• Ingen resultater fundet

PAPER 3 136

6. Conclusion

This paper is driven by the use case of operating an e-commerce platform in Europe deploying an

"in-the-wild" testing method using four distributed data replication platforms. The use case provides the benchmark for system performance and the topology of the network and infrastructure. Two readily available BFT blockchain platforms, Quorum and Tendermint, one CFT blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, and one CFT data streaming platform, Apache Kafka, are tested and compared. The overall finding is that the CFT data streaming implementation is significantly faster than the BFT platforms is unsurprising.

Surprising, however, is that the CFT blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, which uses Kafka as an ordering service, performs so differently from a stand -alone implementation of Apache Kafka.

One would expect a more uniform performance improvement. Nevertheless, Gorenflo et al.

(2020) present a study of the bottlenecks in Hyperledger Fabric, which can be summarized as message communication overhead internal to architecture.

However, this paper's main contribution is to quantify how much faster CFT laid bare is compared to BFT for the same use case running on the same hardware and network infrastructure.

Quantifying this difference is a way of putting a price on decentralized trust as a system feature and provides robust evidence to consider carefully whether the decentralized trust is essential.

Concerning the use case, it is also clear that BFT protocols, running on standardized cloud infrastructure with realistic transaction volumes and sizes, are not sufficiently performant on an EU scale and only just adequate to work on a national scale. These results imply that the implication on accounting and compliance reporting based on this study is limited.

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