• Ingen resultater fundet


In document IN THE GREEN (Sider 111-119)

Cost projection category


When choosing between different energy projects, appraisers are legally required to select the one with the highest socio-economic value. This socio-economic analysis requires the use of a discount rate to weigh the costs that arise today against future benefits, and in the Danish energy regulation context, the prescribed “headline” discount rate is set at 4 percent real. However, because greenhouse gasses remain in the atmosphere for many generations, Green Transition projects have benefits that accrue over centuries. Furthermore, the Green Transition projects tend to be very capital intensive. The socio-economic analysis of such projects is therefore highly sensitive to this choice of discount rate. If the rate is “too high”, this is likely to lead to the “false” rejection of projects that will aid in the Green Transition. Energy regulation in Denmark therefore has an obligation to be certain about the discount rate that it applies in this context. It has also traditionally been outside the realm of the regulator to ensure alignment between the socio-eco-nomic and private ecosocio-eco-nomic desirable outcome. A starting point for the regulator, under the Green Transition, could be to explore whether there is indeed discrepancy between these outcomes in submitted pro-ject proposals.

Our analysis has revealed that the socio-economic and financial analy-ses of the Aalborg geothermal plant and its alternative contain a num-ber of different assumptions concerning discount rates, annuity rates and costs of capital, some of which differ markedly from the “headline”

4 percent real rate. For each input, the different underlying models incorporate relevant social, financial and commercial factors and reflect these into the rates that they use. But some of the differences in rates used are stark. Section 5.1 shows that the PRIMES model uses corpo-rate weighted average costs of capital that are 8 percent real and higher, while, in section 5.2, GCAM appears to be using rates of 13 percent.

By contrast, section 5.3 shows that the EVA model values environmen-tal damages using the standard 4 percent social discount rate that is also used in the socio-economic NPV calculation, while the financial analysis in section 5.4 uses an annuity rate of close to 1 percent real.

While all the different choices are carefully considered, what we cannot be confident about at this stage is their consistency. As described in Section 4, different OECD countries reach very different conclusions about how social discounting should be undertaken. Choices reflect different views on: (i) the relative weight placed on normative and positive considerations of social discounting, (ii) how discount rates should vary depending on the maturity of the project, and (iii) the treatment of systematic and other risks. The analysis undertaken with-in each country is very careful, but there are with-inconsistencies between different countries. To our knowledge, Danish energy authorities do not have any overarching economic, financial and ethical framework that ensures that intertemporal welfare matters are consistently applied in each of the different model inputs.

While it is particularly difficult to see why PRIMES and EVA use such different rates when they are both considering environmental damages, we should make it clear that using different rates in different contexts does not necessarily imply that there are inconsistencies between mod-els. There may be very good reasons why each applies a different social rate, bond yield, or WACC. Our central observation is that, currently,

Danish energy authorities may not be in a position to reach a conclu-sion on this issue one way or the other because each input model has been constructed independently of the others.

These issues potentially make a practical difference. While we do not necessarily advocate this approach, suppose that Danish energy regu-lation required municipalities to apply social discount rates uniform-ly across all inputs to the socio-economic anauniform-lysis. This policy choice would generally make Green Transition projects appear more attractive compared to their alternatives, given the long-term benefits that arise from them, meaning that there would be more rapid progress towards environmental targets. For example, a recent study of the Social Cost of Carbon that aligns the DICE climate-economics model with UN climate targets based on the use of risk-free social discount rates esti-mates a value of approximately USD100-200 per ton of CO2.69 This range is substantially higher than the values described in Section 5.1 and, if applied by the Aalborg municipal council, would likely lead to an even stronger case for the geothermal plant because of its lower emissions. While this change of modelling assumption would not alter the decision to invest in the geothermal plant in this instance, it might in other circumstances lead to the acceptance of some Green Transition projects that had previously been rejected in favour of the alternative.

This, in turn, will help the Danish government achieve its aim of cut-ting emissions by 70% before 2030.


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Bent Ole Gram Mortensen is a Professor of Environmental and Energy Law at the University of Southern Denmark. He has a background in law firms, the oil industry, the Danish Ministry of Justice and the university sector.

He is Vice Chairman of the Dan-ish Energy Board of Appeal.

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Birgitte Egelund Olsen is a Professor of Law at Aarhus Uni-versity and Chair of the Danish Environment and Food Board of Appeal. She is a member of the Danish Energy Board of Appeal and served as Chair of the Danish Wind Turbine Valuation Author-ity until 2019. Birgitte specializes in energy, climate and environ-mental law.

Birgitte Egelund Olsen

Carsten Smidt has been Director General at the Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) for almost three years. He graduated as an economist from the University of Copenhagen in 1998, and was formerly Deputy Director Gen-eral at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority for five years, where he was responsible for competition cases, analysis and regulatory models. This also included cases and development in relation to competition in the electricity and gas market.

Carsten Smidt

Daniel Møller Sneum holds a PhD in Flexible District Heating Systems from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in DTU’s Section for Energy Economics and System Analysis. Daniel’s research focuses on economic, regulatory and sector coupling aspects of heating.

He has previous experience as a former analyst in IEA and the Green Energy think tank.

Daniel Møller Sneum

Finn Arler, PhD, DSc, is a Professor at the Department of Planning, Aalborg University.

His research focuses on planning in relation to ethics, sustainabil-ity, justice and climate change landscape democracy, nature and biodiversity. His latest book is 'Ethics in Danish Energy Policy’

(Routledge 2020). He has been member of the Board of Repre-sentatives in NRGi for a decade.

Emilie Rosenlund Soysal is a Doctoral Researcher in the Public Economics and Climate Finance group at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The effect of capital market failures on investments in climate friendly technologies and the interaction between financial markets and climate policies are the main focal points of her research.

Frede Hvelplund is professor in energy planning, (Dr. Tech./social engineering), at the Department of Planning, Aalborg University.

His focus area is the Study of the relationship between energy policy, public participation, con-sumer ownership, environmental economics, and the development and implementation of renewable energy and energy conservation technologies. He has written several books and articles.

Finn Arler

Emilie Rosenlund Soysal Frederik Hvelplund

Frederik Roose Øvlisen, PhD, MSc (Econ) is Head of Division at the Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) and part-time lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen. With a background as a consultant in the energy sector, he is now head of the Centre of Analysis at the Danish Utility Regulator.

Frederik Roose Øvlisen

Karl Sperling works as an Associ-ate Professor at the Department of Planning, Aalborg University.

He works with energy planning and transition of energy systems to renewable energy. Lately, he has primarily worked with public regulation of the energy sector, focusing on wind power and district heating. He does research on ownership and organizational models and inclusion of citizens.

Karl Sperling Henrik Lund, PhD, D.Tech,

is a Professor in Energy Plan-ning at Aalborg University and Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier international journal, ENERGY.

He has written more than 400 articles on the topic and is on the Thomson Reuters list of the 1%

most highly cited researchers in the world. He is the architect be-hind the EnergyPLAN advanced energy system analysis software.

Henrik Lund

José Pablo Chaves is a research professor at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) at the Engineering School (ICAI) of Comillas Pontifical University.

He has the following positions:

Deputy Director for Research Development of IIT, lead of the Academy of the International Smart Grid Action Network and member of the Expert List of the Regional Commission of the Electrical Interconnection for Central American.

José Pablo Chaves Frikk Nesje is Assistant Professor

in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen.

He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Oslo and was previously a Research Fellow at Heidelberg University. His research and teaching interests lie within resource and environmen-tal economics, welfare economics, and game theory.

Frikk Nesje

Nicolás Morell is a PhD student working in electricity tariff design in the context of decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization at the Comillas Pontifical Univer-sity in Madrid. He has an MSc in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, and Master of Electricity Markets from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA.

Nicolás Morell Leonardo has a PhD in electrical

engineering from KU Leuven.

He works as an expert for EU institutions and regulatory agen-cies. He is a Professor of Strategy and Corporate Affairs at Vlerick Business School and a Professor at the European University Institute where he contributes to the activities of the Florence School of Regulation.

Leonardo Meeus

Manuel Llorca is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (Copenhagen Business School).

He was a Research Fellow at Dur-ham University Business School and Early Career Fellow at Dur-ham Energy Institute (DurDur-ham University). He holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Economics (Universities of the Basque Coun-try, Cantabria, and Oviedo).

Manuel Llorca

Mark Freeman is Dean and Pro-fessor of Finance at the University of York Management School. He holds a first class degree in Mathe-matics from Nottingham Univer-sity and a PhD in Finance from Warwick Business School. Mark’s research interests focus on very long-term, often intergenerational, problems in cost-benefit analysis and portfolio management.

Mark Freeman

Ole Odgaard (born 1958) holds a PhD and is a freelance consultant.

He was employed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 5 years and by the Danish Energy Agency for 20 years as a senior advisor until September 2019. He has extensive experience in energy policies, heat planning and district heating reforms. He has written two books and about 80 articles.

Ole Odgaard

Peter Møllgaard is Chairman of the Danish Council on Cli-mate Change and Dean of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. He has experience integrating renewable energy into the electric power sys-tem and researching regulation and competition policy. He previously served as a member of the Board at Energinet and the government-ap-pointed Energy Commission.

Peter Møllgaard

Søren Djørup is a Senior Re-searcher at NORCE, Norway. He is an economist and holds a PhD in Sustainable Energy Planning, Aalborg University (2016).

Djørup has published journal arti-cles and book chapters on energy markets, renewable energy, energy efficiency, ownership in energy sectors, and policies for transition to renewable energy systems.

Søren Djørup

Tim Schittekatte is a Research Associate at th¬e Florence School of Regulation (FSR) and is affiliated with the Vlerick Energy Centre in Brussels. Tim holds a PhD in Energy Economics from University Paris-Sud XI. Tim’s interests lie within the fields of EU electricity market design and energy infrastructure regulation.

Tim Schittekatte

Tomás Gómez is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Comillas University. He has been the Director of Instituto de Investi-gación Tecnológica and Vice-Rec-tor of Research, Development and Innovation at Comillas. His areas of interest lie within economics, regulation of the energy sector and integration of renewable energy resources. He served as a Commissioner on the Spanish Energy Regulatory Commission.

Tomás Gómez

Tooraj Jamasb is a CBS Endowed Professor of Energy Economics and Director for the Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure.

He is also a Research Associate at the Energy Policy Research Group (University of Cambridge), the Centre for Energy and Environ-mental Policy Research (Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology) and the Oviedo Efficiency Group (University of Oviedo).

Tooraj Jamasb

In document IN THE GREEN (Sider 111-119)