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In document Proximity Door Locking (Sider 96-101)

Smartphones today have many sensors, some of these work quite well, and some of them are only good enough for what they are currently used for.

The inertial sensors of accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetic field sensor work well enough for rotating the content on the screen, as input for video games, for creating a visual compass, or for counting steps. Unfortunately, the sensors are quite noisy and the measured acceleration is not accurate enough for calculating velocity or direction of movement. The inertial sensors in ships and airplanes work because they are significantly larger with less noise and drift, they are also fixed in position such that the directions are always the same. Even with the much better accuracy of the inertial navigation systems, they rely on GPS signals to compensate for the drift that they are also affected by. If the inertial sensors in smartphones were accurate enough to get usable data for more than three seconds at a time, there would still need to be a compensation for drift that should be possible without GPS as the application is intended to work indoors where GPS is not always available.

Indoor positioning is possible with the use of Wifi, but because the received signals strength, which is used for determining the position, varies by up to 10 dBm an average of a number of samples is needed for accuracy. The Wifi BroadcastReceiver that is registered in the application receives a new measurement once every three seconds which is not quite fast enough to get precision close to the 3.5 meters that GPS can provide if the phone is being moved around at walking speed. The network location provided by Google only updates every 20 seconds and does not seem to get more precise than 20 meters.

The GPS and Bluetooth both work well with quick updates and reliable data. However, the distance from which the BeKey can actually be unlocked reliably is less than four meters from the lock. This gives the application a couple of seconds to decide whether to unlock or not and unlock the door. The time it takes from pressing the button in the BeKey application and the lock starts moving can be close to one second. Ideally the lock should have a longer communication range if the user is supposed to be able to open the door as soon as they reach it.

Starting data collection based on geofences works surprisingly well, but because of the

network locations time between location updates and because these locations are po-tentially only accurate to within a kilometer, the geofences need to be larger than first anticipated.


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In document Proximity Door Locking (Sider 96-101)