• Ingen resultater fundet

The presented algorithm’s performance could be further improved by further investigating two parts of the clone detection pipeline. At first the algorithm could provide more significant results when more preprocessing effort is under-taken. This starts by further preprocessing of subsystems to a special handling

8.2 Future Work 43

of goto/from blocks. Secondly the algorithm for finding fragment’s isomorphic cores is implemented in a very naive way. By re-using parts of the algorithms presented in 2.3the detection rate can be further improved.

A further optimization for the algorithm could be the improvement of the pre-processing of the model. By including the rules of semantic normalization as presented in [1], the problem of semantic similar but structural different frag-ments can be solved. The approach presented by Al-Batran et al. has the disadvantage of relying on manual defined normalization rules. A further effort should be made here to either build a large directory of rules or to investigate possibilities of automated rule generation.

Optimizing clone detection running time performance is an other large field for improvements. As most implementations and tools available have a prototypic character, they are mostly not not optimized. By investigating the performance of used data-structures and by analyzing and finding implementation’s bottle necks it should be possible to drastically improve an implementations perfor-mance.

Also a field that has not been investigated is the parallelization of clone detec-tion algorithms. As multi-core processor systems become standard even in low cost desktop computers it seems natural to investigate how algorithms could be executed in parallel.


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