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Future research

In document Structure of the Thesis (Sider 77-83)

Chapter 7. Limitations & Future Research

7.2 Future research

This thesis has sought to continue the alignment of place branding theory and stakeholder theory by testing and evaluating the theory as called out by different researchers in this field. By for instance choosing Copenhagen as a case study this thesis has followed the argument that each place deserves its own application of research and that overall trends in place branding practices cannot be applied to a particular place as such.

With inspiration from previous research collected by Susanne Henriksen, Martin Persson and Mette Frolich (2014; 2015; 2016) this study has tried to encapsulate and build on some of the considerations and challenges captured in these studies. When it comes to future research it should be noted how this particular thesis has left different entries open for further exploration and explanation. The identification of stakeholders in this thesis could as an example be relevant and useful for future researchers to acknowledge. Moreover place brand practitioners should acknowledge the importance of the outlined Brand Concept Maps and further build on this approach by e.g. implementing the methods of an advanced BCM and BANV.


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8. Appendixes

In document Structure of the Thesis (Sider 77-83)