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In document IN THE GREEN (Sider 45-48)



The heat prices are for a standard heat customer with an annual heat consumption of 18.1 MWh/65 TJ for a typical house of 130 m2. A linear regression model has been estimated with the district heating price for a standard single-family house as a dependent variable and with a pri-mary fuel source, urbanity, ownership and size as explanatory variables.

The first three variables are included as so-called dummy variables. The size is included as a transformed continuous variable, as this functional form statistically best describes the relationship between size and price.

In addition, the functional form is otherwise useful for describing the occurrence of any scale/economies of scale. The regression is based on 431 observations from Danish DH utilities in 2011/12.


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Electricity Tariff Design in the Context of

In document IN THE GREEN (Sider 45-48)