• Ingen resultater fundet

HARALD (excluding


12.3 Impact assessment

 The distribution and biology of non-commercial fish species is scarce, and knowledge of spawning areas is limited.

 The variability of distribution of marine mammals within and between years is not well known, and the breeding and moulting periods and locations are not certain.

 Fishery is mapped based on the North Sea Atlas which applies ICES data. However, the variability between years is not detailed for this ESIS.

12.3 Impact assessment

Predictions can be made using varying means, ranging from qualitative assessment and expert judgement to quantitative techniques like modelling. Use of these quantitative techniques allows a reasonable degree of accuracy in predicting changes to the existing environmental and social conditions. However, not all of the assessed impacts are easy to measure or quantify, and expert assumptions are needed.

Uncertainty has been adressed in this ESIS by presenting a level of confidence for each of the assessments in section 6 and 7. The level of confidence includes interactions between impact mechanisms and receptors, available baseline data as well as modelling (section 4).

Overall, impacts are assessed based on todays technological capabilities. Maersk Oil expects that technological development will lead to a reduction in emissions and discharges, which will reduce impact.

12.3.1 Planned activities

The potential environmental impacts have been assessed for each receptor (e.g. plankton, employment). The impact assessment is based on empirical studies, scientific literature, modelling results as well as previous EIAs.

Previous modelling results have been applied in this ESIS, with no site-specific modelling.

Similar activities have previously been assessed for the same area, and modelling has been undertaken for e.g. dispersion of drill mud and cutting, dilution of produced water as well as propagation of underwater noise. In addition, Maersk Oil prepared EIF and the PEC/PNEC calculations for each of the five projects, using the the Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management model (CHARM) developed by authorities and offshore industry. The calculations have some weaknessess (as reviewed in /1/), but is considered valid for the impact assessment.

The project which is assessed is at or near existing platforms, where monitoring of chemical and biological conditions have been undertaken for many years. These surveys contribute to a solid baseline, as well as an understanding of the environmental impacts.

Impacts of underwater noise is not well understood, and there is ongoing debate regarding thresholds for potential impact.

12.3.2 Accidental events

Oil spill modelling has been undertaken for a number of spill scenarios. However, the spill rates for blowouts are not directly comparable, but considered applicable as a worst case scenario.

12.3.3 Cumulative impacts

The North Sea is one of the most heavily trafficked in the world, and there are intensive fisheries.

The Greater North Sea is surrounded by densely populated and highly industrialised countries, and regional and global changes to oceanic, atmospheric, and climate regulation processes pose additional threats. A number of responses and measures have been implemented to reduce pressures on the environment and resulting impacts, but despite this, the cumulative environmental effects on the area are causing concern.

There is no general method for combining impacts across different geographical scales and as a result of different pressures. It is therefore difficult to assess the severity of the cumulative environmental effects on the ecosystem. Uncertainty and lack of knowledge about the population status of species, the range and ecological status of habitat types, and the impacts of

environmental pressures also add to the uncertainty of assessments of environmental impacts.

Assessment of the impact of oil and gas activities in isolation may thus understate overall impacts by excluding potential impacts of past, present, or future impacts of other human activities.


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