• Ingen resultater fundet

Final Conclusion and Limitations

The purpose of this dissertation has been to investigate whether existing house price models are good enough at calculating fair house prices, and if including more fundamental factors will make a model more accurate. The models are applied on the historical and current housing market in Oslo, together with a fundamental factor analysis. They are consequently analyzing whether underlying fundamental factors support the house prices in Oslo or if the house prices are founded on expectations.

In order to understand the development of the housing market, we have chosen to look at models that analyses the market from different perspectives. The thesis is based on three house price models, together with one framework, by Case and Shiller, to identify possible bubble tendencies in the housing market in Oslo. The HP-filter addresses the house prices compared to the underlying long-term trend, giving an overall understanding of the development in the market. The P/R-ratio evaluates the relationship between the costs of owning housing compared to rent from a households perspective. The housing market from an investor’s viewpoint is analyzed through Tobin’s Q, while Case and Shiller’s criteria’s for a housing bubble evaluates the psychological element in the market.

The HP-filter has been able to capture deviation from trend when housing bubbles have occurred. Hence, the model has reflected the earlier crisis’s in a sufficient manner, as prices before a burst have been identified as higher than the long-term trend. According to this house price model, current house prices in Oslo are not fairly priced, as they are above the long-term trend. The real P/R-ratio suggests that the current level of housing prices is above the average in the time-period and therefore is overvalued. However, when comparing the real P/R-ratio with the fundamental P/R-ratio, it has mainly been undervalued, thus indicating that the development in the real P/R-ratio is rooted in fundamental factors. Using data from NSHB and primary sources, Tobin’s Q implies that as the q-value has been above 1 for a long time, the current housing market is overpriced and thus has bubble tendencies. As data is obtained from other sources than earlier research, we have reached somewhat different

conclusions. This is especially prevalent in the P/R-ratio where the rent is based on numbers from Are Oust instead of SSB, as well as the site cost collected uniquely for this thesis to be applied in Tobin’s Q.

The fundamental factor analysis explains great parts of the increasing house prices since 1992 and the quick recovery after the Financial Crisis in 2007/08. The Norwegian economy has been characterized by a strong growth, together with a decreasing interest rate. The discovery of oil in the 1970’s increased the overall price -and income level, contributed to a low unemployment rate -and a well-functioning welfare system, providing a basis for a high house price level. However, the high house prices combined with low interest rate have caused the DTI-ratio among households to be relatively high, where an increase in the interest rate would affect a great amount of households. Banks have however implemented stricter requirements for house buyer’s equity, as well as requiring households to be able to bear a 5 percent increase in the interest rate. NCB has avoided using the key rate to regulate the housing market as it will reduce the competitiveness of Norwegian export industry. The fall in oil-prices make it even more important to support the conditions for other industries in the Norway. The favorable taxation of property has incentivized households to invest in housing.

Also local factors have contributed to the growth in prices. The lack of supply is prevalent, mainly grounded by scarcity of available land to build on and in the long proceeding time by the regulation authorities. At the same time, stricter requirements of standard and new building regulations have made the construction of housing more expensive. The supply in the Oslo market has been characterized with this situation the last decade, causing a great deficit of housing. Further, the population growth in Oslo, especially from 2004 until today, is a great driver of the demand. Increasingly more households are in need of new housing as urbanization and immigration are growing, at the same time as persons per households have declined. The combination of these local factors has pressed the price of housing up since 1992, with an increasing growth the last few years.

Based on the empirical analysis, we found that the house price models showed contradicting results and were not able to consistently present if housing prices were fair or not. Hence, we wanted to investigate whether including more fundamental factors would add valuable information to explain the fairness of the house prices. We wanted to take the viewpoint of the households and based our investigation on the P/R-model. We have found the greatest weakness to be that the analysis was grounded on too few fundamental factors. Therefore, we developed an additional factor including several local and national factors considered important for the growth in housing prices in Oslo, namely the unemployment rate, population growth, replacement costs, GDP and disposable income. The new fundamental P/R-ratio presents for the main part a higher ratio than the original fundamental P/R-ratio, indicating that the house prices are supported by fundamental factors in the market. The model is able to show the fall in housing prices before the Financial Crisis better than the original fundamental

P/R-ratio, as well as capturing the substantial growth in prices the later years in a better way. Hence, even though Case and Shiller have predicted the burst of a housing bubble the later years, the development in the real P/R-ratio is supported by fundamental factors, according to our model.

It is hard to determine whether a bubble is present in this housing market. As mentioned, the current fundamental factors support the substantial price growth on housing. However, the current situation can be argued to not represent a long-term situation. The low level of interest rates, low unemployment rate and the lack of supply reflect a situation that can change. At the same time, a low interest rate is expected in the future, and enough available sites will likely not be available in a sufficient scope in the nearest future. On the other hand, it is believed that lower growth in disposable income, together with stricter lending policies can dampen the house price growth in the future. If the supply is able to catch up with the demand and no new major shocks in the economy arise, the house prices will likely correct itself to more sustainable levels in the medium/long term.

As most of the fundamental factors analyzed in the thesis support the growth in house prices, it is evident that the house prices in Oslo are not solely driven by expectations, contradicting the definition of a bubble, being that fundamental factors do not justify expectations. Our analysis of the housing market in Oslo based on Case and Shiller’s bubble criteria’s, supports a housing bubble in Oslo the later years. The psychological factors presented through the criteria’s are, based on our evaluation, present in the housing market in Oslo, but are grounded in the development of fundamental factors. An analysis mainly based on households expectations and understanding of the housing market, can likely not provide a sufficient answer of whether a housing bubble is present or not. As our analysis show that the price increase is supported by fundamental factors, especially by the lack of supply, we believe that Case and Shiller have excluded an important aspect of the pricing mechanism in the housing market. Although Case and Schiller only examined at a national level and not Oslo in particular, the important relation between local supply and demand should have been reflected in their framework.

It is important to emphasize the general limitations of this thesis. As discussed throughout the paper, the applied models have limitations important to take into consideration when evaluating the results. The results presented in our analysis can therefore not be presented with absolute certainty. As data material for Norway is applied when data for Oslo is not available, the analysis can provide a misleading picture of the relationship between factors.

Further, the analysis of historical data has been challenging, as sufficient information has been hard to retrieve.

The main part of the thesis is focused on the current situation and the house price growth the last decade, meaning that the analysis of historical data is not as thoroughly analyzed as the more recent data.


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