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4.3 Post Processing

Software to create the mesh and perform the CFD-simulations are now in place and the velocity field, in the x- and y-direction and pressure, (u, v, p), on a domain of interest may be obtained. The next step is, given the fields (u, v, p), to perform the necessary calculations to obtain desired quantities of interest. This requires a number of post processing steps which must be performed for all simulations. In order to perform these steps efficiently a series of programs and scripts have been written in Shell Script, C++ and Python utilizing the open source programParaview’s19 python module. In addition several post processing programs provided with Nektar++ have been put to good use. The final analysis of the postprocessed data are performed in Paraview’s GUI environment.

Here follows an explanation of the programs and scripts written for post processing. The full scripts, including details on their usage, are included in appendix A.5.

Shell Scripts

A series of Linux based shell scripts20 were written to speed up and automatize data pro-cessing. Below, each script is listed and a short description is provided. The full scripts are provided in appendix A.5.1.

FullDataTreatment.sh: This shell script executes all other shell scripts in the right order to perform all post processing calculations and organise the output.

NektarPP.sh: Processes a series of.chk data files from a simulation to compute the following:

– Vorticity: The shell scrip calls theNektar++programCalcVorticityto cal-culate the vorticity of the velocity fieldu= (u, v).

– Vorticity Gradient: The shell scrip calls theNektar++program CalcGrad to calculate the gradient of the vorticity, i.e. ωx andωy.

– Vorticity Hessian: The shell scrip calls the Nektar++ program CalcGrad twice to calculate the Hessian of the vorticity, i.e. ωx,x,ωx,y,ωy,x, and ωy,y. Finally theNektar++functionFldToVtkis called to convert the resulting.fldfiles to.vtu(XML) files for post processing with Paraview.

DomainCropping.sh: The script calls the C++ program DomainCropper for each .vtu data file. As the name suggests DomainCropper crops the domain to only include the area which contains data of interest to the analysis.

ZeroContour_CriticalPoints.sh: Processes a series of.vtudata files. For each file the python scriptContourAndCriticalPoints.pyis called to calculate the nullclines ofωx and the critical points for the vorticity, ωx=ωy = 0.

VorticityExtremaType.sh: Processes a series of .vtu data files. For each file the python script CriticalPointIdentification.pyis called to calculate the type of each of the critical points.

19A reasonable manual forParaviewmay be found at [6].

20Shell Scripts are programs which may be executed directly in a Linux terminal.

CriticalPointTrace.sh: Processes a series of .vtu data files. For a batch of .vtu files the python script VTUFormatPointDataCombiner.py is called to combine all critical points in one file to create a trace of the critical points position in time.

Python Scripts

The python scripts utilizes the Paraview python library with access to much of the pro-grams GUI functionality. This means that much of the data manipulation can be performed efficiently by utilizingParaviews code base. All scripts along with descriptions are provided in appendix A.5.2.

All python scripts assume that the user has installed the argparse package and Paraview and has enabled access to the associated python libraries21.

ContourAndCriticalPoints.py: This script processes a .vtu file and extracts the coordinates and field information along the ωx= 0 contour and the critical points for vorticity i.e. {(x, y) |ωx = 0, ωy = 0}. This is done using the following steps,

Identify theωx = 0 contour usingParaview’s Contourfunction.

Mark the part of the contours with a vorticity above the tolerance: Q(r|ωx=0)>

tolusing Paraview’sExtractSelection function.

Save the contour and marking information to a .vtpfile.

Identify critical points for the vorticity along theωx= 0 contour withQ(r|ωx=0)>

tol. This is done using the Contourfunction this time locatingωy = 0.

Save the critical point information to a.vtp file.

CriticalPointIdentification.py: The script processes a.vtpfile containing the crit-ical points for vorticity to determine their type. This is done by utilizing the eigenvalue approach described in section 2.1.2, in the following steps,

Calculate one eigenvalue λ1 withParaview’sCalculatorfunction.

Calculate the eigenvalue productλ1λ2 withParaview’sCalculatorfunction.

Identify extrema by identifying λ1λ2 > 0 using Paraview’s ExtractSelection function.

Extract minima from the extrema by identifying λ1 >0 using Paraview’s Ex-tractSelectionfunction.

Save the field data and coordinates of the minima to a.vtufile.

Extract maxima from the extrema by identifyingλ1 <0 using Paraview’s Ex-tractSelectionfunction.

Save the field data and coordinates of the maxima to a.vtufile.

Identify saddles by identifying λ1λ2 < 0 using Paraview’s ExtractSelection function.

Save the field data at and coordinates of the saddle points to a.vtufile.

21 Explanation of the setup process may be found at: http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Python_


4.3 Post Processing 4 SOFTWARE

VTUFormatPointDataCombiner.py: This script processes a batch of .vtu files by combining all field information to a single.vtufile. This is used to create a trace of the critical points identified withCriticalPointIdentification.py. The script makes use of theargparse,xml,copy andarray python packages.

C++ Program

A C++ program has been written to crop the full domain of the simulation to reduce its size. As explained in section 3.2 the open flow simulations demand a huge domain to assure that far field BC’s do not introduce significant errors in the calculations. For the post processing however the huge domain introduces a lot of unnecessary calculations. Therefore this program has been written to remove the uninteresting part of the domain thus saving significant computational resources, storage space and time.

The C++ program is called DomainCropper and the source code and compilation in-structions may be found in A.5.3.

The program takes seven input parameters. These are,

• Six floating point numbers specifying lower and upper bounds on the (x, y, z) coordin-ates of the domain.

• the name of the file to be cropped. The file must be in .vtuformat.

The program loops over all elements of the mesh given in the.vtufile. If none of the points in the element lie within the bounds specified by the first six input parameters the element is eliminated. If just a single point lies within the bounds the element is kept. This ensures that no data within the area of interest are lost.

By utilizing the software described in the previous sections the post processing may be performed in a single step by organising the simulation data and post processing files as described in the following section.

4.3.1 The Finished Simulation Package

In order to utilize as much automation in the post processing steps as possible each simulation is organised in folders as illustrated on figure 4.1 and explained below.

ReXXXDGXX Datafiles


*.chk PostProcessing


DomainCropper PythonPrograms

ContourAndCriticalPoints.py CriticalPointTypeIdentification.py VTUFormatPointDataCombiner.py ShellScripts



ZeroContour_CriticalPoints.sh VorticityExtremaType.sh CriticalPointTrace.sh FullDataTreatment.sh

Notation: Folder File

Figure 4.1: Illustration of the folder and file structure for the post processing after a sequence of output files: *.chkhas been obtained.

Top Folder: Named by the Reynolds number and D/G ratio in the simulation: e.g.


Datafiles: Containing a Nektar++ .xml simulation file and a sequence of corres-ponding *.chk files with the output fromIncNavierStokesSolver at a sequence of time steps.

PostProcessing: All post processing material presented in this section positioned to allow the execution of FullDataThreatment.sh from a Linux terminal to perform the full process. In order perform the post processing enter this folder in a Linux shell and execute: ./FullDataTreatment.sh

4.3 Post Processing 4 SOFTWARE

4.3.2 UQ Software

The stochastic collocation method for uncertainty quantification described in section 2.4.4 has been implemented using a number of MATLAB functions. The implementation have been done for applications using either a single uniformly or normally distributed underlying random variable. A short description of the function written for the implementation is provided below while all code with comments is included in appendix A.5.5. In addition a single example script where the method is applied is described briefly below and also included in the appendix.

Auxiliary Functions: All functions written to apply the SCM.

PnG: This function evaluates and returns a gPC expansion based on a desired type of polynomials at a set of pointsxusing pre calculated expansion coefficients, tilde_g.

PnG_Coefs: The function evaluates and returns the expansion coefficients,tilde_g for a gPC expansion using the interpolation method based on a set of collocation nodes and solution data at the nodes.

LegendreP_UnNormalized: Function which evaluates and returns the Nth Le-gendre polynomial at the points xalong with the associated normalization factor gN.

HermiteP_UnNormalized: This function evaluates and returns theNth Hermite polynomial at the points x along with the associated normalization factorgN.

JacobiGQ: Function which calculates the Gauss quadrature points x and associ-ated weights w of the Nth Jacobi polynomial JN(α,β) for use in performing numerical quadrature. This function is taken directly from [14]. The function is used for calcu-lating quadrature points when the underlying random variable is assumed uniformly distributed.

GeneralGaussianQuadrature: Function implementing the Golub-Welsch algorithm, [21, Section 4.6.2], for calculating Gaussian quadrature pointsxand associated weights w for the class of orthogonal polynomials satisfying the three term recursion relation pn+1(x) + (Bnx)pn(x) +Anpn−1 = 0, n = {1,2, ...}. The function is used for cal-culating quadrature points when the underlying random variable is assumed normally distributed.

Script: A simple sample script where the method is applied.

SCMexecutionNormal: The SCM based UQ method is applied assuming a uni-formly distributed random variable,X, using a fourth order expansion. The colloca-tion points have been calculated using JacobiGQ and a coordinate transform. The desired quantity gX have been calculated from a simulation performed at the trans-formed collocation points. The expansion coefficients are calculated. Based on the coefficients the mean and variance are calculated. Finally the resulting gPC expan-sion,PN,D[g](X) is plotted along with mean plus and minus one standard deviation.