In particular, the southern part of the Baltic Sea shows attractive locations due to higher market values for offshore wind power generation. Identification of administrative and regulatory barriers to the efficient use of offshore wind energy in the region;
Modelling of benefits of coordination
- Creation of scenarios
- Modelling of the scenarios in stages to assess market and grid impacts
- Offshore wind power can be a cost-competitive option already in 2030
- Additional cost savings can be achieved by regional cooperation on offshore wind power policies
- Offshore wind power affects internal grid costs and regional cooperation on grid planning is beneficial
- Cost-benefit analysis shows that cooperation on offshore wind power and long-term planning can reduced total system
Regional cooperation on and support for offshore wind power production through cross-border support instruments, i.e. regardless of the ambitions for offshore wind power in the region.
Market, administrative and regulatory barriers to offshore wind power exist
- Cost-effective long-term deployment requires regional coordination and a level playing field
- Support mechanisms should be open to offshore wind
- Differences in grid costs faced by offshore wind power create distortions
- Asymmetrical distribution of costs and benefits requires regulatory mechanisms for burden-sharing
- Regional grid planning must be strengthened
- Knowledge sharing can improve licensing procedures
- Data quality for maritime spatial planning should be improved
There are significant differences in the support regimes applied to offshore wind across the different BEMIP member states. It is essential for the deployment of offshore wind power that the necessary licenses are received without undue delay.
Lessons can be drawn from other studies and initiatives
Insights and recommendations from the Baltic InteGrid project
Poor or inaccessible geospatial data hinders both effective maritime spatial planning and the ability of developers to make sound commercial decisions. Germany where a web portal for geographic data relevant to maritime spatial planning has been created.
Coordination with the North Sea cooperation
Work to improve the quality, accessibility and compatibility of the data supporting these decision-making processes will support the efficient deployment of offshore wind in the region. Due to the fact that both BEMIP and NSEC face similar challenges, the results of work programs and studies already carried out by NSEC can serve as important guidelines.
Project overview
Provide an overall estimate of the economic impact of offshore wind development, particularly on the supply chain. In Section 4.2, we provide a detailed discussion of the various elements of the offshore wind supply chain and their contribution to the total CAPEX.
Offshore wind potential and site characteristics
To identify specific locations and develop meaningful cost estimates, we have considered the location and construction of a reference 500 MW offshore wind farm. The estimated losses for each 500 MW wind farm are given in the list of wind farms (see Appendix A).
A table listing the identified offshore wind farm locations was prepared as part of the deliverables of Task 1. We are aware of the existence of other offshore wind farms in the pipeline with a capacity of less than 500 MW (eg Kiri in Finland).
Supply chain analysis
BEMIP countries' contribution to the CAPEX supply chain will depend on a number of factors, including the expected rate of deployment of offshore wind capacity in the region. This suggests that the basis for the development of large-scale offshore wind industry is present in the region.
Job creation in BEMIP countries
Germany and Denmark already have an existing turbine supply chain and represent a large proportion of the expected regional offshore wind deployment. Installation activities, which can be provided by suppliers outside of Denmark and Germany, cover approximately 10% of the total CAPEX costs of the project.
In the northern part of the Baltic Sea, the presence of a relatively cheap alternative VE (mainly onshore wind power) and relatively small population limits the market value of offshore wind power.15. We analyze different levels of wind power deployment and different levels of cooperation on offshore wind power in the region.
The Balmorel model
At the same time, the more efficient distribution of Baltic offshore wind power also facilitates better utilization of other renewable energy sources, such as onshore wind. The assignment builds on the identified technical potential in Assignment 1 and uses an electricity market model to investigate the implications of rolling out offshore wind power from the Baltic Sea.
The European power system
The assumptions for the development of electricity demand in the modeled area are mainly based on ENTSO-E's scenarios in TYNDP 2018. Towards 2030, the development of the transmission network in the modeled area is based on ENTSO-E's 10-year network development plan 2018.
Baltic offshore wind power scenarios
At the end of 2017, installed offshore wind power capacity in the Baltic Sea was equal to approximately 1.4 GW (see D.3.1). However, in the scenarios the rest of the system is optimized subject to the constraint imposed in the form of Baltic offshore wind deployment.
Interpretation of the results
To explore the effects of higher offshore wind power deployment, we compare e.g. total costs between two otherwise similar scenarios that differ in terms of the level of offshore wind power deployed. To analyze the effect of different degrees of cooperation, we compare scenarios with corresponding offshore wind power ambitions, as shown in Figures 5-8.
European power market development
Energy prices in the Baltic and Nordic countries remain €10-20/MWh lower given access to cheaper RE sources in these areas. Beyond 2030, the continued technological development of wind and solar power and the increase in their share in the generation mix generally prevent further significant increases in average energy prices despite rising CO2 prices.
Low offshore wind deployment and National policies
Ambitious wind deployment and National policies
The difference in the overall system production costs between the ambitious NP scenario and the low NP scenario expressed per MWh of additional offshore wind production in the Baltic Sea in the ambitious scenario is around €10/MWh in 2030 and -3 €/MWh in 2050 (see Figure 5-17). In the national political scenarios, the low offshore development scenario is thus more cost-effective than the ambitious scenario in 2030, but in 2050 this situation is reversed.
Regional grid cooperation
It should also be noted that the offshore wind sites included in each of the hubs are not equal in the low and ambitious scenarios. By 2030 and in the Low Grid Cooperation scenario, Hub 1 shows a relatively low LCOE of around 55 €/MWh and a market value of almost the same size.
Regional policy cooperation
The relocation of offshore wind capacity to Denmark and Poland is also evident in the ambitious grid and policy cooperation (Figure 5-20, bottom). More efficient distribution of offshore wind power capacity in the Baltic Sea also enables more efficient development of other renewable generation, see figure 5-21.
Comparison of scenarios
If we look at the Baltic offshore wind turbine costs alone, we see that they are higher in the regional grid cooperation scenarios compared to the national scenarios. The additional benefit of the collaboration amounts to between €1 and €9/MWh of offshore wind turbine production in the Baltic Sea.
Potential projects of common interests
As illustrated in section 5.2.2, both the LCOE of offshore wind energy and the market value of the generation vary considerably within the Baltic Sea region. Increase security of supply by adding import options and increasing interconnection with the Baltic countries specifically for Hub 2.
Even without cooperation, offshore wind energy in the most favorable locations in the Baltic Sea could compete with other generation options (both fossil and renewable) as early as 2030. The impact of offshore wind energy on internal network costs is quantified through a simple calculation of redispatch costs.
Populating the grid model
For a given year, the initial grid configuration is assumed to be identical in the six scenarios. We then examine how the congestion patterns in the initial grid are affected when the offshore wind farms and hubs are connected to the transmission grid.
Connection to market modelling and other assumptions
In addition to populating the grid model in accordance with the six scenarios examined in this report, we created a base case scenario, see Figure 6-1. In the base case scenario, we assume the same generation mix and different parameters as those applied in the Low National Policies scenario for 2030 and 2050 respectively.
Redispatch calculations
Redispatch and reinforcements per area
- The Nordic countries
- Poland
- Germany and Danish Bidding Zone 1 (DK1)
- The Baltic Countries
Although the offshore wind farm development brings lower re-dispatch costs in the network in the Baltic States compared to the baseline scenario for most development scenarios (see Table 6-4), the use of the internal grid with the proposed grid upgrades in the Baltic States is shown in Figure 6-13 for the ambitious 2050 GPC scenario.
Collection of results
The results of both the market modeling in task 2 and the network modeling highlight the advantage of increased interconnection capacity in the Baltic countries. Also in the scenarios with a low level of ambition, the GPC scenario exhibits higher forwarding costs than the GC scenario.
Targeted grid reinforcements and coordinated grid planning are likely to significantly reduce re-dispatch costs associated with offshore wind deployment in Germany, Poland and the Nordic countries, and to reduce congestion in the national grids in general. Overall, we find that both in 2030 and 2050 and with both low and ambitious offshore wind deployment, the impact on network costs is lower in the collaboration scenarios than in the National Policy scenario.
- CAPEX and OPEX of offshore and onshore assets
- Hub costs
- CAPEX and OPEX of interconnectors
- Fuel and carbon cost
- Redispatch costs
- Grid upgrades
The fuel and carbon costs of the different scenarios are considered in a cost-benefit analysis by comparing the change in fuel and carbon costs relative to the low NP scenario. Note that the re-dispatch costs calculated by THEMA's The-GRID model describe the social welfare loss resulting from sub-optimal dispatch, such as higher fuel consumption, as measured against the copper plate scenario (in which there is no transmission limit).
In addition, retransmission costs are lower in scenarios involving nodes and destination collaboration. The total cost of redeployment is lower in the ambitious scenario than in the low deployment scenario.
There are significant differences in the market and regulatory regimes applied to offshore wind in the different BEMIP member states. Describes the current market regulation for offshore wind power generation and the relevant investment framework in the BEMIP member states.
National and European market and regulatory frameworks
Connection and network charges
These differences imply significant differences in the commercial viability of otherwise identical offshore wind projects between Member States. However, there is an ongoing debate in Sweden about whether connection costs for offshore wind farms should be subsidized.
Support mechanisms for offshore wind
The first of the offshore wind farms will be tendered in 2021 and commissioned between 2024 and 2027. The 2018 amendment also removed the requirement for offshore wind farms to have a valid construction permit before they can enter the auction.
TSO regulatory models
Assessment of implications
Barriers to investment in generation capacity
Within BEMIP member states, only Germany and Denmark have targeted support mechanisms for offshore wind. Overall, therefore, the efficient commercial deployment of offshore wind capacity in the region requires that commercial incentives are not distorted by changes in support levels and grid cost obligations across borders.
Barriers to investment in network infrastructure
However, this can be difficult to achieve in the context of grid development for offshore wind. The world's first project to combine cross-border interconnection with grid connection for offshore wind farms is currently under development in the Baltic Sea.
However, these barriers are sufficiently widespread to inhibit sea breezes in the region as a whole. Describe the current authorization and licensing regimes for offshore wind and transmission investments in the BEMIP member countries.
Barriers and gaps
Assessment criteria
Identifying barriers related to planning, authorizing and permitting for offshore wind and transmission investments, including maritime spatial planning, and. Areas where cooperation is useful include network planning and operations (including options for an offshore network in the Baltic Sea), data management, maritime spatial planning and environmental issues.
The table below provides an overview of the main features of the licensing systems in the BEMIP countries. HELCOM – the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, which regulates the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention).
Data management model
While there is considerable regional cooperation on environmental and spatial planning issues, TSO-level cooperation on Baltic Sea offshore grid planning is not organized into any permanent group that could be tasked with examining grid requirements for offshore wind development and possible solutions at the regional level. ENTSO-E's role in facilitating network planning cooperation could probably fill some of the gaps, but the development of offshore wind farm and associated grid infrastructure is only one of the many objectives of the existing ENTSO-E structures.
Knowledge sharing on licensing procedures
As such, cooperation on offshore networks in the Baltic Sea may not be adequately covered by these existing processes. The most developed German and Danish licensing procedures could provide examples and useful elements of best practice.
Regional TSO cooperation
Opportunities and barriers
The large-scale deployment of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea will change the current flow pattern in the regional transmission network. Inadequate consideration of the requirements imposed by offshore wind development as part of regional grid planning prevents the necessary enabling.
Purpose and approach
CPMR North Sea Commission (1989), a general body aimed at strengthening partnerships between regional authorities in the North Sea. SEANSE (2018), a project to encourage coherent strategic and environmental assessments for renewable energy sources (RES) in the development and implementation of MSP.
Support mechanisms and
Maritime Spatial Planning
Electricity network
Action plan
- Work to identify national and regional offshore wind power ambitions and identify candidates for PCI and cross-border
- Work to improve the support framework for offshore wind power in the Baltic Sea Area
- Work on licensing of offshore wind power projects
- Work on grid development needs and conditions
- Cooperation to improve data quality and availability, and establish common standards on industry practices
- Cooperation with the North Seas Energy Cooperation Group
- List of BEMIP actions
Work to identify national and regional ambitions in offshore wind energy and identify candidates for PCI and cross-border RES projects. Work to improve the support framework for offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea region.
Thirty stakeholder representatives registered for the workshop, representing national and European wind power associations, wind power developers, academia and authorities. Representatives of the EU Commission and the consortium responsible for the study were also present.
Summary of input to the study
- Introduction
- Potentials and modelling
- Barriers
- Summary of insights
- Proposed Roadmap and Work Plan
Costs of icing: The impact of icing on the cost of wind energy in the northern Baltic Sea has been questioned. The consortium noted that icing was explicitly included in the modeling framework based on comments from the BEMIP working group.
The Balmorel model
- The representation of the transmission grid
- Detailed representation of heat markets and combined heat and power
- Investment module
- Decommissioning of power plants
The capacity in the model is given as net capacity for either electricity or heat. The decommissioning of thermal power plants can occur both exogenously and endogenously in the model.
General assumptions
- Geographical scope
- Power demand
- Demand flexibility
- Heat demand
- Exogenous capacity
- Endogenous investments and decommissioning
- Technology costs for new investments
- Minimum RE roll-out
- RE subsidies
- Fossil fuel and carbon prices
- Transmission system
However, other factors that are more difficult to reflect in model optimization also play a role. Exogenous capacity remains constant (unless better data are available for the expected year of decommissioning) unless the model decommissions it.