• Ingen resultater fundet

It is important to consider the entire FSC in the prevention and reduction of food waste as the different sectors affect each other and also may help each other in the fight against food waste. As mentioned in the introduction, consumer households in the developed countries account for an estimated 40% of the total amount of food wasted in this part of the world. Likewise, food waste in the retail and in the catering sectors might be bigger than in the primary production and food industries. Hence, in the future the latter two areas of the FSC might have the highest potential for reducing food waste and, in particular, generating a significant reduction in relation to edible foods. Research-based data showing how new or improved technologies in the primary production and food industries and different uses of raw materials for processed products affect the generation of food waste, might, however, be useful as tools to further minimising the food waste. Valid data may be obtained by improving the methodology used for measuring and monitoring of food waste, and it should preferably be done in supranational collaboration.

As shown in this report, the majority of the organic food waste material from the primary production and food industries are not necessarily ‘wasted’, but is reused for different purposes, including animal feed or biogas production, or it is spread on the fields, i.e. contributing to the nutrient supply and potentially increasing soil fertility for future plant production. Inedible materials can be burned and used for heat production. Waste fed to animals substitutes the need for production of other animal feeds that are necessary to maintain our current livestock population. Furthermore, some of the food waste is used for other high-value products, such as fish oil or fishmeal that can be used as ingredients in food and feed production. However, higher focus on side stream products in the future might contribute to a further reduction of the food waste in the primary production and the food industries and at the same time contribute to an enhanced value creation for the involved primary producers and the food industries. The use of food waste from the primary production and food industries to extraction of components that can be used as ingredients in food and animal feed products might enhance the value of the food waste. Such components could be flavours, pigments or health-beneficial components.



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DCA - National Centre for Food and Agriculture is the entrance to research in food and agriculture at Aarhus University (AU). The main tasks of the centre are knowledge exchange, advisory service and interaction with authorities, organisations and businesses.

The centre coordinates knowledge exchange and advice with regard to the departments that are heavily involved in food and agricultural science. They are:

Department of Animal Science Department of Food Science Department of Agroecology Department of Engineering

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

DCA can also involve other units at AU that carry out research in the relevant areas.


This report seeks to establish a basis for estimating the magnitude of food waste generated in the Danish pri-mary production and food industries. The food categories investigated are meat and meat products (including fish), milk and dairy products, eggs and poultry, cereals and bakery products and fruit and vegetables, including potatoes. Food waste has been investigated based on existing literature and interviews with key persons from the Danish primary production and food industries. In the report, the amount of waste, reasons for waste gene-ration and waste treatments/end destinations of the waste have been revealed. The report concludes that a rather small percentages of the annual production within each food category, in both the primary production and food industry become food waste. Furthermore, we conclude that waste is typically higher for plant-based products than for animal-based products.