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Paper3: Facilitating Adoption of Technologies for Problem and Project Based

Chapter 10 Publications of the Research

10.3 Paper3: Facilitating Adoption of Technologies for Problem and Project Based

The author and his colleagues mapped tools into the project phases of Model IV; the concept was proposed at the Networked Learning Conference 2013 in a paper entitled

“Facilitating Adoption of Technologies for Problem and Project Based Learning Activities” (Khalid et al., 2012); see Appendix E.

The paper is summarised as follows; POPBL students need technical support to allow them to adopt tools effectively and productively. One way to support them is to provide lists of tools. The authors broke the project phases down into sub-activities;

there two main kinds of activity: phase activities and common activities. Some activities carried on for the entire project are called common activities, e.g. reading, file sharing and discussion; other kinds of activity are performed only during a particular phase of a project. The author lists tools from literature and other sources which have the potential to be employed in projects; the list could be provided to students to enable them to appreciate the variety, benefits and potential of a tool-mediated project.



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