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When locating the ideal identity for an organization, it is important to balance the internal identity with the external identity. In that way, the customers are provided with relevant offers, without compromising the limits of what the organization is capable of (Balmer & Greyser, 2002).

The findings from the in-depth interviews showed, that the people employed by TNCOD were encouraging the formulated purpose to be interpreted into different contexts. It was important for them, that the formulated purpose is exemplified into situations from the society of today, in order to appeal to as many people as possible. This was based on the general opinion among these respondents that TNCOD both needs to and is able to adapt to the changing needs of the members, in order to keep up with the ongoing evolution of the society.

Yet, it was also important for the respondents, that this adaptation still is reflecting the basic values that TNCOD is built on. Otherwise, the core of what it is about and its historical heritage will fade out.

First of all, it is important for them that the value/concept of charity is maintained as one of the main building blocks of TNCOD. Charity was mentioned by every respondent as a key concept to include when trying to understand TNCOD in general and the formulated purpose of it. Charity is a combination of several aspects and different perspectives. Yet, the essence of each perspective is that it is important to care about the people around you. Even those you do not know. It is about including people into a fellowship, where no one is neglected. How you do it then, is up to you.

This is also why the respondents encouraged, that the formulated purpose, and thus charity as a concept, is exemplified into many different situations, stories and also activities held by the church.

Including charity to a church-related activity is therefore crucial to do, if the internal identity of TNCOD is to be kept intact.

However, for some of these in-depth respondents, the use of charity was conditioned by one factor

in particular. This was the so called religious aspect, which is to be understood as the original words

of the Bible. This was an aspect of TNCOD that some respondents defined as a constituting factor

of its historical heritage. These respondents stated that when neglecting this aspect of TNCOD, a

part of its identity will be damaged. To them, the original words of the Bible are important to

include, when exemplifying the values of TNCOD into a modern context. Not everyone agreed on

this, but it was a decisive factor for some, in order to maintain the recognisability level of the

church. It is therefore an aspect that cannot be neglected in the discussion of how new

church-related activities should be shaped.

Yet, when it comes to the external identity, findings revealed that it is a demand from the light users that a church-related activity should have less focus on this religious aspect, if their likelihood towards attending should be increased. This means that when an activity is too focused on expressing the actual words of the Bible, the light users do not find it interesting and it will keep them from attending. This produces a dilemma for TNCOD.

On one hand, some of the people employed by TNCOD think that it will fade out the historical heritage it has, and further damage the recognisability of it, if the religious aspect is led out. As it was stated by Rodrigue (2002) in the theoretical section, the Christian church holds a more comprehensive historical heritage than most brands do. It is therefore important to stress that it cannot be fully market-driven, without damaging its internal identity.

On the other hand, it is necessary to produce church-related activities with less focus on the religious aspect, if TNCOD wants to attract more light users and enhance their membership value.

If this is not done, then it can damage the brand equity of TNCOD. Further, the in-depths revealed that TNCOD is about inclusion. Yet, when the religious aspect is having a main focus, it will keep light users from going to church. It is therefore somewhat contradicting behavior, if TNCOD choses to let the religious aspect have main focus.

It does however not need to be a decision of whether to keep the religious aspect or not.

According to Balmer & Greyser (2002) it is not necessary for a brand in general to have complete alignment between the different identities it possesses: “[…] corporate leadership should recognize that multiple identities can co-exist comfortably within a company even if they are slightly different.” (Balmer & Greyser, 2002, 73). This means that the ideal identity, and with that the solution to the dilemma of TNCOD, does not have to entail a complete alignment between the internal identity and the external identity.

The authors do stress however, that there cannot be a meaningful incongruence between the two either. Yet, when looking at the factors that can provide the highest level of likelihood for the light users to go to church, it is not many adaptations TNCOD has to make, before this is realized.

The findings from the structural model revealed that the factor, that has the largest and most

significant impact on the light users’ motivation to go to church, is if the activity is considered as

being up-to-date. This means that it is based on an up-to-date topic or other examples that the light

users can relate to their own everyday lives. As it was found in the in-depth interviews, the people

employed by TNCOD already thinks this is an aspect that TNCOD should strive to accommodate,

in order to keep themselves up-to-date with the evolution of the society.

Another significant motivational factor for the light users is when an activity is based on charity, in the shape of feel-good-stories from up-to-date examples. Charity as the content for the activity is therefore a motivational factor that will enhance the likelihood of the light users’ attendance.

Charity is encouraged by the people employed by TNCOD to be exemplified in many different ways, in order for as many people as possible to find the specific activity relevant. Being up-to-date and using charity as something the light users can relate to, is important for the people of TNCOD.

As mentioned, it is therefore not many adaptations it will have to make, in order to be more appealing to the group of light users.

The findings from the structural model showed, that the factors with the most significant impact on the likelihood of the light users to go to church are the motivational factors. This means, that a fulfillment of the motivational factors of up-to-date and charity, will have the most positive impact on the likelihood of the light users.

Yet, the findings from the structural model also showed that hygiene factors have a significant impact on the likelihood of the light users. This impact is not as significant as the motivational factors, but still a factor that needs to be fulfilled, in order to create the strongest base for increased likelihood to go to church for the light users. This means that the up-to-date topics and feel-good-stories should replace the original words of the Bible in this activity, if it were to appeal to the light users. This is the only significant demand that the light users need fulfilled, if they are to attend an activity. Such an approach overrides the religious aspect of TNCOD. Yet, the religious aspect was not the most dominant value that the respondents from the in-depths would describe TNCOD with.

This was the value of charity. To specify the statement of Rodrigue (2002) she states that a Christian church cannot compromise the core value it is built on. In the case of TNCOD, this does not entail the religious aspect, but the value of charity. It is therefore more important that the value of charity is kept as a key component in church-related activities, than the religious aspect is.

Charity was the only value that was stated by every respondent from the in-depths, and it is therefore the basic pillar to build on for church-related activities. Further, it was shown that charity is about inclusion. This means that the best way to show this including behavior, is to translate the concept of charity into various ways, in order to appeal to as many people as possible. This is therefore what constitutes the internal identity of TNCOD.

With that in mind, church-related activities, where the original words of the Bible is replaced by

feel-good-stories from today’s society, are possible to create without damaging the internal identity

of TNCOD. This is then a way to increase the likelihood of the light users to attend, and is therefore

also a way to increase their perceived membership value, without damaging the brand of TNCOD.