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In document Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence (Sider 95-102)



Bluefragments were quite different compared to their clients and only a few aspects of their respective perceptions were aligned. For instance, there was no unanimous agreement on a

definition of AI between Bluefragments and their respective clients. These findings were vital for the analysis of how and why Bluefragments have used Ready-Made-AI as the technological frame of reference.

Lastly, we analysed how Ready-Made-AI had been the determinant factor for successful collaborations despite different perceptions of AI. Ready-Made-AI has embraced the differences of their definitions and been used to create common ground between Bluefragments and their respective clients. Ready-Made-AI has not been explicitly used as the clients were not quite sure what it was, when asked. However, the awareness of Ready-Made-AI was less important as Bluefragments used the concept to discuss, with their clients, how AI could be used in the specific projects for the specific company. The actual discussion that came from using Ready-Made-AI was the reason behind the successful collaborations. Ready-Made-AI has clearly showed that a

conceptual definition of AI has not been needed, as Ready-Made-AI relies on a discussion of how AI is perceived by the individual clients and how they want AI to be incorporated into the organisation.

The reason why Bluefragments have succeeded in establishing a shared technological frame of reference is because they have focused on the establishment of a shared terminology, which focuses on work coordination rather than an explicit conceptualisation of a definition of AI. This lack of definition has led us to conclude that a discussion regarding an explicit definition has not been needed since all three clients believe they have had a successful collaboration.

We initially thought that a successful collaboration was dependent on conceptual

congruence, but that has proven to not be the case. There was no need for an explicit definition of AI as Ready-Made-AI has been used as a way to facilitate a discussion about what practical needs an AI should be able to fulfil in a specific company - for a specific purpose. Meaning, that what has been framed should be understood as a work coordinating terminology and not as a conceptualisation of AI. This focus on the establishment on a terminology, which facilitates a practical collaboration, should not be misunderstood as a way for Bluefragments to avoid talking about the conceptual aspects of AI. Although the conceptual aspects have not been explicitly discussed, they have been implicitly incorporated into Bluefragments’ approach to a specific client, as seen with the

idiosyncratic definition of a bot in a specific organisational context.

Bluefragments listen intently to their clients to decipher what their clients desire from the AI and how they imagine it working in order to provide a solution, which lives up to that expectation.

Meaning, that AI is a fluid concept, which can be moulded to fit the situation and the company. As


Martinsen say, “AI is actually nothing”, for him does not matter whether he agrees with his clients on a definition as long as the terminology that has been established allows them to work together.

Bluefragments have thereby been able to succeed in establishing a shared technological

frame of reference between themselves and their clients by using Ready-Made-AI to discuss the

opportunities and technicalities for the specific projects for the respective clients.


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