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In document S hai de (Sider 111-116)

Analysis of the Fored

Ventilation in the Air Gap


In this hapter theaim is toinvestigatehowvarious onditionsin theairgap


ofthemodels. Thisisalsoanopportunityoftestingthereliabilityofthemodel.

Changes in the onditions an reveal strength and weaknesses of the model.


preditingthe temperaturesat the topofthemodule. This model hasproven



10.1 The set-up and the data

Themodelapplied forestimationistheextended non-linearsinglestatemodel

from in Chapter8. Whileestimatingthemodelsit hasbeomelearthat,due


W f

,needstobexed. If

W f

isnotxedthestandarddeviationofthestateparametersbeomestoohigh. It


W f



Thismeansthatthemodelshavetobeestimatedfrom datawheretheaverage

windis quitesimilar.

Twofators arehangeablein relationto the airgap: the foredveloity and

theairresistane. Thefatsofthehangeablefatorsarelistedbelow.

The fored veloity

Just asin theprior analyses thefored ventilation is held onstantin a

24 hour period. In the analysis three veloities are examined. For the


1.38m/s (Level 6)

2.49m/s (Level10)

3.43m/s (Level13)

The air resistane

There aretwoset-upsinordertohangetheairresistanein thegap:



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure10.1: Left: Aphotoofthensinsidetheairgap intheBIPVmodule[Christ

2001℄. Right: Ashemeshowingtheforedairowinthegap.

Thetransversalns,see Figure 10.1to theleft, are plaedin thegap in order

tomakethelaminarairowturbulent. OntherighthandsideinFigure10.1is

theory onerningthebehaviourof theairow inthe gap. Priorresearh has

fousedonairowin gapswherethensarepresentatbothsidesofthegap.

Inthe artileby[Chin-Hsiang &Wen-Hsiung1990℄ theowpatternsin agap

where thensarein staggeredpositionsat eahsideof thegap aredisussed.


These studiesreveal that the inominglaminar owbeomes moreturbulent.


aertainamountoftheairwillsueedinmovingalongthePVmodule. Inthe


sine the nsshould then be mounted at the rear side of the module. If ns

weremountedattherearsidethismightleadto anunwantedinuene onthe

module temperature. Inthis situation alsotheheat transferoeient,whih

hastobeestimated,willbeaetedinanunfavorableway. Themountingould

aet thefuntionalityofthefragilemodule.

The set-upontainingthens inreasestheeetive heat transferareain the

airgap. Thisan leadtoaninreaseoftheheat transferfrom thePV module

to theairin thegapbehindthePVmodule[Christ 2001℄and[Bazdidi-Tehrani

&Naderi-Abadi2004℄. Comparedtotheset-upwithoutnstheset-upwithns

willleadtoahigherairtemperatureinthegapandmoreoveradereasein the

module temperature. Thiseet is favourable,sinea dereasein the module

temperatureraisestheeletrialperformaneofthemodule. Thetransferofthe

heat fromthemoduletotheventilationairisalsodesirable,iftheairismeant

to heatthebuilding.

The applied data are all 24-hour data. It is examined that the fored

velo-ity is held onstant in 24-hour periods. In the original data there was also a

foredventilationLevel7,but no24-hourperiods weremeasured. Underthese

irumstanes itwasdeidednot to applythese data. In thelightof the

pre-vious analysesit is found that 24-hour data are aeptablein order to obtain

stable and usefulmodels. Thedata aremeasuredduring aone-month period.

InAppendixA.1 atable ontaininginformation asto when theinformationis

olleted. Thismayleadtodeviationintheexternalonditionssuhas

temper-atureand windspeed. Aordingto thelogbook ofthetesting,[Gandinin.d.℄,

allthedaysweresunnydays. Theirradiationisoneoftheimportantonditions


Table10.1: Averagesandstandarddeviationsoftheresidualsforthemodelshaving


Fins Veloity Average(std.dev.)


− 6.301 · 10 4 (3.091 · 10 2 )

Yes 10

− 2.292 · 10 4 (3.144 · 10 2 )


2.206 · 10 4 (3.423 · 10 2 )


3.477 · 10 5 (3.091 · 10 2 )

No 10

− 1.162 · 10 4 (3.332 · 10 2 )


− 4.397 · 10 5 (3.673 · 10 2 )

In document S hai de (Sider 111-116)