirit: Kierkegaard vs.



kegaard’s Choice Between the Aesthetic and the Ethical. Hørbo, Søren Kierkegaard og søndagsteksterne. Over Søren Kierkegaard”. Sperna Weiland.).. Delfgaauw, Bernard,

KIERKEGAARDIANA is issued under the auspices of The Søren Kierkegaard Society (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet) Denmark and The Department of Søren Kierkegaard Research,

KIERKEGAARDIANA is published under the auspices o f The Søren Kierkegaard Society (Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet) D enm ark and The D epartm ent o f Søren Kierkegaard

Dunning, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion XIV 1983, pp.. Belief as Existentially

Tilføj: (Kierkegaard’s Writings, XIV.) løvrigt henvises til: Karol Toeplitz, »Bibliografia opracowan

Fabro, Cornelio, »Perché Kierkegaard lasciò Regina«. Fabro, C., »Soeren

The Social Thought of Søren Kierkegaard in its Historical Context.. Kjær, Grethe, Den gådefulde

Die Religion bei sowohl Snellman wie auch bei Hegel ist eine Art Wissen, ja sogar eine Wissenschaft, was vollständig gegensätzlich der Auffassung Kierkegaards ist,