• Ingen resultater fundet

APPENDIX 3 – Quantitative questionnaire

1. Are you a member of The National Church of Denmark?

 Yes

 No

2. How often do you go to church?

 Only at a baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral

 Once every six months – for worship service, concerts, lectures etc.

 Once every three months – for worship service, concerts, lectures etc.

 Once a month – for worship service, concerts, lectures etc.

 Once a week – for worship service, concerts, lectures etc.

 More than that.

3. Where do you live?

 City – KBH

 Christianshavn

 Vesterbro

 Østerbro

 Nørrebro

 Frederiksberg

 Valby/Vanløse

 Brønshøj/Bispebjerg

 Amager

 Storkøbenhavn

 Sjælland

 Other (please state) 4. Age

 Under 18

 18-20

 21-25

 26-30

 31-35

 36-40

 Over 40 5. Gender

 Male

 Female

6. What is the highest level of education that you have achieved?

 Public school

 General gymnasium education (STX, HF)

 Vocational gymnasium education (HHX, HTX)

 Vocational education

 Short, higher education (2-3 years)

 Medium long, higher education (3-4½ years)

 Bachelor

 Long, higher education (5-6 years or more)

7. Which of the options below describes your current situation best?

 Student

 Employed, full time

 Employed, part time

 Unemployed

 Other (please state)

“In the following section, the notion of “church-related activities” will be used. This can be concerts, lectures, work shops etc. The common nominator for these activities is that they can be held in the every day of the week, and have therefore nothing to do with baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral. The activities do however take place at the physical room of the church.

Further, the notion of “religious aspect” will be used. This should be understood as stories about God and Jesus, and when sections from the Bible are mentioned in general.”

8. How likely is it that you will participate in a church-related activity?

 Very likely, Likely, Neither / Or, Unlikely, Very unlikely

9. I find a church-related activity uninteresting, if it has too much emphasis on the biblical stories.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

10. I am indifferent towards the religious aspect of TNCOD.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

11. Before I would even consider participating in a church-related activity, the religious aspect had to be played down.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

12. If there was less focus on the religious aspect, I would be more open towards new church-related activities.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

13. Before I would even consider participating in a church-related activity, I had to know someone who already did it.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

14. I need to know that there are people I know at a church-related activity if I am to participate.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

15. If people I know find it embarrassing to go to church-related activities, it would keep me from participating.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

16. I would definitely participate in a church-related activity, if people I know also did it.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

17. If people I know, recommended a church-related activity, I did not need to know what is was about, in order to participate.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

18. Even if it would not appeal to me, I still would consider participating in a church-related activity, if people I know did it as well.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

19. If people I know like a church-related activity, it will suffice for me, in order to participate in it as well.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

20. I would be more motivated to participate in a church-related activity, if it was about something that I could recognize from my own everyday life.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

21. If the church replaced the biblical stories with present examples, I would be more motivated to participate in church-related activities.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

22. TNCOD needs to create activities, which are based on present and up-to-date topics, if they are to catch my attention.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

23. I associate TNCOD with the word “Charity” (næstekærlighed).

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

24. TNCOD is good at spread the message that you should do something good for others.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

25. “Unselfish deeds” is a notion I would use if I had to describe what TNCOD stands for.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

26. I think, TNCOD is creating a feeling in the society that we as humans should look out for one another.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

27. I find it interesting to hear stories about people who have done something nice for others.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

28. I think it would be interesting if TNCOD could share such stories.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

29. If TNCOD made activities that were based on such everyday stories, I would be more motivated to participate in these activities.

 Strongly agree, Agree, Neither / Or, Disagree, Strongly disagree.

Thank you for your participation.

If you want to take part in the competition of winning two tickets for the movies, you need to enter you e-mail address below.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40

Number of Respondents

Age Groups