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Heterogeneous effects of technology and operational levers on environmental performance: Evidence from maritime regulation

Franz Buchmann, Leonardo Santiago, and Vasileios Kosmas


Technology and operational drivers are key levers that decision makers can use to improve their environmental performance. From a bounded rationality perspective, multiple levers can yield similar performance outcomes, and their impacts might vary at different levels of performance.

Thus, the relationship is complex, and additional insights can be gained through a fine-grained appraisal of their performance implications. Drawing from our theoretical perspective and pre-vious work, we identify multiple levers linked to environmental performance in the context of a mandatory environmental policy in the maritime industry. By collecting a data set with over 2,000 vessels and employing quantile regression techniques, we thoroughly examine the diverse effects such levers can have on vessels’ energy efficiency and regulation compliance. One of our key results is that the impacts of technology and operational levers on environmental performance are het-erogeneous across the range of performances. Therefore, we claim that OM research can advance the understanding of and insights into drivers of performance by considering the heterogeneity of their impacts. The empirical results provide guidance to maritime decision makers concerning the capabilities and limitations of key technology levers, such as the adoption of alternative fuels, to improve their environmental performance.


2.1 Introduction

The dire consequences of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for our society are indisputable, calling for an improvement of the environmental performance across industries and firms. This phe-nomenon can be considered an area of inquiry of the interdisciplinary operations management (OM) literature, as it is well established that environmental performance is inextricably linked with sound operations management (Corbett & Klassen, 2006). In this regard, previous work al-ready provides valuable insights on, inter alia, the interplay among clean technologies, regulatory policies, and environmental performance. Existing work covered topics ranging from the design of green policies and their impact on decision-making and emission reduction (Atasu et al., 2020) to the operational levers applied by firms to comply with a cap-and-trade policy (Kroes et al., 2012).

Other studies touch upon the implications of policy measures for managerial decisions in terms of green investments (Klassen & Whybark, 1999a) and the adoption of energy efficient technologies (Plambeck & Taylor, 2013). In addition, the interplay of environmental policies with the adoption of new technologies and the adaption of existing technologies to reduce carbon emissions has also received special attention in the literature (see, e.g., Avci et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2013).

This research focuses on the interplay between technology and operational levers and environmen-tal performance in the context of an industry-wide environmenenvironmen-tal policy. Examining the drivers of performance and their associated implications has a long tradition in the OM literature (Ketokivi, 2016). However, to the best of our knowledge, how such levers affect environmental performance under a global regulation that progressively becomes more stringent over time, has not yet been explored. One empirical context in which this subject of inquiry is particularly relevant is the maritime industry. The industry, which contributes around 3% of global GHG emissions (Global Maritime Forum, 2020), predominantly relies on the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) reg-ulation to improve its environmental performance and to reach industry-wide emission reduction targets. To illustrate, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) — the chief regulatory agency of the maritime industry in terms of environmental performance — mandates a reduction in carbon intensity of at least 40% until 2030, while pursuing a 70% decline by 2050, compared to 2008 levels (IMO, 2018).

To support this ambition, the global and mandatory EEDI regulation prescribes minimum energy efficiency standards for all ships built after 2013 and has the objective to incentivize ship owners continuously to devote resources to measures improving a vessel’s energy efficiency by constantly increasing the standards over time (IMO, 2021). Through the lens of bounded rationality, deci-sion makers should seek “satisficing” solutions to cope with the regulation and do not utilize all measures that could improve the environmental performance of their units (i.e., ships). Therefore, many different solutions can yield similar levels of environmental performance, and technology and operational levers can explain performance variations in existing vessels. Within this context, the first research question that this study addresses is: “What is the impact of technology and operational levers on environmental performance?”

The overall approach followed by regulators, which is to impose minimum performance standards that target units (i.e., vessels in the case of the EEDI regulation) with the worst performance, seems rational. From the standpoint of ship owners and policy makers, the harmful impact of ships with poorer environmental performances is higher than that of ships with a better performance. Theo-retical perspectives have already highlighted that explanations for performance variations among units likely vary across the range of performances (Bromiley & Rau, 2016). This conjecture is particular relevant in the maritime context, where special attention is paid to the units with poor environmental performance, given the evidence that firms often exceed the standards put in place by environmental policies (Kagan et al., 2003; Kleindorfer et al., 2005). Hence, this study claims that examining the impact of technology and operational levers across the range of environmental performances can yield important additional insights for theory and practice. Accordingly, the second research question addressed in this article is: “How does the impact of technology and operational levers vary across the range of environmental performance?”

The study utilizes a design science perspective to evaluate how well existing artifacts (i.e., vessels) reach a certain goal —- in this case, environmental performance, which is operationalized through a vessel’s energy efficiency and compliance with the regulation. Following the underpinnings of design science, we argue that managerial decisions concerning technology and operational levers are linked to the environmental performance of ships, especially in terms of their design features.

Drawing from previous work and empirical evidence, the study identifies a key set of contextually relevant levers, namely, the adoption of alternative fuels, a vessel’s lifetime, and emission preven-tion related to the main machinery technology. We develop a set of hypotheses and apply quantile regression techniques to test empirically the hypotheses on a novel data set of 2,000 ships collected from multiple, verifiable secondary sources.

The article has a threefold contribution. First, it complements the OM literature through the understanding of levers for improving environmental performance while focusing on an industry characterized by complexity in a regulatory framework to improve environmental performance over time. Second, the study has important implications for examinations of the drivers of performance.

This research shows that the impact of performance drivers can significantly vary across the range of performances. Thus, we suggest that the theoretical insights derived from studying the drivers of performance can be enhanced by considering the heterogeneity of their effects. Finally, yet importantly, the study adds value to ship owners’ decision-making process by providing detailed empirical evidence from the existing fleet about the impacts of the considered levers on energy efficiency and compliance with the mandatory EEDI regulation.